18 research outputs found

    Local and deep texture features for classification of natural and biomedical images

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    Developing efficient feature descriptors is very important in many computer vision applications including biomedical image analysis. In the past two decades and before the popularity of deep learning approaches in image classification, texture features proved to be very effective to capture the gradient variation in the image. Following the success of the Local Binary Pattern (LBP) descriptor, many variations of this descriptor were introduced to further improve the ability of obtaining good classification results. However, the problem of image classification gets more complicated when the number of images increases as well as the number of classes. In this case, more robust approaches must be used to address this problem. In this thesis, we address the problem of analyzing biomedical images by using a combination of local and deep features. First, we propose a novel descriptor that is based on the motif Peano scan concept called Joint Motif Labels (JML). After that, we combine the features extracted from the JML descriptor with two other descriptors called Rotation Invariant Co-occurrence among Local Binary Patterns (RIC-LBP) and Joint Adaptive Medina Binary Patterns (JAMBP). In addition, we construct another descriptor called Motif Patterns encoded by RIC-LBP and use it in our classification framework. We enrich the performance of our framework by combining these local descriptors with features extracted from a pre-trained deep network called VGG-19. Hence, the 4096 features of the Fully Connected 'fc7' layer are extracted and combined with the proposed local descriptors. Finally, we show that Random Forests (RF) classifier can be used to obtain superior performance in the field of biomedical image analysis. Testing was performed on two standard biomedical datasets and another three standard texture datasets. Results show that our framework can beat state-of-the-art accuracy on the biomedical image analysis and the combination of local features produce promising results on the standard texture datasets.Includes bibliographical reference

    Biometric Systems

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    Because of the accelerating progress in biometrics research and the latest nation-state threats to security, this book's publication is not only timely but also much needed. This volume contains seventeen peer-reviewed chapters reporting the state of the art in biometrics research: security issues, signature verification, fingerprint identification, wrist vascular biometrics, ear detection, face detection and identification (including a new survey of face recognition), person re-identification, electrocardiogram (ECT) recognition, and several multi-modal systems. This book will be a valuable resource for graduate students, engineers, and researchers interested in understanding and investigating this important field of study

    Novel image descriptors and learning methods for image classification applications

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    Image classification is an active and rapidly expanding research area in computer vision and machine learning due to its broad applications. With the advent of big data, the need for robust image descriptors and learning methods to process a large number of images for different kinds of visual applications has greatly increased. Towards that end, this dissertation focuses on exploring new image descriptors and learning methods by incorporating important visual aspects and enhancing the feature representation in the discriminative space for advancing image classification. First, an innovative sparse representation model using the complete marginal Fisher analysis (CMFA-SR) framework is proposed for improving the image classification performance. In particular, the complete marginal Fisher analysis method extracts the discriminatory features in both the column space of the local samples based within class scatter matrix and the null space of its transformed matrix. To further improve the classification capability, a discriminative sparse representation model is proposed by integrating a representation criterion such as the sparse representation and a discriminative criterion. Second, the discriminative dictionary distribution based sparse coding (DDSC) method is presented that utilizes both the discriminative and generative information to enhance the feature representation. Specifically, the dictionary distribution criterion reveals the class conditional probability of each dictionary item by using the dictionary distribution coefficients, and the discriminative criterion applies new within-class and between-class scatter matrices for discriminant analysis. Third, a fused color Fisher vector (FCFV) feature is developed by integrating the most expressive features of the DAISY Fisher vector (D-FV) feature, the WLD-SIFT Fisher vector (WS-FV) feature, and the SIFT-FV feature in different color spaces to capture the local, color, spatial, relative intensity, as well as the gradient orientation information. Furthermore, a sparse kernel manifold learner (SKML) method is applied to the FCFV features for learning a discriminative sparse representation by considering the local manifold structure and the label information based on the marginal Fisher criterion. Finally, a novel multiple anthropological Fisher kernel framework (M-AFK) is presented to extract and enhance the facial genetic features for kinship verification. The proposed method is derived by applying a novel similarity enhancement approach based on SIFT flow and learning an inheritable transformation on the multiple Fisher vector features that uses the criterion of minimizing the distance among the kinship samples and maximizing the distance among the non-kinship samples. The effectiveness of the proposed methods is assessed on numerous image classification tasks, such as face recognition, kinship verification, scene classification, object classification, and computational fine art painting categorization. The experimental results on popular image datasets show the feasibility of the proposed methods

    Visual Transformation Aided Contrastive Learning for Video-Based Kinship Verification

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    Automatic kinship verification from facial information is a relatively new and open research problem in computer vision. This paper explores the possibility of learning an efficient facial representation for video-based kinship verification by exploiting the visual transformation between facial appearance of kin pairs. To this end, a Siamese-like coupled convolutional encoder-decoder network is proposed. To reveal resemblance patterns of kinship while discarding the similarity patterns that can also be observed between people who do not have a kin relationship, a novel contrastive loss function is defined in the visual appearance space. For further optimization, the learned representation is fine-tuned using a feature-based contrastive loss. An expression matching procedure is employed in the model to minimize the negative influence of expression differences between kin pairs. Each kin video is analyzed by a sliding temporal window to leverage short-term facial dynamics. The effectiveness of the proposed method is assessed on seven different kin relationships using smile videos of kin pairs. On the average, 93:65% verification accuracy is achieved, improving the state of the art. © 2017 IEEE

    Effective and efficient kernel-based image representations for classification and retrieval

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    Image representation is a challenging task. In particular, in order to obtain better performances in different image processing applications such as video surveillance, autonomous driving, crime scene detection and automatic inspection, effective and efficient image representation is a fundamental need. The performance of these applications usually depends on how accurately images are classified into their corresponding groups or how precisely relevant images are retrieved from a database based on a query. Accuracy in image classification and precision in image retrieval depend on the effectiveness of image representation. Existing image representation methods have some limitations. For example, spatial pyramid matching, which is a popular method incorporating spatial information in image-level representation, has not been fully studied to date. In addition, the strengths of pyramid match kernel and spatial pyramid matching are not combined for better image matching. Kernel descriptors based on gradient, colour and shape overcome the limitations of histogram-based descriptors, but suffer from information loss, noise effects and high computational complexity. Furthermore, the combined performance of kernel descriptors has limitations related to computational complexity, higher dimensionality and lower effectiveness. Moreover, the potential of a global texture descriptor which is based on human visual perception has not been fully explored to date. Therefore, in this research project, kernel-based effective and efficient image representation methods are proposed to address the above limitations. An enhancement is made to spatial pyramid matching in terms of improved rotation invariance. This is done by investigating different partitioning schemes suitable to achieve rotation-invariant image representation and the proposal of a weight function for appropriate level contribution in image matching. In addition, the strengths of pyramid match kernel and spatial pyramid are combined to enhance matching accuracy between images. The existing kernel descriptors are modified and improved to achieve greater effectiveness, minimum noise effects, less dimensionality and lower computational complexity. A novel fusion approach is also proposed to combine the information related to all pixel attributes, before the descriptor extraction stage. Existing kernel descriptors are based only on gradient, colour and shape information. In this research project, a texture-based kernel descriptor is proposed by modifying an existing popular global texture descriptor. Finally, all the contributions are evaluated in an integrated system. The performances of the proposed methods are qualitatively and quantitatively evaluated on two to four different publicly available image databases. The experimental results show that the proposed methods are more effective and efficient in image representation than existing benchmark methods.Doctor of Philosoph

    Conventional and Neural Architectures for Biometric Presentation Attack Detection

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    Facial biometrics, which enable an efficient and reliable method of person recognition, have been growing continuously as an active sub-area of computer vision. Automatic face recognition offers a natural and non-intrusive method for recognising users from their facial characteristics. However, facial recognition systems are vulnerable to presentation attacks (or spoofing attacks) when an attacker attempts to hide their true identity and masquerades as a valid user by misleading the biometric system. Thus, Facial Presentation Attack Detection (Facial PAD) (or facial antispoofing) techniques that aim to protect face recognition systems from such attacks, have been attracting more research attention in recent years. Various systems and algorithms have been proposed and evaluated. This thesis explores and compares some novel directions for detecting facial presentation attacks, including traditional features as well as approaches based on deep learning. In particular, different features encapsulating temporal information are developed and explored for describing the dynamic characteristics in presentation attacks. Hand-crafted features, deep neural architectures and their possible extensions are explored for their application in PAD. The proposed novel traditional features address the problem of modelling distinct representations of presentation attacks in the temporal domain and consider two possible branches: behaviour-level and texture-level temporal information. The behaviour-level feature is developed from a symbolic system that was widely used in psychological studies and automated emotion analysis. Other proposed traditional features aim to capture the distinct differences in image quality, shadings and skin reflections by using dynamic texture descriptors. This thesis then explores deep learning approaches using different pre-trained neural architectures with the aim of improving detection performance. In doing so, this thesis also explores visualisations of the internal representation of the networks to inform the further development of such approaches for improving performance and suggest possible new directions for future research. These directions include interpretable capability of deep learning approaches for PAD and a fully automatic system design capability in which the network architecture and parameters are determined by the available data. The interpretable capability can produce justifications for PAD decisions through both natural language and saliency map formats. Such systems can lead to further performance improvement through the use of an attention sub-network by learning from the justifications. Designing optimum deep neural architectures for PAD is still a complex problem that requires substantial effort from human experts. For this reason, the necessity of producing a system that can automatically design the neural architecture for a particular task is clear. A gradient-based neural architecture search algorithm is explored and extended through the development of different optimisation functions for designing the neural architectures for PAD automatically. These possible extensions of the deep learning approaches for PAD were evaluated using challenging benchmark datasets and the potential of the proposed approaches were demonstrated by comparing with the state-of-the-art techniques and published results. The proposed methods were evaluated and analysed using publicly available datasets. Results from the experiments demonstrate the usefulness of temporal information and the potential benefits of applying deep learning techniques for presentation attack detection. In particular, the use of explanations for improving usability and performance of deep learning PAD techniques and automatic techniques for the design of PAD neural architectures show considerable promise for future development