6 research outputs found

    Relações biográficas do patrimônio cultural no modelo EDM: uma proposta de integração de acervos sobre Oswaldo Cruz

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    As the growing possibilities for disseminating digital objects of cultural heritage on the Internet, some institutions dealing with documents and objects, identified from this spectrum, have encountered certain difficulties in measuring the best forms of organization and dissemination of information on the web, which currently extrapolate the traditional collection and listing of data from libraries, archives and museum catalogs. Semantic Web technologies and Linked Data principles have been pointed out as a facilitator for the structuring and interconnection between collections from different backgrounds, through the use of some guidelines for publication and data relationship. This can meet the longing for memory institutions in organizing the information of their digital objects on a particular theme. There are already initiatives for the publication of open data interlinked cultural heritage, such as the Europeana Library, which uses the Europeana Data Model (EDM) to relate and curate cultural data between collections of European institutions. The possibility of working biographical aspects between digital objects of documentary resources, through the EDM description and the (re) use of vocabularies already developed in Linked Data, to extend the semantics of the described objects, is the objective of this work. For that, a case study, restricted and illustrative, not exhaustive, will be made with documents on the scientist Oswaldo Cruz, pioneer in the study of infectious and parasitic diseases and experimental medicine in Brazil. Based on objects collected in the collections collected by the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ), on the memory of the life and work of the patron of the institution, the selected examples were representation using the EDM and the possibilities of linking the biographical aspects between the resources were explored through the use of established vocabularies. Thus it was possible to verify and analyze how the Linked Data principles can extend the semantics of the data, linking objects thematically, thus gaining a chance to be explored in the internet by original forms of discovery and reuse

    Relações biográficas do patrimônio cultural no modelo EDM: uma proposta de integração de acervos sobre Oswaldo Cruz

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    As the growing possibilities for disseminating digital objects of cultural heritage on the Internet, some institutions dealing with documents and objects, identified from this spectrum, have encountered certain difficulties in measuring the best forms of organization and dissemination of information on the web, which currently extrapolate the traditional collection and listing of data from libraries, archives and museum catalogs. Semantic Web technologies and Linked Data principles have been pointed out as a facilitator for the structuring and interconnection between collections from different backgrounds, through the use of some guidelines for publication and data relationship. This can meet the longing for memory institutions in organizing the information of their digital objects on a particular theme. There are already initiatives for the publication of open data interlinked cultural heritage, such as the Europeana Library, which uses the Europeana Data Model (EDM) to relate and curate cultural data between collections of European institutions. The possibility of working biographical aspects between digital objects of documentary resources, through the EDM description and the (re) use of vocabularies already developed in Linked Data, to extend the semantics of the described objects, is the objective of this work. For that, a case study, restricted and illustrative, not exhaustive, will be made with documents on the scientist Oswaldo Cruz, pioneer in the study of infectious and parasitic diseases and experimental medicine in Brazil. Based on objects collected in the collections collected by the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ), on the memory of the life and work of the patron of the institution, the selected examples were representation using the EDM and the possibilities of linking the biographical aspects between the resources were explored through the use of established vocabularies. Thus it was possible to verify and analyze how the Linked Data principles can extend the semantics of the data, linking objects thematically, thus gaining a chance to be explored in the internet by original forms of discovery and reuse

    Relações biográficas do patrimônio cultural no modelo EDM: uma proposta de integração de acervos sobre Oswaldo Cruz

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    The diffusion of digital objects of cultural heritage on the Internet has challenged institutions, which deal with documents identified within this conception, to measure the best ways to organize and disseminate this information on the web. The Semantic Web technologies and Linked Data principles have been pointed as facilitators for this action, providing forms of thematic interconnection. In this way, the opportunity to work biographical aspects between digital objects, through the Europeana Data Model (EDM) and vocabulary reuse, is the objective of this work. For this, a restrictive and illustrative, non-exhaustive case study was made, with documents about the scientist Oswaldo Cruz, pioneer in the study of infectious and parasitic diseases and experimental medicine in Brazil. From the EDM representation of the selected resources, it was inferred curatorial relationships of the biographical aspects between the items, which had the semantics identified among the descriptors of some vocabularies established in the context of related data. Thus it was possible to verify and analyze how the Linked Data principles can extend data semantics, linking objects thematically, thus gaining a chance to be exploited by original forms of discovery and reuse on the Internet.La difusión de objetos digitales del patrimonio cultural en Internet ha desafiado a las instituciones, que se ocupan de documentos identificados dentro de esta concepción, a medir las mejores formas de organizar y difundir esta información en la web. Los principios de las tecnologías web semánticas y los datos vinculados se han señalado como facilitadores de esta acción, proporcionando formas de interconexión temática. Por lo tanto, la oportunidad de trabajar aspectos biográficos entre objetos digitales, a través del Modelo de datos Europeana (EDM) y la reutilización de vocabulario, es el objetivo de este trabajo. Para esto, se realizó un estudio de caso restrictivo e ilustrativo, no exhaustivo, con documentos sobre el científico Oswaldo Cruz, pionero en el estudio de enfermedades infecciosas y parasitarias y medicina experimental en Brasil. A partir de la representación EDM de los recursos seleccionados, se infirió relaciones curatoriales de los aspectos biográficos entre los ítems, que tenían la semántica identificada entre los descriptores de algunos vocabularios establecidos en el contexto de datos relacionados. Por lo tanto, fue posible verificar y analizar cómo los principios de Linked Data pueden ampliar la semántica de los datos, vinculando objetos temáticamente, obteniendo así la oportunidad de ser explorados por las formas originales de descubrimiento y reutilización en Internet.A difusão de objetos digitais do patrimônio cultural na internet tem desafiado as instituições, que lidam com documentos identificados dentre dessa concepção, a mensurar as melhores formas de organizar e disseminar estas informações na web. As tecnologias da Web Semântica e os princípios Linked Data têm sido apontados como facilitadores para essa ação, propiciando formas de interligação temática. Assim, a oportunidade de trabalhar aspectos biográficos entre objetos digitais, através do Europeana Data Model (EDM) e da reutilização de vocabulários, é o objetivo desse trabalho. Para isso, foi feito um estudo de caso, restrito e ilustrativo, não exaustivo, com documentos sobre o cientista Oswaldo Cruz, pioneiro no estudo das doenças infecciosas e parasitárias e da medicina experimental no Brasil. A partir da representação em EDM dos recursos selecionados, foi inferido relações curatoriais dos aspectos biográficos entre os itens, que tiveram a semântica identificada entre os descritores de alguns vocabulários estabelecidos no contexto de dados relacionados. Assim foi possível verificar e analisar como os princípios Linked Data podem ampliar a semântica dos dados, vinculando objetos tematicamente, que ganham assim uma chance de serem explorados por formas originais de descoberta e reuso na internet

    An Ontology and Data Infrastructure for Publishing and Using Biographical Linked Data

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    This paper describes the ontology model and published datasets of a digitized biographical person register. The applied ontology model is designed to represent people via their enduring roles and perduring lifetime events. The model is designed to support 1) prosopographical Digital Humanities research, 2) linking to resources in semantic Cultural Heritage portals, and 3) semantic data validation and enrichment by using SPARQL queries. The linked data approach enables to enrich a person’s biography by interlinking it with space and time related biographical events, persons relating by social contacts or family relations, historical events, and personal achievements.Peer reviewe