3 research outputs found

    Supervised topic models with word order structure for document classification and retrieval learning

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    One limitation of most existing probabilistic latent topic models for document classification is that the topic model itself does not consider useful side-information, namely, class labels of documents. Topic models, which in turn consider the side-information, popularly known as supervised topic models, do not consider the word order structure in documents. One of the motivations behind considering the word order structure is to capture the semantic fabric of the document. We investigate a low-dimensional latent topic model for document classification. Class label information and word order structure are integrated into a supervised topic model enabling a more effective interaction among such information for solving document classification. We derive a collapsed Gibbs sampler for our model. Likewise, supervised topic models with word order structure have not been explored in document retrieval learning. We propose a novel supervised topic model for document retrieval learning which can be regarded as a pointwise model for tackling the learning-to-rank task. Available relevance assessments and word order structure are integrated into the topic model itself. We conduct extensive experiments on several publicly available benchmark datasets, and show that our model improves upon the state-of-the-art models

    An N-Gram Topic Model for Time-Stamped Documents

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    Abstract. This paper presents a topic model that captures the tem-poral dynamics in the text data along with topical phrases. Previous approaches have relied upon bag-of-words assumption to model such property in a corpus. This has resulted in an inferior performance with less interpretable topics. Our topic model can not only capture changes in the way a topic structure changes over time but also maintains impor-tant contextual information in the text data. Finding topical n-grams, when possible based on context, instead of always presenting unigrams in topics does away with many ambiguities that individual words may carry. We derive a collapsed Gibbs sampler for posterior inference. Our experimental results show an improvement over the current state-of-the-art topics over time model