2 research outputs found

    An inverse problem formulation of the immersed boundary method

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    We formulate the immersed-boundary method (IBM) as an inverse problem. A control variable is introduced on the boundary of a larger domain that encompasses the target domain. The optimal control is the one that minimizes the mismatch between the state and the desired boundary value along the immersed target-domain boundary. We begin by investigating a na\"ive problem formulation that we show is ill-posed: in the case of the Laplace equation, we prove that the solution is unique but it fails to depend continuously on the data; for the linear advection equation, even solution uniqueness fails to hold. These issues are addressed by two complimentary strategies. The first strategy is to ensure that the enclosing domain tends to the true domain as the mesh is refined. The second strategy is to include a specialized parameter-free regularization that is based on penalizing the difference between the control and the state on the boundary. The proposed inverse IBM is applied to the diffusion, advection, and advection-diffusion equations using a high-order discontinuous Galerkin discretization. The numerical experiments demonstrate that the regularized scheme achieves optimal rates of convergence and that the reduced Hessian of the optimization problem has a bounded condition number as the mesh is refined

    A general framework for substructuring-based domain decomposition methods for models having nonlocal interactions

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    A rigorous mathematical framework is provided for a substructuring-based domain-decomposition approach for nonlocal problems that feature interactions between points separated by a finite distance. Here, by substructuring it is meant that a traditional geometric configuration for local partial differential equation problems is used in which a computational domain is subdivided into non-overlapping subdomains. In the nonlocal setting, this approach is substructuring-based in the sense that those subdomains interact with neighboring domains over interface regions having finite volume, in contrast to the local PDE setting in which interfaces are lower dimensional manifolds separating abutting subdomains. Key results include the equivalence between the global, single-domain nonlocal problem and its multi-domain reformulation, both at the continuous and discrete levels. These results provide the rigorous foundation necessary for the development of efficient solution strategies for nonlocal domain-decomposition methods.Comment: 27 pages, 3 figure