2 research outputs found

    Stochastic simulation methods for structural reliability under mixed uncertainties

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    Uncertainty quantification (UQ) has been widely recognized as one of the most important, yet challenging task in both structural engineering and system engineering, and the current researches are mainly on the proper treatment of different types of uncertainties, resulting from either natural randomness or lack of information, in all related sub-problems of UQ such as uncertainty characterization, uncertainty propagation, sensitivity analysis, model updating, model validation, risk and reliability analysis, etc. It has been widely accepted that those uncertainties can be grouped as either aleatory uncertainty or epistemic uncertainty, depending on whether they are reducible or not. For dealing with the above challenge, many non-traditional uncertainty characterization models have been developed, and those models can be grouped as either imprecise probability models (e.g., probability-box model, evidence theory, second-order probability model and fuzzy probability model) or non-probabilistic models (e.g., interval/convex model and fuzzy set theory). This thesis concerns the efficient numerical propagation of the three kinds of uncertainty characterization models, and for simplicity, the precise probability model, the distribution probability-box model, and the interval model are taken as examples. The target is to develop efficient numerical algorithms for learning the functional behavior of the probabilistic responses (e.g., response moments and failure probability) with respect to the epistemic parameters of model inputs, which is especially useful for making reliable decisions even when the available information on model inputs is imperfect. To achieve the above target, my thesis presents three main developments for improving the Non-intrusive Imprecise Stochastic Simulation (NISS), which is a general methodology framework for propagating the imprecise probability models with only one stochastic simulation. The first development is on generalizing the NISS methods to the problems with inputs including both imprecise probability models and non-probability models. The algorithm is established by combining Bayes rule and kernel density estimation. The sensitivity indices of the epistemic parameters are produced as by-products. The NASA Langley UQ challenge is then successfully solved by using the generalized NISS method. The second development is to inject the classical line sampling to the NISS framework so as to substantially improve the efficiency of the algorithm for rare failure event analysis, and two strategies, based on different interpretations of line sampling, are developed. The first strategy is based on the hyperplane approximations, while the second-strategy is derived based on the one-dimensional integrals. Both strategies can be regarded as post-processing of the classical line sampling, while the results show that their resultant NISS estimators have different performance. The third development aims at further substantially improving the efficiency and suitability to highly nonlinear problems of line sampling, for complex structures and systems where one deterministic simulation may take hours. For doing this, the active learning strategy based on Gaussian process regression is embedded into the line sampling procedure for accurately estimating the interaction point for each sample line, with only a small number of deterministic simulations. The above three developments have largely improved the suitability and efficiency of the NISS methods, especially for real-world engineering applications. The efficiency and effectiveness of those developments are clearly interpreted with toy examples and sufficiently demonstrated by real-world test examples in system engineering, civil engineering, and mechanical engineering