1 research outputs found

    An Alternative Approach of Finding Competing Hypotheses for Better Minimum Classification Error Training

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    During minimum-classification-error (MCE) training, competing hypotheses against the correct one are commonly derived by the N-best algorithm. One problem with the N-best algorithm is that, in practice, some misclassified data can have very large misclassification distances from the N-best competitors and fall out of the steep/trainable region of the sigmoid function, and thus cannot be utilized effectively. Although one may alleviate the problem by adjusting the shape of the sigmoid and then using an appropriate learning rate, it requires careful tuning of these training parameters. In this paper, we propose using the nearest competing hypothesis instead of the traditional N-best hypotheses for MCE training. The aim is to keep the training data as close to the trainable region as possible. Consequently, the amount of “effective” training data is increased. Furthermore, by progressively beating the nearest competitors, the training seems to be more stable. We also design an approximation algorithm based on beam search to locate the nearest competing hypothesis efficiently. We compare the performance of MCE training using 1-nearest or 1-best competing hypotheses on the Aurora database and find that the new approach (using 1-nearest hypotheses) reduces the word error rates by 5.1 % and 17.8 % over the latter (of using the 1-best competing hypotheses) and the official Aurora baseline respectively. 1