5 research outputs found

    Energy Efficient Two-hop D2D Communications Underlay 5G Networks: A Stackelberg Game Approach

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    Although coverage and capacity are the key elements of the 5G user experience, a dominant part of the population living in rural areas still experience inferior connectivity. Several solutions have been proposed to address this issue. They include deploying small cells, increasing the number of sectors per eNodeB, and reusing signal repetition. However, most of them require complex deployment and expensive fees. Accordingly, many efforts have been deployed on coverage extension software. Even so, many critical issues related to public safety, relay capacity, and devices power constraints are still challenging. As a contribution, we propose in this paper a spectral and energy-efficient two-hop device to device (D2D) relay selection algorithm. Our main goal is to extend the connectivity to the out-of-coverage (OOC) devices. Contrarily to previous solutions in which the relay is selected centrally or individually, we propose a distributed two-stage algorithm based on the Stackelberg game to involve all the competing devices. In the first stage, the OOC devices (OCDUs) are matched with the relays maximizing their spectral efficiency, and the required bandwidth for each one is determined. Then, a power control stage is investigated to calculate the optimal transmission power. The numerical and simulation analysis shows that the proposed schema outperforms the former solutions in total system capacity, spectral efficiency (SE), and energy efficiency (EE) while reducing the complexity

    Routing schemes for hybrid communication networks

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    We consider the problem of computing routing schemes in the HYBRID model of distributed computing where nodes have access to two fundamentally different communication modes. In this problem nodes have to compute small labels and routing tables that allow for efficient routing of messages in the local network, which typically offers the majority of the throughput. Recent work has shown that using the HYBRID model admits a significant speed-up compared to what would be possible if either communication mode were used in isolation. Nonetheless, if general graphs are used as the input graph the computation of routing schemes still takes polynomial rounds in the HYBRID model. We bypass this lower bound by restricting the local graph to unit-disc-graphs and solve the problem deterministically with running time O(|H|2+log⁡n), label size O(log⁡n), and size of routing tables O(|H|2⋅log⁡n) where |H| is the number of “radio holes” in the network. Our work builds on recent work by Coy et al., who obtain this result in the much simpler setting where the input graph has no radio holes. We develop new techniques to achieve this, including a decomposition of the local graph into path-convex regions, where each region contains a shortest path for any pair of nodes in it

    An SDR-based Experimental Study of Outband D2D Communications

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