5 research outputs found

    Fast Algorithms for Large-Scale Phylogenetic Reconstruction

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    One of the most fundamental computational problems in biology is that of inferring evolutionary histories of groups of species from sequence data. Such evolutionary histories, known as phylogenies are usually represented as binary trees where leaves represent extant species, whereas internal nodes represent their shared ancestors. As the amount of sequence data available to biologists increases, very fast phylogenetic reconstruction algorithms are becoming necessary. Currently, large sequence alignments can contain up to hundreds of thousands of sequences, making traditional methods, such as Neighbor Joining, computationally prohibitive. To address this problem, we have developed three novel fast phylogenetic algorithms. The first algorithm, QTree, is a quartet-based heuristic that runs in O(n log n) time. It is based on a theoretical algorithm that reconstructs the correct tree, with high probability, assuming every quartet is inferred correctly with constant probability. The core of our algorithm is a balanced search tree structure that enables us to locate an edge in the tree in O(log n) time. Our algorithm is several times faster than all the current methods, while its accuracy approaches that of Neighbour Joining. The second algorithm, LSHTree, is the first sub-quadratic time algorithm with theoretical performance guarantees under a Markov model of sequence evolution. Our new algorithm runs in O(n^{1+γ(g)} log^2 n) time, where γ is an increasing function of an upper bound on the mutation rate along any branch in the phylogeny, and γ(g) < 1 for all g. For phylogenies with very short branches, the running time of our algorithm is close to linear. In experiments, our prototype implementation was more accurate than the current fast algorithms, while being comparably fast. In the final part of this thesis, we apply the algorithmic framework behind LSHTree to the problem of placing large numbers of short sequence reads onto a fixed phylogenetic tree. Our initial results in this area are promising, but there are still many challenges to be resolved

    An Optimization-Based Sampling Scheme for Phylogenetic Trees

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    An optimization-based sampling scheme for phylogenetic trees.

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    Much modern work in phylogenetics depends on statistical sampling approaches to phylogeny construction to estimate probability distributions of possible trees for any given input data set. Our theoretical understanding of sampling approaches to phylogenetics remains far less developed than that for optimization approaches, however, particularly with regard to the number of sampling steps needed to produce accurate samples of tree partition functions. Despite the many advantages in principle of being able to sample trees from sophisticated probabilistic models, we have little theoretical basis for concluding that the prevailing sampling approaches do in fact yield accurate samples from those models within realistic numbers of steps. We propose a novel approach to phylogenetic sampling intended to be both efficient in practice and more amenable to theoretical analysis than the prevailing methods. The method depends on replacing the standard tree rearrangement moves with an alternative Markov model in which one solves a theoretically hard but practically tractable optimization problem on each step of sampling. The resulting method can be applied to a broad range of standard probability models, yielding practical algorithms for efficient sampling and rigorous proofs of accurate sampling for heated versions of some important special cases. We demonstrate the efficiency and versatility of the method by an analysis of uncertainty in tree inference over varying input sizes. In addition to providing a new practical method for phylogenetic sampling, the technique is likely to prove applicable to many similar problems involving sampling over combinatorial objects weighted by a likelihood model.</p