2 research outputs found

    Challenges, Success and Utilization of Enterprise Systems: A Comparative Study of Canadian and American Large Corporations

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    This study proposes measurement systems for assessing the success of implementation, challenges of implementation and success of utilization of enterprise systems. The proposed measurement systems are used empirically to assess the level of success and challenges of a sample of 2500 Canadian and American large corporations in the implementation of enterprise systems. Based on the findings of the study, a comparative analysis of the Canadian and American corporation is presented. The findings show that US firms are more successful in following their ES implementation master plan, in implementation of ES, and face fewer challenges. However, we did not find a significant difference between Canadian and US firms in success of utilization of ES

    Uvođenje ERP sustava u sektoru brzog kretanja potrošačkih roba

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    Today\u27s businesses have become extremely complex. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems can help enterprises to reduce operating costs, generate more accurate forecasts of demand, accelerate production cycles and enhance customer service. This paper reports challenges, opportunities and outcome of ERP implementation in a top Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) house in South-East Asia with diversified interests in varied businesses. This study will facilitate the understanding of the transition, constraints and implementation of ERP in this sector and also provide guidelines from lessons learned in this regard to researchers and practising managers.Današnja su poduzeća postala vrlo složena. Sustavi planiranja resursa poduzeća (ERP - Enterprise Resource Planning sustavi) mogu pomoći poduzećima da smanje operativne troškove, točnije prognoziraju potražnju, ubrzaju proizvodne cikluse i poboljšaju usluge korisnicima. U radu su izloženi izazovi, mogućnosti i ishod primjene ERP sustava u jednoj od najvažnijih tvrtki koja se bavi brzim kretanjem potrošačkih roba (FMCG - Fast Moving Consumer Goods) u jugoistočnoj Aziji uz raznoliki interes u raznovrsnom poslu. Ova studija će olakšati razumijevanje tranzicije, ograničenje i uvođenje ERP sustava u ovom sektoru, a također će pružiti smjernice iz naučenih lekcija istraživačima i menadžerima vježbenicima