378 research outputs found

    Etude de Faisabilité des Mécanismes de Détection de Mauvais Comportement dans les systèmes de transport intelligents coopératifs (C-ITS)

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    International audience—Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (C–ITS) is an emerging technology that aims at improving road safety, traffic efficiency and drivers experience. To this end, vehicles cooperate with each others and the infrastructure by exchanging Vehicle–to–X communication (V2X) messages. In such communicating systems message authentication and privacy are of paramount importance. The commonly adopted solution to cope with these issues relies on the use of a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) that provides digital certificates to entities of the system. Even if the use of pseudonym certificates mitigate the privacy issues, the PKI cannot address all cyber threats. That is why we need a mechanism that enable each entity of the system to detect and report misbehaving neighbors. In this paper, we provide a state-of-the-art of misbehavior detection methods. We then discuss their feasibility with respect to current standards and law compliance as well as hardware/software requirements

    A hierarchical detection method in external communication for self-driving vehicles based on TDMA

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    Security is considered a major challenge for self-driving and semi self-driving vehicles. These vehicles depend heavily on communications to predict and sense their external environment used in their motion. They use a type of ad hoc network termed Vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs). Unfortunately, VANETs are potentially exposed to many attacks on network and application level. This paper, proposes a new intrusion detection system to protect the communication system of self-driving cars; utilising a combination of hierarchical models based on clusters and log parameters. This security system is designed to detect Sybil and Wormhole attacks in highway usage scenarios. It is based on clusters, utilising Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) to overcome some of the obstacles of VANETs such as high density, high mobility and bandwidth limitations in exchanging messages. This makes the security system more efficient, accurate and capable of real time detection and quick in identification of malicious behaviour in VANETs. In this scheme, each vehicle log calculates and stores different parameter values after receiving the cooperative awareness messages from nearby vehicles. The vehicles exchange their log data and determine the difference between the parameters, which is utilised to detect Sybil attacks and Wormhole attacks. In order to realize efficient and effective intrusion detection system, we use the well-known network simulator (ns-2) to verify the performance of the security system. Simulation results indicate that the security system can achieve high detection rates and effectively detect anomalies with low rate of false alarms

    Analysis of cyber risk and associated concentration of research (ACR)² in the security of vehicular edge clouds

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    Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) is a rapidly growing research space with many issues and challenges. One of the major concerns is to successfully integrate connected technologies, such as cloud infrastructure and edge cloud, into ITS. Security has been identified as one of the greatest challenges for the ITS, and security measures require consideration from design to implementation. This work focuses on providing an analysis of cyber risk and associated concentration of research (ACR2). The introduction of ACR2 approach can be used to consider research challenges in VEC and open up further investigation into those threats that are important but under-researched. That is, the approach can identify very high or high risk areas that have a low research concentration. In this way, this research can lay the foundations for the development of further work in securing the future of ITS

    A Survey on Attacks and Preservation Analysis of IDS in Vanet

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    Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANETs) are the extremely famous enabling network expertise for Smart Transportation Systems. VANETs serve numerous pioneering impressive operations and prospects although transportation preservation and facilitation functions are their basic drivers. Numerous preservation allied VANETs functions are immediate and task imperative, which would entail meticulous assurance of preservation and authenticity. Yet non preservation associated multimedia operations, which would assist an imperative task in the future, would entail preservation assistance. Short of such preservation and secrecy in VANETs is one of the fundamental barriers to the extensive extended implementations of it. An anxious and untrustworthy VANET could be more hazardous than the structure without VANET assistance. So it is imperative to build specific that “life-critical preservation” data is protected adequate to rely on. Securing the VANETs including proper shield of the secrecy drivers or vehicle possessors is an extremely challenging assignment. In this research paper we review the assaults, equivalent preservation entails and objections in VANETs. We as well present the enormously admired common preservation guidelines which are based on avoidance as well recognition methods. Many VANETs operations entail system wide preservation support rather than individual layer from the VANETs’ protocol heap. This paper will also appraise the existing researches in the perception of holistic method of protection. Finally, we serve some potential future trends to attain system-wide preservation with secrecy pleasant preservation in VANETs. Keywords: VANET (Vehicular Ad-hoc Network), Routing algorithm, Vehicle preservation, IDS, attack, Secrec

    Attack Classification and Detection for Misbehaving Vehicles using ML/DL

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    Vehicle ad hoc networks are a crucial component of the next Intelligent Transportation System created to build a reliable and secure connection between various network components to establish a safe and effective transportation network. Because of open nature of VANETs become vulnerable to numerous assaults such forgery, Denial-of-Service (DoS), and false reports, which can ultimately cause traffic jams or accidents The earlier study concentrated on misbehaving vehicles rather than RSUs. Proposed method integrates data from two subsequent BSMs for testing and training by employing machine learning (ML) methods. The framework merges the data from two BSMs in the right manner and utilizes machine learning/Deep learning methodology which identify the running vehicle as a legal or hostile one
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