820 research outputs found

    An overview to Software Architecture in Intrusion Detection System

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    Today by growing network systems, security is a key feature of each network infrastructure. Network Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) provide defense model for all security threats which are harmful to any network. The IDS could detect and block attack-related network traffic. The network control is a complex model. Implementation of an IDS could make delay in the network. Several software-based network intrusion detection systems are developed. However, the model has a problem with high speed traffic. This paper reviews of many type of software architecture in intrusion detection systems and describes the design and implementation of a high-performance network intrusion detection system that combines the use of software-based network intrusion detection sensors and a network processor board. The network processor which is a hardware-based model could acts as a customized load balancing splitter. This model cooperates with a set of modified content-based network intrusion detection sensors rather than IDS in processing network traffic and controls the high-speed.Comment: 8 Pages, International Journal of Soft Computing and Software Engineering [JSCSE]. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1101.0241 by other author

    Evaluation of Intelligent Intrusion Detection Models

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    This paper discusses an evaluation methodology that can be used to assess the performance of intelligent techniques at detecting, as well as predicting, unauthorised activities in networks. The effectiveness and the performance of any developed intrusion detection model will be determined by means of evaluation and validation. The evaluation and the learning prediction performance for this task will be discussed, together with a description of validation procedures. The performance of developed detection models that incorporate intelligent elements can be evaluated using well known standard methods, such as matrix confusion, ROC curves and Lift charts. In this paper these methods, as well as other useful evaluation approaches, are discussed.Peer reviewe

    Unsupervised Anomaly Detection with Unlabeled Data Using Clustering

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    Intrusions pose a serious security risk in a network environment. New intrusion types, of which detection systems are unaware, are the most difficult to detect. The amount of available network audit data instances is usually large; human labeling is tedious, time-consuming, and expensive. Traditional anomaly detection algorithms require a set of purely normal data from which they train their model. We present a clustering-based intrusion detection algorithm, unsupervised anomaly detection, which trains on unlabeled data in order to detect new intrusions. Our method is able to detect many different types of intrusions, while maintaining a low false positive rate as verified over the Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining - KDD CUP 1999 dataset

    A machine learning approach with verification of predictions and assisted supervision for a rule-based network intrusion detection system

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    Network security is a branch of network management in which network intrusion detection systems provide attack detection features by monitorization of traffic data. Rule-based misuse detection systems use a set of rules or signatures to detect attacks that exploit a particular vulnerability. These rules have to be handcoded by experts to properly identify vulnerabilities, which results in misuse detection systems having limited extensibility. This paper proposes a machine learning layer on top of a rule-based misuse detection system that provides automatic generation of detection rules, prediction verification and assisted classification of new data. Our system offers an overall good performance, while adding an heuristic and adaptive approach to existing rule-based misuse detection systems

    Machine Learning for Intrusion Detection: Modeling the Distribution Shift

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    This paper addresses two important issue that arise in formulating and solving computer intrusion detection as a machine learning problem, a topic that has attracted considerable attention in recent years including a community wide competition using a common data set known as the KDD Cup ’99. The first of these problems we address is the size of the data set, 5 × 106 by 41 features, which makes conventional learning algorithms impractical. In previous work, we introduced a one-pass non-parametric classification technique called Voted Spheres, which carves up the input space into a series of overlapping hyperspheres. Training data seen within each hypersphere is used in a voting scheme during testing on unseen data. Secondly, we address the problem of distribution shift whereby the training and test data may be drawn from slightly different probability densities, while the conditional densities of class membership for a given datum remains the same. We adopt two recent techniques from the literature, density weighting and kernel mean matching, to enhance the Voted Spheres technique to deal with such distribution disparities. We demonstrate that substantial performance gains can be achieved using these techniques on the KDD cup data set

    Improving Accuracy of Intrusion Detection Model Using PCA and optimized SVM

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    Intrusion detection is very essential for providing security to different network domains and is mostly used for locating and tracing the intruders. There are many problems with traditional intrusion detection models (IDS) such as low detection capability against unknown network attack, high false alarm rate and insufficient analysis capability. Hence the major scope of the research in this domain is to develop an intrusion detection model with improved accuracy and reduced training time. This paper proposes a hybrid intrusiondetection model by integrating the principal component analysis (PCA) and support vector machine (SVM). The novelty of the paper is the optimization of kernel parameters of the SVM classifier using automatic parameter selection technique. This technique optimizes the punishment factor (C) and kernel parameter gamma (γ), thereby improving the accuracy of the classifier and reducing the training and testing time. The experimental results obtained on the NSL KDD and gurekddcup dataset show that the proposed technique performs better with higher accuracy, faster convergence speed and better generalization. Minimum resources are consumed as the classifier input requires reduced feature set for optimum classification. A comparative analysis of hybrid models with the proposed model is also performed