6,388 research outputs found

    Sequential importance sampling for multiway tables

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    We describe an algorithm for the sequential sampling of entries in multiway contingency tables with given constraints. The algorithm can be used for computations in exact conditional inference. To justify the algorithm, a theory relates sampling values at each step to properties of the associated toric ideal using computational commutative algebra. In particular, the property of interval cell counts at each step is related to exponents on lead indeterminates of a lexicographic Gr\"{o}bner basis. Also, the approximation of integer programming by linear programming for sampling is related to initial terms of a toric ideal. We apply the algorithm to examples of contingency tables which appear in the social and medical sciences. The numerical results demonstrate that the theory is applicable and that the algorithm performs well.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/009053605000000822 in the Annals of Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Computing HF^ by factoring mapping classes

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    Bordered Heegaard Floer homology is an invariant for three-manifolds with boundary. In particular, this invariant associates to a handle decomposition of a surface F a differential graded algebra, and to an arc slide between two handle decompositions, a bimodule over the two algebras. In this paper, we describe these bimodules for arc slides explicitly, and then use them to give a combinatorial description of HF^ of a closed three-manifold, as well as the bordered Floer homology of any 3-manifold with boundary.Comment: 106 pages, 46 figure

    Extending du Bois-Reymond's Infinitesimal and Infinitary Calculus Theory

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    The discovery of the infinite integer leads to a partition between finite and infinite numbers. Construction of an infinitesimal and infinitary number system, the Gossamer numbers. Du Bois-Reymond's much-greater-than relations and little-o/big-O defined with the Gossamer number system, and the relations algebra is explored. A comparison of function algebra is developed. A transfer principle more general than Non-Standard-Analysis is developed, hence a two-tier system of calculus is described. Non-reversible arithmetic is proved, and found to be the key to this calculus and other theory. Finally sequences are partitioned between finite and infinite intervals.Comment: Resubmission of 6 other submissions. 99 page

    Energy translation and Proper-Time Eigenstates

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    The usual quantum mechanics describes the mass eigenstates. To describe the proper-time eigenstates, a duality theory of the usual quantum mechanics was developed. The time interval is treated as an operator on an equal footing with the space interval, and the quantization of the space-time intervals between events is obtained. As a result, one can show that there exists a zero-point time interval.Comment: 15 pages, No figur