3 research outputs found

    Eyes and ears: combining sensory motor systems modelled on insect physiology

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    Journal ArticleIntegrating sensorimotor systems is still a difficult problems for robotics. Biological inspiration, which has been effectively used to address single sensorimotor tasks, could also be applied to this problem. Several studies on the cricket suggest that it integrates an optomotor response to two existing 'biorabots' - one that uses an a VLSI circuit to reproduce the optomotor behaviour and another that models in hardware and software the sounds localization of the cricket- and combined their capabilities to investigate whether an additive combination will reproduce these effects. We report the initial results and discuss a number of issues raised by this investigation

    Short term plasticity. A neuromorphic perspective

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    Ramachandran H. Short term plasticity. A neuromorphic perspective. Bielefeld: Universität Bielefeld; 2018

    An aVLSI cricket ear model André

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    Female crickets can locate males by phonotaxis to the mating song they produce. The behaviour and underlying physiology has been studied in some depth showing that the cricket auditory system solves this complex problem in a unique manner. We present an analogue very large scale integrated (aVLSI) circuit model of this process and show that results from testing the circuit agree with simulation and what is known from the behaviour and physiology of the cricket auditory system. The aVLSI circuitry is now being extended to use on a robot along with previously modelled neural circuitry to better understand the complete sensorimotor pathway.