761 research outputs found

    Ultra-low power mixed-signal frontend for wearable EEGs

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    Electronics circuits are ubiquitous in daily life, aided by advancements in the chip design industry, leading to miniaturised solutions for typical day to day problems. One of the critical healthcare areas helped by this advancement in technology is electroencephalography (EEG). EEG is a non-invasive method of tracking a person's brain waves, and a crucial tool in several healthcare contexts, including epilepsy and sleep disorders. Current ambulatory EEG systems still suffer from limitations that affect their usability. Furthermore, many patients admitted to emergency departments (ED) for a neurological disorder like altered mental status or seizures, would remain undiagnosed hours to days after admission, which leads to an elevated rate of death compared to other conditions. Conducting a thorough EEG monitoring in early-stage could prevent further damage to the brain and avoid high mortality. But lack of portability and ease of access results in a long wait time for the prescribed patients. All real signals are analogue in nature, including brainwaves sensed by EEG systems. For converting the EEG signal into digital for further processing, a truly wearable EEG has to have an analogue mixed-signal front-end (AFE). This research aims to define the specifications for building a custom AFE for the EEG recording and use that to review the suitability of the architectures available in the literature. Another critical task is to provide new architectures that can meet the developed specifications for EEG monitoring and can be used in epilepsy diagnosis, sleep monitoring, drowsiness detection and depression study. The thesis starts with a preview on EEG technology and available methods of brainwaves recording. It further expands to design requirements for the AFE, with a discussion about critical issues that need resolving. Three new continuous-time capacitive feedback chopped amplifier designs are proposed. A novel calibration loop for setting the accurate value for a pseudo-resistor, which is a crucial block in the proposed topology, is also discussed. This pseudoresistor calibration loop achieved the resistor variation of under 8.25%. The thesis also presents a new design of a curvature corrected bandgap, as well as a novel DDA based fourth-order Sallen-Key filter. A modified sensor frontend architecture is then proposed, along with a detailed analysis of its implementation. Measurement results of the AFE are finally presented. The AFE consumed a total power of 3.2A (including ADC, amplifier, filter, and current generation circuitry) with the overall integrated input-referred noise of 0.87V-rms in the frequency band of 0.5-50Hz. Measurement results confirmed that only the proposed AFE achieved all defined specifications for the wearable EEG system with the smallest power consumption than state-of-art architectures that meet few but not all specifications. The AFE also achieved a CMRR of 131.62dB, which is higher than any studied architectures.Open Acces

    Low-Noise Micro-Power Amplifiers for Biosignal Acquisition

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    There are many different types of biopotential signals, such as action potentials (APs), local field potentials (LFPs), electromyography (EMG), electrocardiogram (ECG), electroencephalogram (EEG), etc. Nerve action potentials play an important role for the analysis of human cognition, such as perception, memory, language, emotions, and motor control. EMGs provide vital information about the patients which allow clinicians to diagnose and treat many neuromuscular diseases, which could result in muscle paralysis, motor problems, etc. EEGs is critical in diagnosing epilepsy, sleep disorders, as well as brain tumors. Biopotential signals are very weak, which requires the biopotential amplifier to exhibit low input-referred noise. For example, EEGs have amplitudes from 1 μV [microvolt] to 100 μV [microvolt] with much of the energy in the sub-Hz [hertz] to 100 Hz [hertz] band. APs have amplitudes up to 500 μV [microvolt] with much of the energy in the 100 Hz [hertz] to 7 kHz [hertz] band. In wearable/implantable systems, the low-power operation of the biopotential amplifier is critical to avoid thermal damage to surrounding tissues, preserve long battery life, and enable wirelessly-delivered or harvested energy supply. For an ideal thermal-noise-limited amplifier, the amplifier power is inversely proportional to the input-referred noise of the amplifier. Therefore, there is a noise-power trade-off which must be well-balanced by the designers. In this work I propose novel amplifier topologies, which are able to significantly improve the noise-power efficiency by increasing the effective transconductance at a given current. In order to reject the DC offsets generated at the tissue-electrode interface, energy-efficient techniques are employed to create a low-frequency high-pass cutoff. The noise contribution of the high-pass cutoff circuitry is minimized by using power-efficient configurations, and optimizing the biasing and dimension of the devices. Sufficient common-mode rejection ratio (CMRR) and power supply rejection ratio (PSRR) are achieved to suppress common-mode interferences and power supply noises. Our design are fabricated in standard CMOS processes. The amplifiers’ performance are measured on the bench, and also demonstrated with biopotential recordings

    A 0.1–5.0 GHz flexible SDR receiver with digitally assisted calibration in 65 nm CMOS

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    © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.A 0.1–5.0 GHz flexible software-defined radio (SDR) receiver with digitally assisted calibration is presented, employing a zero-IF/low-IF reconfigurable architecture for both wideband and narrowband applications. The receiver composes of a main-path based on a current-mode mixer for low noise, a high linearity sub-path based on a voltage-mode passive mixer for out-of-band rejection, and a harmonic rejection (HR) path with vector gain calibration. A dual feedback LNA with “8” shape nested inductor structure, a cascode inverter-based TCA with miller feedback compensation, and a class-AB full differential Op-Amp with Miller feed-forward compensation and QFG technique are proposed. Digitally assisted calibration methods for HR, IIP2 and image rejection (IR) are presented to maintain high performance over PVT variations. The presented receiver is implemented in 65 nm CMOS with 5.4 mm2 core area, consuming 9.6–47.4 mA current under 1.2 V supply. The receiver main path is measured with +5 dB m/+5dBm IB-IIP3/OB-IIP3 and +61dBm IIP2. The sub-path achieves +10 dB m/+18dBm IB-IIP3/OB-IIP3 and +62dBm IIP2, as well as 10 dB RF filtering rejection at 10 MHz offset. The HR-path reaches +13 dB m/+14dBm IB-IIP3/OB-IIP3 and 62/66 dB 3rd/5th-order harmonic rejection with 30–40 dB improvement by the calibration. The measured sensitivity satisfies the requirements of DVB-H, LTE, 802.11 g, and ZigBee.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio

    Analog/RF Circuit Design Techniques for Nanometerscale IC Technologies

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    CMOS evolution introduces several problems in analog design. Gate-leakage mismatch exceeds conventional matching tolerances requiring active cancellation techniques or alternative architectures. One strategy to deal with the use of lower supply voltages is to operate critical parts at higher supply voltages, by exploiting combinations of thin- and thick-oxide transistors. Alternatively, low voltage circuit techniques are successfully developed. In order to benefit from nanometer scale CMOS technology, more functionality is shifted to the digital domain, including parts of the RF circuits. At the same time, analog control for digital and digital control for analog emerges to deal with current and upcoming imperfections

    Design of Low-Voltage Digital Building Blocks and ADCs for Energy-Efficient Systems

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    Increasing number of energy-limited applications continue to drive the demand for designing systems with high energy efficiency. This tutorial covers the main building blocks of a system implementation including digital logic, embedded memories, and analog-to-digital converters and describes the challenges and solutions to designing these blocks for low-voltage operation

    Low-Power Low-Noise CMOS Analog and Mixed-Signal Design towards Epileptic Seizure Detection

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    About 50 million people worldwide suffer from epilepsy and one third of them have seizures that are refractory to medication. In the past few decades, deep brain stimulation (DBS) has been explored by researchers and physicians as a promising way to control and treat epileptic seizures. To make the DBS therapy more efficient and effective, the feedback loop for titrating therapy is required. It means the implantable DBS devices should be smart enough to sense the brain signals and then adjust the stimulation parameters adaptively. This research proposes a signal-sensing channel configurable to various neural applications, which is a vital part for a future closed-loop epileptic seizure stimulation system. This doctoral study has two main contributions, 1) a micropower low-noise neural front-end circuit, and 2) a low-power configurable neural recording system for both neural action-potential (AP) and fast-ripple (FR) signals. The neural front end consists of a preamplifier followed by a bandpass filter (BPF). This design focuses on improving the noise-power efficiency of the preamplifier and the power/pole merit of the BPF at ultra-low power consumption. In measurement, the preamplifier exhibits 39.6-dB DC gain, 0.8 Hz to 5.2 kHz of bandwidth (BW), 5.86-μVrms input-referred noise in AP mode, while showing 39.4-dB DC gain, 0.36 Hz to 1.3 kHz of BW, 3.07-μVrms noise in FR mode. The preamplifier achieves noise efficiency factor (NEF) of 2.93 and 3.09 for AP and FR modes, respectively. The preamplifier power consumption is 2.4 μW from 2.8 V for both modes. The 6th-order follow-the-leader feedback elliptic BPF passes FR signals and provides -110 dB/decade attenuation to out-of-band interferers. It consumes 2.1 μW from 2.8 V (or 0.35 μW/pole) and is one of the most power-efficient high-order active filters reported to date. The complete front-end circuit achieves a mid-band gain of 38.5 dB, a BW from 250 to 486 Hz, and a total input-referred noise of 2.48 μVrms while consuming 4.5 μW from the 2.8 V power supply. The front-end NEF achieved is 7.6. The power efficiency of the complete front-end is 0.75 μW/pole. The chip is implemented in a standard 0.6-μm CMOS process with a die area of 0.45 mm^2. The neural recording system incorporates the front-end circuit and a sigma-delta analog-to-digital converter (ADC). The ADC has scalable BW and power consumption for digitizing both AP and FR signals captured by the front end. Various design techniques are applied to the improvement of power and area efficiency for the ADC. At 77-dB dynamic range (DR), the ADC has a peak SNR and SNDR of 75.9 dB and 67 dB, respectively, while consuming 2.75-mW power in AP mode. It achieves 78-dB DR, 76.2-dB peak SNR, 73.2-dB peak SNDR, and 588-μW power consumption in FR mode. Both analog and digital power supply voltages are 2.8 V. The chip is fabricated in a standard 0.6-μm CMOS process. The die size is 11.25 mm^2. The proposed circuits can be extended to a multi-channel system, with the ADC shared by all channels, as the sensing part of a future closed-loop DBS system for the treatment of intractable epilepsy

    Digital-based analog processing in nanoscale CMOS ICs for IoT applications

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    The Internet-of-Things (IoT) concept has been opening up a variety of applications, such as urban and environmental monitoring, smart health, surveillance, and home automation. Most of these IoT applications require more and more power/area efficient Complemen tary Metal–Oxide–Semiconductor (CMOS) systems and faster prototypes (lower time-to market), demanding special modifications in the current IoT design system bottleneck: the analog/RF interfaces. Specially after the 2000s, it is evident that there have been significant improvements in CMOS digital circuits when compared to analog building blocks. Digital circuits have been taking advantage of CMOS technology scaling in terms of speed, power consump tion, and cost, while the techniques running behind the analog signal processing are still lagging. To decrease this historical gap, there has been an increasing trend in finding alternative IC design strategies to implement typical analog functions exploiting Digital in-Concept Design Methodologies (DCDM). This idea of re-thinking analog functions in digital terms has shown that Analog ICs blocks can also avail of the feature-size shrinking and energy efficiency of new technologies. This thesis deals with the development of DCDM, demonstrating its compatibility for Ultra-Low-Voltage (ULV) and Power (ULP) IoT applications. This work proves this state ment through the proposing of new digital-based analog blocks, such as an Operational Transconductance Amplifiers (OTAs) and an ac-coupled Bio-signal Amplifier (BioAmp). As an initial contribution, for the first time, a silicon demonstration of an embryonic Digital-Based OTA (DB-OTA) published in 2013 is exhibited. The fabricated DB-OTA test chip occupies a compact area of 1,426 µm2 , operating at supply voltages (VDD) down to 300 mV, consuming only 590 pW while driving a capacitive load of 80pF. With a Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) lower than 5% for a 100mV input signal swing, its measured small-signal figure of merit (FOMS) and large-signal figure of merit (FOML) are 2,101 V −1 and 1,070, respectively. To the best of this thesis author’s knowledge, this measured power is the lowest reported to date in OTA literature, and its figures of merit are the best in sub-500mV OTAs reported to date. As the second step, mainly due to the robustness limitation of previous DB-OTA, a novel calibration-free digital-based topology is proposed, named here as Digital OTA (DIG OTA). A 180-nm DIGOTA test chip is also developed exhibiting an area below the 1000 µm2 wall, 2.4nW power under 150pF load, and a minimum VDD of 0.25 V. The proposed DIGOTA is more digital-like compared with DB-OTA since no pseudo-resistor is needed. As the last contribution, the previously proposed DIGOTA is then used as a building block to demonstrate the operation principle of power-efficient ULV and ultra-low area (ULA) fully-differential, digital-based Operational Transconductance Amplifier (OTA), suitable for microscale biosensing applications (BioDIGOTA) such as extreme low area Body Dust. Measured results in 180nm CMOS confirm that the proposed BioDIGOTA can work with a supply voltage down to 400 mV, consuming only 95 nW. The BioDIGOTA layout occupies only 0.022 mm2 of total silicon area, lowering the area by 3.22X times compared to the current state of the art while keeping reasonable system performance, such as 7.6 Noise Efficiency Factor (NEF) with 1.25 µVRMS input-referred noise over a 10 Hz bandwidth, 1.8% of THD, 62 dB of the common-mode rejection ratio (CMRR) and 55 dB of power supply rejection ratio (PSRR). After reviewing the current DCDM trend and all proposed silicon demonstrations, the thesis concludes that, despite the current analog design strategies involved during the analog block development

    Energy efficient hybrid computing systems using spin devices

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    Emerging spin-devices like magnetic tunnel junctions (MTJ\u27s), spin-valves and domain wall magnets (DWM) have opened new avenues for spin-based logic design. This work explored potential computing applications which can exploit such devices for higher energy-efficiency and performance. The proposed applications involve hybrid design schemes, where charge-based devices supplement the spin-devices, to gain large benefits at the system level. As an example, lateral spin valves (LSV) involve switching of nanomagnets using spin-polarized current injection through a metallic channel such as Cu. Such spin-torque based devices possess several interesting properties that can be exploited for ultra-low power computation. Analog characteristic of spin current facilitate non-Boolean computation like majority evaluation that can be used to model a neuron. The magneto-metallic neurons can operate at ultra-low terminal voltage of ∼20mV, thereby resulting in small computation power. Moreover, since nano-magnets inherently act as memory elements, these devices can facilitate integration of logic and memory in interesting ways. The spin based neurons can be integrated with CMOS and other emerging devices leading to different classes of neuromorphic/non-Von-Neumann architectures. The spin-based designs involve `mixed-mode\u27 processing and hence can provide very compact and ultra-low energy solutions for complex computation blocks, both digital as well as analog. Such low-power, hybrid designs can be suitable for various data processing applications like cognitive computing, associative memory, and currentmode on-chip global interconnects. Simulation results for these applications based on device-circuit co-simulation framework predict more than ∼100x improvement in computation energy as compared to state of the art CMOS design, for optimal spin-device parameters