4 research outputs found

    An Ultrasound-Based Liquid Pressure Measurement Method in Small Diameter Pipelines Considering the Installation and Temperature

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    Liquid pressure is a key parameter for detecting and judging faults in hydraulic mechanisms, but traditional measurement methods have many deficiencies. An effective non-intrusive method using an ultrasound-based technique to measure liquid pressure in small diameter (less than 15 mm) pipelines is presented in this paper. The proposed method is based on the principle that the transmission speed of an ultrasonic wave in a Kneser liquid correlates with liquid pressure. Liquid pressure was calculated using the variation of ultrasonic propagation time in a liquid under different pressures: 0 Pa and X Pa. In this research the time difference was obtained by an electrical processing approach and was accurately measured to the nanosecond level through a high-resolution time measurement module. Because installation differences and liquid temperatures could influence the measurement accuracy, a special type of circuit called automatic gain control (AGC) circuit and a new back propagation network (BPN) model accounting for liquid temperature were employed to improve the measurement results. The corresponding pressure values were finally obtained by utilizing the relationship between time difference, transient temperature and liquid pressure. An experimental pressure measurement platform was built and the experimental results confirm that the proposed method has good measurement accuracy. Document type: Articl

    Development of A Pressure Sensing Module and Flow Control System For A Prototype Pump Test Bed

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    Pump test bed is essential to ensure the proper functioning of a pump. However, a conventional pump test bed has some limitations during measuring the flow properties and variating the pump speed. As a result, a digital pump test bed can be a solution for measuring the flow properties more accurately. This article describes the construction process of a pressure sensing module for a digitalized pump test bed and control of flow by varying the speed of a prototype DC pump. A pressure sensing module and flow control system are constructed in this study to develop a prototype pump test bed as well as change the speed of the centrifugal pump. It is found that by using a piezoelectric pressure sensor in delivery pipe, the pressure sensing error is only 6.3% at the designed speed of pump and can be minimized by calibrating the sensor, fixing the leakage problem and increasing the pressure of flow. A wide variety of pump speeds can also be obtained by applying pulse width modulation principle without stopping the power supply

    An Ultrasound-Based Liquid Pressure Measurement Method in Small Diameter Pipelines Considering the Installation and Temperature

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    Liquid pressure is a key parameter for detecting and judging faults in hydraulic mechanisms, but traditional measurement methods have many deficiencies. An effective non-intrusive method using an ultrasound-based technique to measure liquid pressure in small diameter (less than 15 mm) pipelines is presented in this paper. The proposed method is based on the principle that the transmission speed of an ultrasonic wave in a Kneser liquid correlates with liquid pressure. Liquid pressure was calculated using the variation of ultrasonic propagation time in a liquid under different pressures: 0 Pa and X Pa. In this research the time difference was obtained by an electrical processing approach and was accurately measured to the nanosecond level through a high-resolution time measurement module. Because installation differences and liquid temperatures could influence the measurement accuracy, a special type of circuit called automatic gain control (AGC) circuit and a new back propagation network (BPN) model accounting for liquid temperature were employed to improve the measurement results. The corresponding pressure values were finally obtained by utilizing the relationship between time difference, transient temperature and liquid pressure. An experimental pressure measurement platform was built and the experimental results confirm that the proposed method has good measurement accuracy

    Investigação da caracterização de fluidos complexos por espectroscopia ultrassônica

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    A espectroscopia acústica é uma técnica baseada no acompanhamento da onda de ultrassom ao longo de sua propagação por uma amostra sob análise (CARVALHO, 2013). É uma tecnologia ainda não completamente aproveitada (BONACUCINA et al., 2016) em que é utilizado ultrassom de alta frequência, que não afeta o meio pelo qual se propaga (MASON e LORIMER,1988). Com o objetivo de utilizar a espectroscopia acústica para a caracterização de sistemas bifásicos presentes na indústria de O&G como espumas, suspensões e emulsões, neste trabalho, foi feita uma revisão na literatura científica aberta e nas soluções comerciais para entender o estado da arte, as ferramentas disponíveis, aplicações, limitações e conceitos teóricos do ultrassom, podendo, assim, sugerir utilizações pela indústria de óleo e gás. Concluiu-se ser possível uso do ultrassom para caracterização de fluidos. No contexto das dispersões bifásicas de interesse, sugere-se: medida da velocidade do som com técnica tempo de voo para quantificação de fases; medida de atenuação em diferentes frequências com técnica tempo de voo ou análise da intensidade das reflexões em diferentes frequências para análise de tamanhos de partículas dispersas; análise de múltiplos parâmetros medidos acusticamente, como velocidade de propagação e densidade, para, com base em curva de calibração previamente construída, determinar composições; análise de mudança ou não de algum parâmetro determinado acusticamente, como velocidade de propagação do som, para medida relativa de estabilidade. Ressalta-se que, embora teoricamente aplicável para as três dispersões de interesse, não foram encontrados nem estudos e nem soluções comerciais para espumas, sendo esta uma importante lacuna na literatura a ser preenchida