28,795 research outputs found

    Approximation of epidemic models by diffusion processes and their statistical inference

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    Multidimensional continuous-time Markov jump processes (Z(t))(Z(t)) on Zp\mathbb{Z}^p form a usual set-up for modeling SIRSIR-like epidemics. However, when facing incomplete epidemic data, inference based on (Z(t))(Z(t)) is not easy to be achieved. Here, we start building a new framework for the estimation of key parameters of epidemic models based on statistics of diffusion processes approximating (Z(t))(Z(t)). First, \previous results on the approximation of density-dependent SIRSIR-like models by diffusion processes with small diffusion coefficient 1N\frac{1}{\sqrt{N}}, where NN is the population size, are generalized to non-autonomous systems. Second, our previous inference results on discretely observed diffusion processes with small diffusion coefficient are extended to time-dependent diffusions. Consistent and asymptotically Gaussian estimates are obtained for a fixed number nn of observations, which corresponds to the epidemic context, and for N→∞N\rightarrow \infty. A correction term, which yields better estimates non asymptotically, is also included. Finally, performances and robustness of our estimators with respect to various parameters such as R0R_0 (the basic reproduction number), NN, nn are investigated on simulations. Two models, SIRSIR and SIRSSIRS, corresponding to single and recurrent outbreaks, respectively, are used to simulate data. The findings indicate that our estimators have good asymptotic properties and behave noticeably well for realistic numbers of observations and population sizes. This study lays the foundations of a generic inference method currently under extension to incompletely observed epidemic data. Indeed, contrary to the majority of current inference techniques for partially observed processes, which necessitates computer intensive simulations, our method being mostly an analytical approach requires only the classical optimization steps.Comment: 30 pages, 10 figure

    Levy process simulation by stochastic step functions

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    We study a Monte Carlo algorithm for simulation of probability distributions based on stochastic step functions, and compare to the traditional Metropolis/Hastings method. Unlike the latter, the step function algorithm can produce an uncorrelated Markov chain. We apply this method to the simulation of Levy processes, for which simulation of uncorrelated jumps are essential. We perform numerical tests consisting of simulation from probability distributions, as well as simulation of Levy process paths. The Levy processes include a jump-diffusion with a Gaussian Levy measure, as well as jump-diffusion approximations of the infinite activity NIG and CGMY processes. To increase efficiency of the step function method, and to decrease correlations in the Metropolis/Hastings method, we introduce adaptive hybrid algorithms which employ uncorrelated draws from an adaptive discrete distribution defined on a space of subdivisions of the Levy measure space. The nonzero correlations in Metropolis/Hastings simulations result in heavy tails for the Levy process distribution at any fixed time. This problem is eliminated in the step function approach. In each case of the Gaussian, NIG and CGMY processes, we compare the distribution at t=1 with exact results and note the superiority of the step function approach.Comment: 20 pages, 18 figure

    An Unstructured Mesh Convergent Reaction-Diffusion Master Equation for Reversible Reactions

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    The convergent reaction-diffusion master equation (CRDME) was recently developed to provide a lattice particle-based stochastic reaction-diffusion model that is a convergent approximation in the lattice spacing to an underlying spatially-continuous particle dynamics model. The CRDME was designed to be identical to the popular lattice reaction-diffusion master equation (RDME) model for systems with only linear reactions, while overcoming the RDME's loss of bimolecular reaction effects as the lattice spacing is taken to zero. In our original work we developed the CRDME to handle bimolecular association reactions on Cartesian grids. In this work we develop several extensions to the CRDME to facilitate the modeling of cellular processes within realistic biological domains. Foremost, we extend the CRDME to handle reversible bimolecular reactions on unstructured grids. Here we develop a generalized CRDME through discretization of the spatially continuous volume reactivity model, extending the CRDME to encompass a larger variety of particle-particle interactions. Finally, we conclude by examining several numerical examples to demonstrate the convergence and accuracy of the CRDME in approximating the volume reactivity model.Comment: 35 pages, 9 figures. Accepted, J. Comp. Phys. (2018

    CTRW Pathways to the Fractional Diffusion Equation

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    The foundations of the fractional diffusion equation are investigated based on coupled and decoupled continuous time random walks (CTRW). For this aim we find an exact solution of the decoupled CTRW, in terms of an infinite sum of stable probability densities. This exact solution is then used to understand the meaning and domain of validity of the fractional diffusion equation. An interesting behavior is discussed for coupled memories (i.e., L\'evy walks). The moments of the random walk exhibit strong anomalous diffusion, indicating (in a naive way) the breakdown of simple scaling behavior and hence of the fractional approximation. Still the Green function P(x,t)P(x,t) is described well by the fractional diffusion equation, in the long time limit.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    The delayed uncoupled continuous-time random walks do not provide a model for the telegraph equation

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    It has been alleged in several papers that the so called delayed continuous-time random walks (DCTRWs) provide a model for the one-dimensional telegraph equation at microscopic level. This conclusion, being widespread now, is strange, since the telegraph equation describes phenomena with finite propagation speed, while the velocity of the motion of particles in the DCTRWs is infinite. In this paper we investigate how accurate are the approximations to the DCTRWs provided by the telegraph equation. We show that the diffusion equation, being the correct limit of the DCTRWs, gives better approximations in L2L_2 norm to the DCTRWs than the telegraph equation. We conclude therefore that, first, the DCTRWs do not provide any correct microscopic interpretation of the one-dimensional telegraph equation, and second, the kinetic (exact) model of the telegraph equation is different from the model based on the DCTRWs.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figure
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