6,898 research outputs found

    One-Class Semi-Supervised Learning: Detecting Linearly Separable Class by its Mean

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    In this paper, we presented a novel semi-supervised one-class classification algorithm which assumes that class is linearly separable from other elements. We proved theoretically that class is linearly separable if and only if it is maximal by probability within the sets with the same mean. Furthermore, we presented an algorithm for identifying such linearly separable class utilizing linear programming. We described three application cases including an assumption of linear separability, Gaussian distribution, and the case of linear separability in transformed space of kernel functions. Finally, we demonstrated the work of the proposed algorithm on the USPS dataset and analyzed the relationship of the performance of the algorithm and the size of the initially labeled sample

    Discrete R\'enyi Classifiers

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    Consider the binary classification problem of predicting a target variable YY from a discrete feature vector X=(X1,...,Xd)X = (X_1,...,X_d). When the probability distribution P(X,Y)\mathbb{P}(X,Y) is known, the optimal classifier, leading to the minimum misclassification rate, is given by the Maximum A-posteriori Probability decision rule. However, estimating the complete joint distribution P(X,Y)\mathbb{P}(X,Y) is computationally and statistically impossible for large values of dd. An alternative approach is to first estimate some low order marginals of P(X,Y)\mathbb{P}(X,Y) and then design the classifier based on the estimated low order marginals. This approach is also helpful when the complete training data instances are not available due to privacy concerns. In this work, we consider the problem of finding the optimum classifier based on some estimated low order marginals of (X,Y)(X,Y). We prove that for a given set of marginals, the minimum Hirschfeld-Gebelein-Renyi (HGR) correlation principle introduced in [1] leads to a randomized classification rule which is shown to have a misclassification rate no larger than twice the misclassification rate of the optimal classifier. Then, under a separability condition, we show that the proposed algorithm is equivalent to a randomized linear regression approach. In addition, this method naturally results in a robust feature selection method selecting a subset of features having the maximum worst case HGR correlation with the target variable. Our theoretical upper-bound is similar to the recent Discrete Chebyshev Classifier (DCC) approach [2], while the proposed algorithm has significant computational advantages since it only requires solving a least square optimization problem. Finally, we numerically compare our proposed algorithm with the DCC classifier and show that the proposed algorithm results in better misclassification rate over various datasets

    simode: R Package for statistical inference of ordinary differential equations using separable integral-matching

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    In this paper we describe simode: Separable Integral Matching for Ordinary Differential Equations. The statistical methodologies applied in the package focus on several minimization procedures of an integral-matching criterion function, taking advantage of the mathematical structure of the differential equations like separability of parameters from equations. Application of integral based methods to parameter estimation of ordinary differential equations was shown to yield more accurate and stable results comparing to derivative based ones. Linear features such as separability were shown to ease optimization and inference. We demonstrate the functionalities of the package using various systems of ordinary differential equations

    An improved semidefinite programming hierarchy for testing entanglement

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    We present a stronger version of the Doherty-Parrilo-Spedalieri (DPS) hierarchy of approximations for the set of separable states. Unlike DPS, our hierarchy converges exactly at a finite number of rounds for any fixed input dimension. This yields an algorithm for separability testing which is singly exponential in dimension and polylogarithmic in accuracy. Our analysis makes use of tools from algebraic geometry, but our algorithm is elementary and differs from DPS only by one simple additional collection of constraints.Comment: 22 pages. v2: published version, adds numerical results. Matlab code available at https://github.com/isobovine/dpsplus

    Wideband Massive MIMO Channel Estimation via Sequential Atomic Norm Minimization

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    The recently introduced atomic norm minimization (ANM) framework for parameter estimation is a promising candidate towards low overhead channel estimation in wireless communications. However, previous works on ANM-based channel estimation evaluated performance on channels with artificially imposed channel path separability, which cannot be guaranteed in practice. In addition, direct application of the ANM framework for massive MIMO channel estimation is computationally infeasible due to the large dimensions. In this paper, a low-complexity ANM-based channel estimator for wideband massive MIMO is proposed, consisting of two sequential steps, the first estimating the channel over the spatial and the second over the frequency dimension. Its mean squared error performance is analytically characterized in terms of tight lower bounds. It is shown that the proposed algorithm achieves excellent performance that is close to the best that can be achieved by any unbiased channel estimator in the regime of low to moderate number of channel paths, without any restrictions on their separability.Comment: extended version of paper submitted to globalSIP 201

    Necessary and Sufficient Conditions and a Provably Efficient Algorithm for Separable Topic Discovery

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    We develop necessary and sufficient conditions and a novel provably consistent and efficient algorithm for discovering topics (latent factors) from observations (documents) that are realized from a probabilistic mixture of shared latent factors that have certain properties. Our focus is on the class of topic models in which each shared latent factor contains a novel word that is unique to that factor, a property that has come to be known as separability. Our algorithm is based on the key insight that the novel words correspond to the extreme points of the convex hull formed by the row-vectors of a suitably normalized word co-occurrence matrix. We leverage this geometric insight to establish polynomial computation and sample complexity bounds based on a few isotropic random projections of the rows of the normalized word co-occurrence matrix. Our proposed random-projections-based algorithm is naturally amenable to an efficient distributed implementation and is attractive for modern web-scale distributed data mining applications.Comment: Typo corrected; Revised argument in Lemma 3 and

    Nonnegative Matrix Factorization for Signal and Data Analytics: Identifiability, Algorithms, and Applications

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    Nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF) has become a workhorse for signal and data analytics, triggered by its model parsimony and interpretability. Perhaps a bit surprisingly, the understanding to its model identifiability---the major reason behind the interpretability in many applications such as topic mining and hyperspectral imaging---had been rather limited until recent years. Beginning from the 2010s, the identifiability research of NMF has progressed considerably: Many interesting and important results have been discovered by the signal processing (SP) and machine learning (ML) communities. NMF identifiability has a great impact on many aspects in practice, such as ill-posed formulation avoidance and performance-guaranteed algorithm design. On the other hand, there is no tutorial paper that introduces NMF from an identifiability viewpoint. In this paper, we aim at filling this gap by offering a comprehensive and deep tutorial on model identifiability of NMF as well as the connections to algorithms and applications. This tutorial will help researchers and graduate students grasp the essence and insights of NMF, thereby avoiding typical `pitfalls' that are often times due to unidentifiable NMF formulations. This paper will also help practitioners pick/design suitable factorization tools for their own problems.Comment: accepted version, IEEE Signal Processing Magazine; supplementary materials added. Some minor revisions implemente

    On the Upper Limit of Separability

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    We propose an approach to rapidly find the upper limit of separability between datasets that is directly applicable to HEP classification problems. The most common HEP classification task is to use nn values (variables) for an object (event) to estimate the probability that it is signal vs. background. Most techniques first use known samples to identify differences in how signal and background events are distributed throughout the nn-dimensional variable space, then use those differences to classify events of unknown type. Qualitatively, the greater the differences, the more effectively one can classify events of unknown type. We will show that the Mutual Information (MI) between the nn-dimensional signal-background mixed distribution and the answers for the known events, tells us the upper-limit of separation for that set of nn variables. We will then compare that value to the Jensen-Shannon Divergence between the output distributions from a classifier to test whether it has extracted all possible information from the input variables. We will also discuss speed improvements to a standard method for calculating MI. Our approach will allow one to: a) quickly measure the maximum possible effectiveness of a large number of potential discriminating variables independent of any specific classification algorithm, b) identify potential discriminating variables that are redundant, and c) determine whether a classification algorithm has achieved the maximum possible separation. We test these claims first on simple distributions and then on Monte Carlo samples generated for Supersymmetry and Higgs searches. In all cases, we were able to a) predict the separation that a classification algorithm would reach, b) identify variables that carried no additional discriminating power, and c) identify whether an algorithm had reached the optimum separation. Our code is publicly available

    Relaxations of separability in multipartite systems: Semidefinite programs, witnesses and volumes

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    While entanglement is believed to be an important ingredient in understanding quantum many-body physics, the complexity of its characterization scales very unfavorably with the size of the system. Finding super-sets of the set of separable states that admit a simpler description has proven to be a fruitful approach in the bipartite setting. In this paper we discuss a systematic way of characterizing multiparticle entanglement via various relaxations. We furthermore describe an operational witness construction arising from such relaxations that is capable of detecting every entangled state. Finally, we also derive an analytic upper-bound on the volume of biseparable states and show that the volume of the states with a positive partial transpose for any split rapidly outgrows this volume. This proves that simple semi-definite relaxations in the multiparticle case cannot be an equally good approximation for any scenario.Comment: 26 pages. In v2: proposed SDP implemented, analytical example included, typos corrected, references added (published version

    Sum-rate Maximization in Sub-28 GHz Millimeter-Wave MIMO Interfering Networks

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    MIMO systems in the lower part of the millimeter-wave spectrum band (i.e., below 28 GHz) do not exhibit enough directivity and selectively, as their counterparts in higher bands of the spectrum (i.e., above 60 GHz), and thus still suffer from the detrimental effect of interference, on the system sum-rate. As such systems exhibit large numbers of antennas and short coherence times for the channel, traditional methods of distributed coordination are ill-suited, and the resulting communication overhead would offset the gains of coordination. In this work, we propose algorithms for tackling the sum-rate maximization problem, that are designed to address the above limitations. We derive a lower bound on the sum-rate, a so-called DLT bound (i.e., a difference of log and trace), shed light on its tightness, and highlight its decoupled nature at both the transmitters and receivers. Moreover, we derive the solution to each of the subproblems, that we dub non-homogeneous waterfilling (a variation on the MIMO waterfilling solution), and underline an inherent desirable feature: its ability to turn-off streams exhibiting low-SINR, and contribute to greatly speeding up the convergence of the proposed algorithm. We then show the convergence of the resulting algorithm, max-DLT, to a stationary point of the DLT bound. Finally, we rely on extensive simulations of various network configurations, to establish the fast-converging nature of our proposed schemes, and thus their suitability for addressing the short coherence interval, as well as the increased system dimensions, arising when managing interference in lower bands of the millimeter wave spectrum. Moreover, our results also suggest that interference management still brings about significant performance gains, especially in dense deployments.Comment: 16 page
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