2 research outputs found

    MathPASS: A Remedial Mathematics System with Automated Answer Checking

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    Introduced is a Web-based intelligent mathematics assessment system, MathPASS. MathPASS can generate random mathematical test questions based on pre-determined question prototypes, let users enter their answers in either a WYSIWYG or a character-string input environment, and check user answers with the help of a computer algebra system (CAS). 1 MathPASS Overview The application of computer technology in education [11] has become increasingly important as we move into the information age. In particular, a computer aided assessment (CAA) system [1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9] can be very useful for teachers and students. We introduce a Web-based intelligent mathematics assessment system, MathPASS [16], developed jointly at Lanzhou University (LZU) and Kent State University (KSU). MathPASS is a drill-and-practice system which has been applied in remedial mathematics courses at KSU. Four types of users, guest, student, teacher, and administrator, have different privileges for using MathPASS. Figure 1 shows a screen shot of Take Assignment page for student user in MathPASS. By June 2010, in MathPASS users include 5900 students and 100 teachers, taken assignments are more than 100 thousands, and taken questions are more than 1 million. MathPASS can be accessed a

    An On-line MathML Editing Tool for Web Applications

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    MathEdit [23] is a browser-based tool implemented in JavaScript that provides a convenient and intuitive graphical user interface for creating and editing mathematical expressions as well as a well-defined API for interoperating with its containing Web page. MathEdit can produce MathML Content and Presentation Markup as well as infix expressions for Web applications. The results returned can be displayed in a Web page or used in further computations. Here, we describe the methods of expression editing, visual navigation, and the MathEdit API. We also present the actual use of MathEdit in such interactive web applications as curve plotting and Mathcapable BBS. 1