1,919 research outputs found

    An Analog Electronic Cochlea

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    An engineered system that hears, such as a speech recognizer, can be designed by modeling the cochlea, or inner ear, and higher levels of the auditory nervous system. To be useful in such a system, a model of the cochlea should incorporate a variety of known effects, such as an asymmetric low-pass/bandpass response at each output channel, a short ringing time, and active adaptation to a wide range of input signal levels. An analog electronic cochlea has been built in CMOS VLSI technology using micropower techniques to achieve this goal of usefulness via realism. The key point of the model and circuit is that a cascade of simple, nearly linear, second-order filter stages with controllable Q parameters suffices to capture the physics of the fluid-dynamic traveling-wave system in the cochlea, including the effects of adaptation and active gain involving the outer hair cells. Measurements on the test chip suggest that the circuit matches both the theory and observations from real cochleas

    An analog electronic cochlea

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    An analog electronic cochlea has been built in CMOS VLSI technology using micropower techniques. The key point of the model and circuit is that a cascade of simple, nearly linear, second-order filter stages with controllable Q parameters suffices to capture the physics of the fluid-dynamic traveling-wave system in the cochlea, including the effects of adaptation and active gain involving the outer hair cells. Measurements on the test chip suggest that the circuit matches both the theory and observations from real cochleas

    An analog electronic cochlea

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    Design of a silicon cochlea system with biologically faithful response

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    This paper presents the design and simulation results of a silicon cochlea system that has closely similar behavior as the real cochlea. A cochlea filter-bank based on the improved three-stage filter cascade structure is used to model the frequency decomposition function of the basilar membrane; a filter tuning block is designed to model the adaptive response of the cochlea; besides, an asynchronous event-triggered spike codec is employed as the system interface with bank-end spiking neural networks. As shown in the simulation results, the system has biologically faithful frequency response, impulse response, and active adaptation behavior; also the system outputs multiple band-pass channels of spikes from which the original sound input can be recovered. The proposed silicon cochlea is feasible for analog VLSI implementation so that it not only emulates the way that sounds are preprocessed in human ears but also is able match the compact physical size of a real cochlea

    Musical notes classification with Neuromorphic Auditory System using FPGA and a Convolutional Spiking Network

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    In this paper, we explore the capabilities of a sound classification system that combines both a novel FPGA cochlear model implementation and a bio-inspired technique based on a trained convolutional spiking network. The neuromorphic auditory system that is used in this work produces a form of representation that is analogous to the spike outputs of the biological cochlea. The auditory system has been developed using a set of spike-based processing building blocks in the frequency domain. They form a set of band pass filters in the spike-domain that splits the audio information in 128 frequency channels, 64 for each of two audio sources. Address Event Representation (AER) is used to communicate the auditory system with the convolutional spiking network. A layer of convolutional spiking network is developed and trained on a computer with the ability to detect two kinds of sound: artificial pure tones in the presence of white noise and electronic musical notes. After the training process, the presented system is able to distinguish the different sounds in real-time, even in the presence of white noise.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TEC2012-37868-C04-0

    Neuromorphic analogue VLSI

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    Neuromorphic systems emulate the organization and function of nervous systems. They are usually composed of analogue electronic circuits that are fabricated in the complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) medium using very large-scale integration (VLSI) technology. However, these neuromorphic systems are not another kind of digital computer in which abstract neural networks are simulated symbolically in terms of their mathematical behavior. Instead, they directly embody, in the physics of their CMOS circuits, analogues of the physical processes that underlie the computations of neural systems. The significance of neuromorphic systems is that they offer a method of exploring neural computation in a medium whose physical behavior is analogous to that of biological nervous systems and that operates in real time irrespective of size. The implications of this approach are both scientific and practical. The study of neuromorphic systems provides a bridge between levels of understanding. For example, it provides a link between the physical processes of neurons and their computational significance. In addition, the synthesis of neuromorphic systems transposes our knowledge of neuroscience into practical devices that can interact directly with the real world in the same way that biological nervous systems do

    A Binaural Neuromorphic Auditory Sensor for FPGA: A Spike Signal Processing Approach

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    This paper presents a new architecture, design flow, and field-programmable gate array (FPGA) implementation analysis of a neuromorphic binaural auditory sensor, designed completely in the spike domain. Unlike digital cochleae that decompose audio signals using classical digital signal processing techniques, the model presented in this paper processes information directly encoded as spikes using pulse frequency modulation and provides a set of frequency-decomposed audio information using an address-event representation interface. In this case, a systematic approach to design led to a generic process for building, tuning, and implementing audio frequency decomposers with different features, facilitating synthesis with custom features. This allows researchers to implement their own parameterized neuromorphic auditory systems in a low-cost FPGA in order to study the audio processing and learning activity that takes place in the brain. In this paper, we present a 64-channel binaural neuromorphic auditory system implemented in a Virtex-5 FPGA using a commercial development board. The system was excited with a diverse set of audio signals in order to analyze its response and characterize its features. The neuromorphic auditory system response times and frequencies are reported. The experimental results of the proposed system implementation with 64-channel stereo are: a frequency range between 9.6 Hz and 14.6 kHz (adjustable), a maximum output event rate of 2.19 Mevents/s, a power consumption of 29.7 mW, the slices requirements of 11 141, and a system clock frequency of 27 MHz.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TEC2012-37868-C04-02Junta de Andalucía P12-TIC-130

    A silicon model of auditory localization

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    The barn owl accurately localizes sounds in the azimuthal plane, using interaural time difference as a cue. The time-coding pathway in the owl's brainstem encodes a neural map of azimuth, by processing interaural timing information. We have built a silicon model of the time-coding pathway of the owl. The integrated circuit models the structure as well as the function of the pathway; most subcircuits in the chip have an anatomical correlate. The chip computes all outputs in real time, using analog, continuous-time processing

    A CMOS VLSI cochlea

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    An engineered system that hears, such as a speech recognizer, can be designed by modeling the cochlea, or inner ear, and higher levels of the auditory nervous system. To be useful in such a system, a model of the cochlea should incorporate a variety of known effects, such as an asymmetric lowpass/bandpass response at each output channel, a short ringing time, and active adaptation to a wide range of input signal levels. An analog electronic cochlea has been built in CMOS VLSI technology using micropower techniques to achieve this goal of usefulness via realism. The key point of the model and circuit is that a cascade of simple, nearly linear, second-order filter stages with controllable Q parameters suffices to capture the physics of the fluid-dynamic traveling-wave system in the cochlea, including the effects of adaptation and active gain involving the outer hair cells. Measurements on the test chip suggest that the circuit matches both the theory and observations from real cochleas

    Supervised Learning in Spiking Neural Networks with Phase-Change Memory Synapses

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    Spiking neural networks (SNN) are artificial computational models that have been inspired by the brain's ability to naturally encode and process information in the time domain. The added temporal dimension is believed to render them more computationally efficient than the conventional artificial neural networks, though their full computational capabilities are yet to be explored. Recently, computational memory architectures based on non-volatile memory crossbar arrays have shown great promise to implement parallel computations in artificial and spiking neural networks. In this work, we experimentally demonstrate for the first time, the feasibility to realize high-performance event-driven in-situ supervised learning systems using nanoscale and stochastic phase-change synapses. Our SNN is trained to recognize audio signals of alphabets encoded using spikes in the time domain and to generate spike trains at precise time instances to represent the pixel intensities of their corresponding images. Moreover, with a statistical model capturing the experimental behavior of the devices, we investigate architectural and systems-level solutions for improving the training and inference performance of our computational memory-based system. Combining the computational potential of supervised SNNs with the parallel compute power of computational memory, the work paves the way for next-generation of efficient brain-inspired systems