470,012 research outputs found

    An algorithm for the T-count

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    We consider quantum circuits composed of Clifford and T gates. In this context the T gate has a special status since it confers universal computation when added to the (classically simulable) Clifford gates. However it can be very expensive to implement fault-tolerantly. We therefore view this gate as a resource which should be used only when necessary. Given an n-qubit unitary U we are interested in computing a circuit that implements it using the minimum possible number of T gates (called the T-count of U). A related task is to decide if the T-count of U is less than or equal to m; we consider this problem as a function of N=2^n and m. We provide a classical algorithm which solves it using time and space both upper bounded as O(N^m poly(m,N)). We implemented our algorithm and used it to show that any Clifford+T circuit for the Toffoli or the Fredkin gate requires at least 7 T gates. This implies that the known 7 T gate circuits for these gates are T-optimal. We also provide a simple expression for the T-count of single-qubit unitaries

    Efficient Clifford+T approximation of single-qubit operators

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    We give an efficient randomized algorithm for approximating an arbitrary element of SU(2)SU(2) by a product of Clifford+TT operators, up to any given error threshold Ο΅>0\epsilon>0. Under a mild hypothesis on the distribution of primes, the algorithm's expected runtime is polynomial in log⁑(1/Ο΅)\log(1/\epsilon). If the operator to be approximated is a zz-rotation, the resulting gate sequence has TT-count K+4log⁑2(1/Ο΅)K+4\log_2(1/\epsilon), where KK is approximately equal to 1010. We also prove a worst-case lower bound of K+4log⁑2(1/Ο΅)K+4\log_2(1/\epsilon), where K=βˆ’9K=-9, so that our algorithm is within an additive constant of optimal for certain zz-rotations. For an arbitrary member of SU(2)SU(2), we achieve approximations with TT-count K+12log⁑2(1/Ο΅)K+12\log_2(1/\epsilon). By contrast, the Solovay-Kitaev algorithm achieves TT-count O(log⁑c(1/Ο΅))O(\log^c(1/\epsilon)), where cc is approximately 3.973.97

    Efficient synthesis of universal Repeat-Until-Success circuits

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    Recently, it was shown that Repeat-Until-Success (RUS) circuits can achieve a 2.52.5 times reduction in expected TT-count over ancilla-free techniques for single-qubit unitary decomposition. However, the previously best known algorithm to synthesize RUS circuits requires exponential classical runtime. In this paper we present an algorithm to synthesize an RUS circuit to approximate any given single-qubit unitary within precision Ρ\varepsilon in probabilistically polynomial classical runtime. Our synthesis approach uses the Clifford+TT basis, plus one ancilla qubit and measurement. We provide numerical evidence that our RUS circuits have an expected TT-count on average 2.52.5 times lower than the theoretical lower bound of 3log⁑2(1/Ρ)3 \log_2 (1/\varepsilon) for ancilla-free single-qubit circuit decomposition.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures; reformatted and minor edits; added Fig. 2 to visualize the density of z-rotations implementable via RUS protocol

    A simpler sublinear algorithm for approximating the triangle count

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    A recent result of Eden, Levi, and Ron (ECCC 2015) provides a sublinear time algorithm to estimate the number of triangles in a graph. Given an undirected graph GG, one can query the degree of a vertex, the existence of an edge between vertices, and the iith neighbor of a vertex. Suppose the graph has nn vertices, mm edges, and tt triangles. In this model, Eden et al provided a O(\poly(\eps^{-1}\log n)(n/t^{1/3} + m^{3/2}/t)) time algorithm to get a (1+\eps)-multiplicative approximation for tt, the triangle count. This paper provides a simpler algorithm with the same running time (up to differences in the \poly(\eps^{-1}\log n) factor) that has a substantially simpler analysis

    Faster Algorithms for Finding and Counting Subgraphs

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    In this paper we study a natural generalization of both {\sc kk-Path} and {\sc kk-Tree} problems, namely, the {\sc Subgraph Isomorphism} problem. In the {\sc Subgraph Isomorphism} problem we are given two graphs FF and GG on kk and nn vertices respectively as an input, and the question is whether there exists a subgraph of GG isomorphic to FF. We show that if the treewidth of FF is at most tt, then there is a randomized algorithm for the {\sc Subgraph Isomorphism} problem running in time \cO^*(2^k n^{2t}). To do so, we associate a new multivariate {Homomorphism polynomial} of degree at most kk with the {\sc Subgraph Isomorphism} problem and construct an arithmetic circuit of size at most n^{\cO(t)} for this polynomial. Using this polynomial, we also give a deterministic algorithm to count the number of homomorphisms from FF to GG that takes n^{\cO(t)} time and uses polynomial space. For the counting version of the {\sc Subgraph Isomorphism} problem, where the objective is to count the number of distinct subgraphs of GG that are isomorphic to FF, we give a deterministic algorithm running in time and space \cO^*({n \choose k/2}n^{2p}) or {n\choose k/2}n^{\cO(t \log k)}. We also give an algorithm running in time \cO^{*}(2^{k}{n \choose k/2}n^{5p}) and taking space polynomial in nn. Here pp and tt denote the pathwidth and the treewidth of FF, respectively. Thus our work not only improves on known results on {\sc Subgraph Isomorphism} but it also extends and generalize most of the known results on {\sc kk-Path} and {\sc kk-Tree}

    Optimal ancilla-free Clifford+V approximation of z-rotations

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    We describe a new efficient algorithm to approximate z-rotations by ancilla-free Clifford+V circuits, up to a given precision epsilon. Our algorithm is optimal in the presence of an oracle for integer factoring: it outputs the shortest Clifford+V circuit solving the given problem instance. In the absence of such an oracle, our algorithm is still near-optimal, producing circuits of V-count m + O(log(log(1/epsilon))), where m is the V-count of the third-to-optimal solution. A restricted version of the algorithm approximates z-rotations in the Pauli+V gate set. Our method is based on previous work by the author and Selinger on the optimal ancilla-free approximation of z-rotations using Clifford+T gates and on previous work by Bocharov, Gurevich, and Svore on the asymptotically optimal ancilla-free approximation of z-rotations using Clifford+V gates.Comment: 14 pages. Extends previous version from Pauli+V to Clifford+V. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1403.297

    A polynomial time and space heuristic algorithm for T-count

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    This work focuses on reducing the physical cost of implementing quantum algorithms when using the state-of-the-art fault-tolerant quantum error correcting codes, in particular, those for which implementing the T gate consumes vastly more resources than the other gates in the gate set. More specifically, we consider the group of unitaries that can be exactly implemented by a quantum circuit consisting of the Clifford+T gate set, a universal gate set. Our primary interest is to compute a circuit for a given nn-qubit unitary UU, using the minimum possible number of T gates (called the T-count of unitary UU). We consider the problem COUNT-T, the optimization version of which aims to find the T-count of UU. In its decision version the goal is to decide if the T-count is at most some positive integer mm. Given an oracle for COUNT-T, we can compute a T-count-optimal circuit in time polynomial in the T-count and dimension of UU. We give a provable classical algorithm that solves COUNT-T (decision) in time O(N2(cβˆ’1)⌈mcβŒ‰poly(m,N))O\left(N^{2(c-1)\lceil\frac{m}{c}\rceil}\text{poly}(m,N)\right) and space O(N2⌈mcβŒ‰poly(m,N))O\left(N^{2\lceil\frac{m}{c}\rceil}\text{poly}(m,N)\right), where N=2nN=2^n and cβ‰₯2c\geq 2. This gives a space-time trade-off for solving this problem with variants of meet-in-the-middle techniques. We also introduce an asymptotically faster multiplication method that shaves a factor of N0.7457N^{0.7457} off of the overall complexity. Lastly, beyond our improvements to the rigorous algorithm, we give a heuristic algorithm that outputs a T-count-optimal circuit and has space and time complexity poly(m,N)\text{poly}(m,N), under some assumptions. While our heuristic method still scales exponentially with the number of qubits (though with a lower exponent, there is a large improvement by going from exponential to polynomial scaling with mm.Comment: Accepted in Quantum Science and Technology journal (not the exact journal version

    Efficient Approximation of Diagonal Unitaries over the Clifford+T Basis

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    We present an algorithm for the approximate decomposition of diagonal operators, focusing specifically on decompositions over the Clifford+TT basis, that minimize the number of phase-rotation gates in the synthesized approximation circuit. The equivalent TT-count of the synthesized circuit is bounded by k C0log⁑2(1/Ξ΅)+E(n,k)k \, C_0 \log_2(1/\varepsilon) + E(n,k), where kk is the number of distinct phases in the diagonal nn-qubit unitary, Ξ΅\varepsilon is the desired precision, C0C_0 is a quality factor of the implementation method (1<C0<41<C_0<4), and E(n,k)E(n,k) is the total entanglement cost (in TT gates). We determine an optimal decision boundary in (k,n,Ξ΅)(k,n,\varepsilon)-space where our decomposition algorithm achieves lower entanglement cost than previous state-of-the-art techniques. Our method outperforms state-of-the-art techniques for a practical range of Ξ΅\varepsilon values and diagonal operators and can reduce the number of TT gates exponentially in nn when k<<2nk << 2^n.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figures; introduction improved for readability, references added (in particular to Dawson & Nielsen

    T-count optimization and Reed-Muller codes

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    In this paper, we study the close relationship between Reed-Muller codes and single-qubit phase gates from the perspective of TT-count optimization. We prove that minimizing the number of TT gates in an nn-qubit quantum circuit over CNOT and TT, together with the Clifford group powers of TT, corresponds to finding a minimum distance decoding of a length 2nβˆ’12^n-1 binary vector in the order nβˆ’4n-4 punctured Reed-Muller code. Moreover, we show that the problems are polynomially equivalent in the length of the code. As a consequence, we derive an algorithm for the optimization of TT-count in quantum circuits based on Reed-Muller decoders, along with a new upper bound of O(n2)O(n^2) on the number of TT gates required to implement an nn-qubit unitary over CNOT and TT gates. We further generalize this result to show that minimizing small angle rotations corresponds to decoding lower order binary Reed-Muller codes. In particular, we show that minimizing the number of RZ(2Ο€/d)R_Z(2\pi/d) gates for any integer dd is equivalent to minimum distance decoding in RM(nβˆ’kβˆ’1,n)βˆ—\mathcal{RM}(n - k - 1, n)^*, where kk is the highest power of 22 dividing dd.Comment: 19 pages. Version 2 gives a substantially different presentation of the results, as well as a generalization to rotation angles of any finite orde

    Solving Classical String Problems on Compressed Texts

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    Here we study the complexity of string problems as a function of the size of a program that generates input. We consider straight-line programs (SLP), since all algorithms on SLP-generated strings could be applied to processing LZ-compressed texts. The main result is a new algorithm for pattern matching when both a text T and a pattern P are presented by SLPs (so-called fully compressed pattern matching problem). We show how to find a first occurrence, count all occurrences, check whether any given position is an occurrence or not in time O(n^2m). Here m,n are the sizes of straight-line programs generating correspondingly P and T. Then we present polynomial algorithms for computing fingerprint table and compressed representation of all covers (for the first time) and for finding periods of a given compressed string (our algorithm is faster than previously known). On the other hand, we show that computing the Hamming distance between two SLP-generated strings is NP- and coNP-hard.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, submitte
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