2 research outputs found

    An Intelligent Based Screening Agent for Job Recruitment

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    Presently, companies and organizations face a lot of stress and complications to acquire intelligent and qualified employees. A lot of expert system has been developed to elucidate the process but they are not intelligently based enough. In this paper, an intelligent based screening agent is proposed. The advertised positions and necessary requirements are posted by company or organization. The applicant logon the system and apply for an advertised position, filling necessary form to generate his/her attribute and submit. Knowledge base for the applicants and the requirements of the company or organizations are created using Microsoft Access and an inference engine then developed to assign an applicant to a proper job requirement and finally create qualified list and unqualified list for assigned and unassigned cases.  The system was implemented using Visual Basic 6.0. Keywords: Intelligent, Screening, Recruitment, Human Resource (HR) Personnel, Expert System, Knowledge Base

    Pursuing fit: a grounded theory of e-recruitment in Namibia – an integrated jobseeker and agency perspective

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    The purpose of this study was to identify the main concern of jobseekers and recruitment agencies in electronic recruitment (e-recruitment) and determine how it was resolved. The country of Namibia was chosen for the study because many of its jobseekers and recruitment agencies are adopting e-recruitment to overcome challenges in their recruitment context. In order to meet the purpose of the study, Classic Grounded Theory Methodology (classic-GTM) was used. Through the application of classic-GTM it emerged that jobseekers' and recruitment agencies' perspectives on e-recruitment are varied and shifting, which together with the dynamics in information technology bring many possibilities and fluidity of stakeholders' behaviour. Therefore, jobseekers and recruitment agencies are mainly concerned about Fit or lack thereof between their conceptualizations of Objects of Concern (namely information technology, jobseekers, job providers (recruitment agencies and employers) and jobs) in such a dynamic environment. Pursuing Fit emerged as the core variable (core category) representing how the participants continuously resolved their main concern. Two sub-categories constituting Pursuing Fit are Interpreting Fit and Positioning for Fit and they explain how stakeholders interpret e-recruitment concepts and position themselves and other Objects of Concern based on interpretation. Recruitment is likely to take place when Objects of Concern relate in a desirable (fitting) manner. The study's contribution to knowledge is through the theory of Pursuing Fit that suggests a systematic way of understanding e-recruitment and of conceptualizing information technology in e-recruitment to increase chances of recruitment. Implications common for both jobseekers and recruitment agencies are context awareness and flexibility. Context awareness allows stakeholders to interpret Objects of Concern based on the context and flexibility makes it possible to change from a previously held position. The study can be used as the foundation for research involving multiple stakeholders in e-recruitment. In conclusion, e-recruitment is a process of meaning creation in which stakeholders interpret concepts and based on the meanings relate the concepts with each other