264,561 research outputs found

    An upper bound on Jacobi polynomials

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    Let Pk(α,β)(x){\bf P}_k^{(\alpha, \beta)} (x) be an orthonormal Jacobi polynomial of degree k.k. We will establish the following inequality \begin{equation*} \max_{x \in [\delta_{-1},\delta_1]}\sqrt{(x- \delta_{-1})(\delta_1-x)} (1-x)^{\alpha}(1+x)^{\beta} ({\bf P}_{k}^{(\alpha, \beta)} (x))^2 < \frac{3 \sqrt{5}}{5}, \end{equation*} where δ−1<δ1\delta_{-1}<\delta_1 are appropriate approximations to the extreme zeros of Pk(α,β)(x).{\bf P}_k^{(\alpha, \beta)} (x) . As a corollary we confirm, even in a stronger form, T. Erd\'{e}lyi, A.P. Magnus and P. Nevai conjecture [Erd\'{e}lyi et al., Generalized Jacobi weights, Christoffel functions, and Jacobi polynomials, SIAM J. Math. Anal. 25 (1994), 602-614], by proving that \begin{equation*} \max_{x \in [-1,1]}(1-x)^{\alpha+{1/2}}(1+x)^{\beta+{1/2}}({\bf P}_k^{(\alpha, \beta)} (x))^2 < 3 \alpha^{1/3} (1+ \frac{\alpha}{k})^{1/6}, \end{equation*} in the region $k \ge 6, \alpha, \beta \ge \frac{1+ \sqrt{2}}{4}.

    An upper bound for nonnegative rank

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    We provide a nontrivial upper bound for the nonnegative rank of rank-three matrices, which allows us to prove that [6(n+1)/7] linear inequalities suffice to describe a convex n-gon up to a linear projection

    An upper bound on Reidemeister moves

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    We provide an explicit upper bound on the number of Reidemeister moves required to pass between two diagrams of the same link. This leads to a conceptually simple solution to the equivalence problem for links.Comment: 40 pages, 14 figures; v2: very minor change
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