7 research outputs found

    Exponential Separation of Quantum Communication and Classical Information

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    We exhibit a Boolean function for which the quantum communication complexity is exponentially larger than the classical information complexity. An exponential separation in the other direction was already known from the work of Kerenidis et. al. [SICOMP 44, pp. 1550-1572], hence our work implies that these two complexity measures are incomparable. As classical information complexity is an upper bound on quantum information complexity, which in turn is equal to amortized quantum communication complexity, our work implies that a tight direct sum result for distributional quantum communication complexity cannot hold. The function we use to present such a separation is the Symmetric k-ary Pointer Jumping function introduced by Rao and Sinha [ECCC TR15-057], whose classical communication complexity is exponentially larger than its classical information complexity. In this paper, we show that the quantum communication complexity of this function is polynomially equivalent to its classical communication complexity. The high-level idea behind our proof is arguably the simplest so far for such an exponential separation between information and communication, driven by a sequence of round-elimination arguments, allowing us to simplify further the approach of Rao and Sinha. As another application of the techniques that we develop, we give a simple proof for an optimal trade-off between Alice's and Bob's communication while computing the related Greater-Than function on n bits: say Bob communicates at most b bits, then Alice must send n/exp(O(b)) bits to Bob. This holds even when allowing pre-shared entanglement. We also present a classical protocol achieving this bound.Comment: v1, 36 pages, 3 figure

    New Separations Results for External Information

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    We obtain new separation results for the two-party external information complexity of boolean functions. The external information complexity of a function f(x,y)f(x,y) is the minimum amount of information a two-party protocol computing ff must reveal to an outside observer about the input. We obtain the following results: 1. We prove an exponential separation between external and internal information complexity, which is the best possible; previously no separation was known. 2. We prove a near-quadratic separation between amortized zero-error communication complexity and external information complexity for total functions, disproving a conjecture of \cite{Bravermansurvey}. 3. We prove a matching upper showing that our separation result is tight

    Near-Quadratic Lower Bounds for Two-Pass Graph Streaming Algorithms

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    We prove that any two-pass graph streaming algorithm for the ss-tt reachability problem in nn-vertex directed graphs requires near-quadratic space of n2−o(1)n^{2-o(1)} bits. As a corollary, we also obtain near-quadratic space lower bounds for several other fundamental problems including maximum bipartite matching and (approximate) shortest path in undirected graphs. Our results collectively imply that a wide range of graph problems admit essentially no non-trivial streaming algorithm even when two passes over the input is allowed. Prior to our work, such impossibility results were only known for single-pass streaming algorithms, and the best two-pass lower bounds only ruled out o(n7/6)o(n^{7/6}) space algorithms, leaving open a large gap between (trivial) upper bounds and lower bounds

    An Interactive Information Odometer and Applications

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    Non UBCUnreviewedAuthor affiliation: Princeton UniversityGraduat