1 research outputs found

    An approach for transgender population information extraction and summarization from clinical trial text

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    Abstract Background Gender information frequently exists in the eligibility criteria of clinical trial text as essential information for participant population recruitment. Particularly, current eligibility criteria text contains the incompleteness and ambiguity issues in expressing transgender population, leading to difficulties or even failure of transgender population recruitment in clinical trial studies. Methods A new gender model is proposed for providing comprehensive transgender requirement specification. In addition, an automated approach is developed to extract and summarize gender requirements from unstructured text in accordance with the gender model. This approach consists of: 1) the feature extraction module, and 2) the feature summarization module. The first module identifies and extracts gender features using heuristic rules and automatically-generated patterns. The second module summarizes gender requirements by relation inference. Results Based on 100,134 clinical trials from ClinicalTrials.gov, our approach was compared with 20 commonly applied machine learning methods. It achieved a macro-averaged precision of 0.885, a macro-averaged recall of 0.871 and a macro-averaged F1-measure of 0.878. The results illustrated that our approach outperformed all baseline methods in terms of both commonly used metrics and macro-averaged metrics. Conclusions This study presented a new gender model aiming for specifying the transgender requirement more precisely. We also proposed an approach for gender information extraction and summarization from unstructured clinical text to enhance transgender-related clinical trial population recruitment. The experiment results demonstrated that the approach was effective in transgender criteria extraction and summarization