25,296 research outputs found

    An Interactive Tool for Constrained Clustering with Human Sampling

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    Abstract-This paper describes an interactive tool for constrained clustering that helps users to select effective constraints efficiently during the constrained clustering process. This tool has some functions such as 2-D visual arrangement of a data set and constraint assignment by mouse manipulation. Moreover, it can execute distance metric learning and kmedoids clustering. In this paper, we show the overview of the tool and how it works, especially in the functions of display arrangement by multi-dimensional scaling and incremental distance metric learning. Eventually we show a preliminary experiment in which human heuristics found through our GUI improve the clustering. This study provides fundamental technologies for interactive clustering of Web page and Web usages. I. INTRODUCTION Constrained clustering is a promising approach for improving the accuracy of clustering by using some prior knowledge about data. As the prior knowledge, we generally use two types of simple constraints about a pair of data. The first constraint is called "must-link" which is a pair of data that must be in the same cluster. The second one is called "cannot-link" which is a pair of data that must be in different clusters. There have been proposed several approaches to utilize these constraints so far. For example, a well-known constrained clustering algorithm the COP-Kmeans [1] uses these constraints as exceptional rules for the data allocation process in a k-means algorithm. A data may not be allocated to the nearest cluster center if the data and a member of the cluster form a cannot-link, or the data and a member of the other cluster form a must-link. Another studies [2], [3], Although the use of constraints is an effective approach, we have some problems in preparing constraints. One problem is the efficiency of the process. Because a human user generally needs to label many constraints with "must-link" or "cannot-link", his/her cognitive cost seems very high. Thus we need an interactive system to help users cut down such an operation cost. The other problem is the effectiveness of the prepared constraints. Many experimental results in recent studies have shown clustering performance does not monotonically improve (sometimes deteriorates) as th

    Deformable Prototypes for Encoding Shape Categories in Image Databases

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    We describe a method for shape-based image database search that uses deformable prototypes to represent categories. Rather than directly comparing a candidate shape with all shape entries in the database, shapes are compared in terms of the types of nonrigid deformations (differences) that relate them to a small subset of representative prototypes. To solve the shape correspondence and alignment problem, we employ the technique of modal matching, an information-preserving shape decomposition for matching, describing, and comparing shapes despite sensor variations and nonrigid deformations. In modal matching, shape is decomposed into an ordered basis of orthogonal principal components. We demonstrate the utility of this approach for shape comparison in 2-D image databases.Office of Naval Research (Young Investigator Award N00014-06-1-0661

    Dynamic Adaptive Point Cloud Streaming

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    High-quality point clouds have recently gained interest as an emerging form of representing immersive 3D graphics. Unfortunately, these 3D media are bulky and severely bandwidth intensive, which makes it difficult for streaming to resource-limited and mobile devices. This has called researchers to propose efficient and adaptive approaches for streaming of high-quality point clouds. In this paper, we run a pilot study towards dynamic adaptive point cloud streaming, and extend the concept of dynamic adaptive streaming over HTTP (DASH) towards DASH-PC, a dynamic adaptive bandwidth-efficient and view-aware point cloud streaming system. DASH-PC can tackle the huge bandwidth demands of dense point cloud streaming while at the same time can semantically link to human visual acuity to maintain high visual quality when needed. In order to describe the various quality representations, we propose multiple thinning approaches to spatially sub-sample point clouds in the 3D space, and design a DASH Media Presentation Description manifest specific for point cloud streaming. Our initial evaluations show that we can achieve significant bandwidth and performance improvement on dense point cloud streaming with minor negative quality impacts compared to the baseline scenario when no adaptations is applied.Comment: 6 pages, 23rd ACM Packet Video (PV'18) Workshop, June 12--15, 2018, Amsterdam, Netherland

    Non-Parametric Probabilistic Image Segmentation

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    We propose a simple probabilistic generative model for image segmentation. Like other probabilistic algorithms (such as EM on a Mixture of Gaussians) the proposed model is principled, provides both hard and probabilistic cluster assignments, as well as the ability to naturally incorporate prior knowledge. While previous probabilistic approaches are restricted to parametric models of clusters (e.g., Gaussians) we eliminate this limitation. The suggested approach does not make heavy assumptions on the shape of the clusters and can thus handle complex structures. Our experiments show that the suggested approach outperforms previous work on a variety of image segmentation tasks

    A visual workspace for constructing hybrid MDS algorithms and coordinating multiple views

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    Data can be distinguished according to volume, variable types and distribution, and each of these characteristics imposes constraints upon the choice of applicable algorithms for their visualisation. This has led to an abundance of often disparate algorithmic techniques. Previous work has shown that a hybrid algorithmic approach can be successful in addressing the impact of data volume on the feasibility of multidimensional scaling (MDS). This paper presents a system and framework in which a user can easily explore algorithms as well as their hybrid conjunctions and the data flowing through them. Visual programming and a novel algorithmic architecture let the user semi-automatically define data flows and the co-ordination of multiple views of algorithmic and visualisation components. We propose that our approach has two main benefits: significant improvements in run times of MDS algorithms can be achieved, and intermediate views of the data and the visualisation program structure can provide greater insight and control over the visualisation process
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