1,688 research outputs found

    Wave-based sensor, actuator and optimizer

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    Programa doutoral em Sistemas Avançados de Engenharia para a Indústria (AESI)A presente tese explora a utilização de ondas para abordar dois desafios significativos na indústria automóvel. O primeiro desafio consiste no desenvolvimento de um sistema de cancelamento ativo de ruído (ANC) que possa reduzir os ruídos não estacionários no compartimento de passageiros de um veículo. O segundo desafio é criar uma metodologia de conceção ótima para sensores de posição indutivos capazes de medir deslocamentos lineares, rotacionais e angulares. Para abordar o primeiro desafio, foi desenvolvido de um sistema ANC onde wavelets foram combinadas com um banco de filtros adaptativos. O sistema foi implementado em uma FPGA, e testes demonstraram que o sistema pode reduzir o ruído não estacionário em um ambiente acústico aberto e não controlado em 9 dB. O segundo desafio foi abordado através de uma metodologia que combina um algoritmo genético com um método numérico rápido para otimizar um sensor de posição indutivo. O método numérico foi usado para simular o campo eletromagnético associado à geometria do sensor, permitindo a maximização da corrente induzida nas bobinas recetoras e a minimização da não-linearidade no sensor. A minimização da não-linearidade foi conseguida através do desenho (layout) das bobinas que compõem o sensor. Sendo este otimizado no espaço de Fourier através da adição de harmónicos apropriados na geometria. As melhores geometrias otimizadas apresentaram uma não-linearidade inferior a 0,01% e a 0,25% da escala total para os sensores de posição angular e linear, respetivamente, sem calibração por software. O sistema ANC proposto tem o potencial de melhorar o conforto dos ocupantes do veículo, reduzindo o ruído indesejado dentro do compartimento de passageiros. Isso poderia reduzir o uso de materiais de isolamento acústico no veículo, levando a um veículo mais leve e, em última análise, a uma redução no consumo de energia. A metodologia desenvolvida para sensores de posição indutivos contribui para o estado da arte de sensores de posição eficientes e económicos, o que é crucial para os requisitos complexos da indústria automóvel. Essas contribuições têm implicações para o desenho de sistemas automotivos, com requisitos de desempenho e considerações ambientais e económicas.This thesis explores the use of waves to tackle two major engineering challenges in the automotive industry. The first challenge is the development of an Active Noise Cancelling (ANC) system that can effectively reduce non-stationary noise inside a vehicle’s passenger compartment. The second challenge is the optimization of an inductive position sensor design methodology capable of measuring linear, rotational, and angular displacements. To address the first challenge, this work designs an ANC system that employs wavelets combined with a bank of adaptive filters. The system was implemented in an FPGA, and field tests demonstrate its ability to reduce non-stationary noise in an open and uncontrolled acoustic environment by 9 dB. The second challenge was tackled by proposing a new approach that combines a genetic algorithm with a fast and lightweight numerical method to optimize the geometry of an inductive position sensor. The numerical method is used to simulate the sensor’s electromagnetic field, allowing for the maximization of induced current on the receiver coils while minimizing the sensor’s non-linearity. The non-linearity minimization was achieved through its unique sensor’s coils design optimized in the Fourier space by adding the appropriate harmonics to the coils’ geometry. The best optimized geometries exhibited a non-linearity of less than 0.01% and 0.25% of the full scale for the angular and linear position sensors, respectively. Both results were achieved without the need for signal calibration or post-processing manipulation. The proposed ANC system has the potential to enhance the comfort of vehicle occupants by reducing unwanted noise inside the passenger compartment. Moreover, it has the potential to reduce the use of acoustic insulation materials in the vehicle, leading to a lighter vehicle and ultimately reducing energy consumption. The developed methodology for inductive position sensors represents a state-of-the-art contribution to efficient and cost-effective position sensor design, which is crucial for meeting the complex requirements of the automotive industry.I would like to thank the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) and Bosch Car Multimedia for funding my PhD (grant PD/BDE/142901/2018)

    Effects of the target on the performance of an ultra-low power eddy current displacement sensor for industrial applications

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    The demand for smart, low-power, and low-cost sensors is rapidly increasing with the proliferation of industry automation. In this context, an Ultra-Low Power Eddy Current Displacement Sensor (ULP-ECDS) targeting common industrial applications and designed to be embedded in wireless Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) devices is presented. A complete characterization of the realized ULP-ECDS operating with different metallic targets was carried out. The choice of the considered targets in terms of material and thickness was inspired by typical industrial scenarios. The experimental results show that the realized prototype works properly with extremely low supply voltages, allowing for obtaining an ultra-low power consumption, significantly lower than other state-of-the-art solutions. In particular, the proposed sensor reached the best resolution of 2 \ub5m in case of a carbon steel target when operated with a supply voltage of 200 mV and with a power consumption of 150 \ub5W. By accepting a resolution of 12 \ub5m, it is possible to further reduce the power consumption of the sensor to less than 10 \ub5W. The obtained results also demonstrate how the performances of the sensor are strongly dependent on both the target and the demodulation technique used to extract the displacement information. This allowed for defining some practical guidelines that can help the design of effective solutions considering application-specific constraints

    Software design and implementation of a contactless surface sensing NDE scanning system

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    An Inductive Sensor for Real Time Measurement of Plantar Normal and Shear Forces Distribution

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    Goal: The objective of this article is to demonstrate a multiplexed inductive force sensor for simultaneously measuring normal force and shear forces on a foot. Methods: The sensor measures the normal force and shear forces by monitoring the inductance changes of three planar sensing coils. Resonance frequency division multiplexing was applied to signals from the multiple sensing coils, making it feasible to simultaneously measure the three forces (normal force, shear forces in x and y axis) on a foot using only one set of measurement electronics with high sensitivity and resolution. Results: The testing results of the prototype sensor have shown that the sensor is capable of measuring normal force ranging from 0 to 800 N and shear forces ranging from 0 to 130 N in real time. Conclusion: With its high resolution, high sensitivity and the capability of monitoring forces at different positions of a foot simultaneously, this sensor can be potentially used for real time measurement of plantar normal force and shear forces distribution on diabetes patient’s foot. Significance: Real time monitoring of the normal force and shear forces on diabetes patient’s foot can provide useful information for physicians and diabetes patients to take actions in preventing foot ulceration

    Wireless Sensors and Actuators for Structural Health Monitoring of Fiber Composite Materials

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    This work evaluates and investigates the wireless generation and detection of Lamb-waves on fiber-reinforced materials using surface applied or embedded piezo elements. The general target is to achieve wireless systems or sensor networks for Structural Health Monitoring (SHM), a type of Non-Destructive-Evaluation (NDE). In this sense, a fully wireless measurement system that achieves power transmission implementing inductive coils is reported. This system allows a reduction of total system weight as well as better integration in the structure. A great concern is the characteristics of the material, in which the system is integrated, because the properties can have a direct impact on the strength of the magnetic field. Carbon-Fiber-Reinforced-Polymer (CFRP) is known to behave as an electrical conductor, shielding radio waves with increasing worse effects at higher frequencies. Due to the need of high power and voltage, interest is raised to evaluate the operation of piezo as actuators at the lower frequency ranges. To this end, actuating occurs at the International Scientific and Medical (ISM) band of 125 kHz or low-frequency (LF) range. The feasibility of such system is evaluated extensively in this work. Direct excitation, is done by combining the actuator bonded to the surface or embedded in the material with an inductive LF coil and setting the circuit in resonance. A more controlled possibility, also explored, is the use of electronics to generate a Hanning-windowed-sine to excite the PWAS in a narrow spectrum. In this case, only wireless power is transmitted to the actuator node, and this lastly implements a Piezo-driver to independently excite Lamb-waves. Sensing and data transfer, on the other hand, is done using the high-frequency (HF) 13.56 MHz. The HF range covers the requirements of faster sampling rate and lower energy content. A re-tuning of the antenna coils is performed to obtain better transmission qualities when the system is implemented in CFRP. Several quasi-isotropic (QI) CFRP plates with sensor and actuator nodes were made to measure the quality of transmission and the necessary energy to stimulate the actuator-sensor system. In order to produce baselines, measurements are prepared from a healthy plate under specific temperature and humidity conditions. The signals are evaluated to verify the functionality in the presence of defects. The measurements demonstrate that it is possible to wirelessly generate Lamb-waves while early results show the feasibility to determine the presence of structural failure. For instance, progress has been achieved detecting the presence of a failure in the form of drilled holes introduced to the structure. This work shows a complete set of experimental results of different sensor/-actuator nodes

    Design and characterization of the measurement electronics for a magnetic induction tomography imaging system

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    Includes abstract.Includes bibliographical references (p. 103-110).A data acquisition transceiver circuit for magnetic induction tomography (MIT) has been developed. MIT is a type of tomography technique that is sensitive to the conductivity of objects, and which can be used in both industrial and biomedical applications. A detailed design process of the MIT transceiver board and the coupling sensor coils are presented in this dissertation. For the purpose of testing the designed hardware, a three channel MIT measuring system was assembled, and various experiments were run on the system. Several different samples with high conductivity (metal sheets) or low conductivity (saline solution) were used to test the performance of the designed transceiver. Its suitability for being applied to the actual MIT system could then be assessed. The noise characteristics and stability of the system were also characterised. A complete eight channel MIT measurement system is presently being assembled based on the prototypes presented in the dissertation. The results obtained from the experiments are very promising. The construction of the multi-channel MIT system and the image reconstruction can confidently be expected in future development
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