16,125 research outputs found

    Joint Line Segmentation and Transcription for End-to-End Handwritten Paragraph Recognition

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    Offline handwriting recognition systems require cropped text line images for both training and recognition. On the one hand, the annotation of position and transcript at line level is costly to obtain. On the other hand, automatic line segmentation algorithms are prone to errors, compromising the subsequent recognition. In this paper, we propose a modification of the popular and efficient multi-dimensional long short-term memory recurrent neural networks (MDLSTM-RNNs) to enable end-to-end processing of handwritten paragraphs. More particularly, we replace the collapse layer transforming the two-dimensional representation into a sequence of predictions by a recurrent version which can recognize one line at a time. In the proposed model, a neural network performs a kind of implicit line segmentation by computing attention weights on the image representation. The experiments on paragraphs of Rimes and IAM database yield results that are competitive with those of networks trained at line level, and constitute a significant step towards end-to-end transcription of full documents

    Measuring Human Perception to Improve Handwritten Document Transcription

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    The subtleties of human perception, as measured by vision scientists through the use of psychophysics, are important clues to the internal workings of visual recognition. For instance, measured reaction time can indicate whether a visual stimulus is easy for a subject to recognize, or whether it is hard. In this paper, we consider how to incorporate psychophysical measurements of visual perception into the loss function of a deep neural network being trained for a recognition task, under the assumption that such information can enforce consistency with human behavior. As a case study to assess the viability of this approach, we look at the problem of handwritten document transcription. While good progress has been made towards automatically transcribing modern handwriting, significant challenges remain in transcribing historical documents. Here we describe a general enhancement strategy, underpinned by the new loss formulation, which can be applied to the training regime of any deep learning-based document transcription system. Through experimentation, reliable performance improvement is demonstrated for the standard IAM and RIMES datasets for three different network architectures. Further, we go on to show feasibility for our approach on a new dataset of digitized Latin manuscripts, originally produced by scribes in the Cloister of St. Gall in the the 9th century

    PageNet: Page Boundary Extraction in Historical Handwritten Documents

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    When digitizing a document into an image, it is common to include a surrounding border region to visually indicate that the entire document is present in the image. However, this border should be removed prior to automated processing. In this work, we present a deep learning based system, PageNet, which identifies the main page region in an image in order to segment content from both textual and non-textual border noise. In PageNet, a Fully Convolutional Network obtains a pixel-wise segmentation which is post-processed into the output quadrilateral region. We evaluate PageNet on 4 collections of historical handwritten documents and obtain over 94% mean intersection over union on all datasets and approach human performance on 2 of these collections. Additionally, we show that PageNet can segment documents that are overlayed on top of other documents.Comment: HIP 2017 (in submission

    End to End Recognition System for Recognizing Offline Unconstrained Vietnamese Handwriting

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    Inspired by recent successes in neural machine translation and image caption generation, we present an attention based encoder decoder model (AED) to recognize Vietnamese Handwritten Text. The model composes of two parts: a DenseNet for extracting invariant features, and a Long Short-Term Memory network (LSTM) with an attention model incorporated for generating output text (LSTM decoder), which are connected from the CNN part to the attention model. The input of the CNN part is a handwritten text image and the target of the LSTM decoder is the corresponding text of the input image. Our model is trained end-to-end to predict the text from a given input image since all the parts are differential components. In the experiment section, we evaluate our proposed AED model on the VNOnDB-Word and VNOnDB-Line datasets to verify its efficiency. The experiential results show that our model achieves 12.30% of word error rate without using any language model. This result is competitive with the handwriting recognition system provided by Google in the Vietnamese Online Handwritten Text Recognition competition

    Handwritten Character Recognition In Malayalam Scripts- A Review

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    Handwritten character recognition is one of the most challenging and ongoing areas of research in the field of pattern recognition. HCR research is matured for foreign languages like Chinese and Japanese but the problem is much more complex for Indian languages. The problem becomes even more complicated for South Indian languages due to its large character set and the presence of vowels modifiers and compound characters. This paper provides an overview of important contributions and advances in offline as well as online handwritten character recognition of Malayalam scripts.Comment: 11 pages,4 figures,2 table

    Character-Based Handwritten Text Transcription with Attention Networks

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    The paper approaches the task of handwritten text recognition (HTR) with attentional encoder-decoder networks trained on sequences of characters, rather than words. We experiment on lines of text from popular handwriting datasets and compare different activation functions for the attention mechanism used for aligning image pixels and target characters. We find that softmax attention focuses heavily on individual characters, while sigmoid attention focuses on multiple characters at each step of the decoding. When the sequence alignment is one-to-one, softmax attention is able to learn a more precise alignment at each step of the decoding, whereas the alignment generated by sigmoid attention is much less precise. When a linear function is used to obtain attention weights, the model predicts a character by looking at the entire sequence of characters and performs poorly because it lacks a precise alignment between the source and target. Future research may explore HTR in natural scene images, since the model is capable of transcribing handwritten text without the need for producing segmentations or bounding boxes of text in images

    A Review of Research on Devnagari Character Recognition

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    English Character Recognition (CR) has been extensively studied in the last half century and progressed to a level, sufficient to produce technology driven applications. But same is not the case for Indian languages which are complicated in terms of structure and computations. Rapidly growing computational power may enable the implementation of Indic CR methodologies. Digital document processing is gaining popularity for application to office and library automation, bank and postal services, publishing houses and communication technology. Devnagari being the national language of India, spoken by more than 500 million people, should be given special attention so that document retrieval and analysis of rich ancient and modern Indian literature can be effectively done. This article is intended to serve as a guide and update for the readers, working in the Devnagari Optical Character Recognition (DOCR) area. An overview of DOCR systems is presented and the available DOCR techniques are reviewed. The current status of DOCR is discussed and directions for future research are suggested.Comment: 8 pages, 1 Figure, 8 Tables, Journal pape

    A New COLD Feature based Handwriting Analysis for Ethnicity/Nationality Identification

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    Identifying crime for forensic investigating teams when crimes involve people of different nationals is challenging. This paper proposes a new method for ethnicity (nationality) identification based on Cloud of Line Distribution (COLD) features of handwriting components. The proposed method, at first, explores tangent angle for the contour pixels in each row and the mean of intensity values of each row in an image for segmenting text lines. For segmented text lines, we use tangent angle and direction of base lines to remove rule lines in the image. We use polygonal approximation for finding dominant points for contours of edge components. Then the proposed method connects the nearest dominant points of every dominant point, which results in line segments of dominant point pairs. For each line segment, the proposed method estimates angle and length, which gives a point in polar domain. For all the line segments, the proposed method generates dense points in polar domain, which results in COLD distribution. As character component shapes change, according to nationals, the shape of the distribution changes. This observation is extracted based on distance from pixels of distribution to Principal Axis of the distribution. Then the features are subjected to an SVM classifier for identifying nationals. Experiments are conducted on a complex dataset, which show the proposed method is effective and outperforms the existing methodComment: Accepted in ICFHR1

    DeepWriter: A Multi-Stream Deep CNN for Text-independent Writer Identification

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    Text-independent writer identification is challenging due to the huge variation of written contents and the ambiguous written styles of different writers. This paper proposes DeepWriter, a deep multi-stream CNN to learn deep powerful representation for recognizing writers. DeepWriter takes local handwritten patches as input and is trained with softmax classification loss. The main contributions are: 1) we design and optimize multi-stream structure for writer identification task; 2) we introduce data augmentation learning to enhance the performance of DeepWriter; 3) we introduce a patch scanning strategy to handle text image with different lengths. In addition, we find that different languages such as English and Chinese may share common features for writer identification, and joint training can yield better performance. Experimental results on IAM and HWDB datasets show that our models achieve high identification accuracy: 99.01% on 301 writers and 97.03% on 657 writers with one English sentence input, 93.85% on 300 writers with one Chinese character input, which outperform previous methods with a large margin. Moreover, our models obtain accuracy of 98.01% on 301 writers with only 4 English alphabets as input.Comment: This article will be presented at ICFHR 201

    Bench-Marking Information Extraction in Semi-Structured Historical Handwritten Records

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    In this report, we present our findings from benchmarking experiments for information extraction on historical handwritten marriage records Esposalles from IEHHR - ICDAR 2017 robust reading competition. The information extraction is modeled as semantic labeling of the sequence across 2 set of labels. This can be achieved by sequentially or jointly applying handwritten text recognition (HTR) and named entity recognition (NER). We deploy a pipeline approach where first we use state-of-the-art HTR and use its output as input for NER. We show that given low resource setup and simple structure of the records, high performance of HTR ensures overall high performance. We explore the various configurations of conditional random fields and neural networks to benchmark NER on given certain noisy input. The best model on 10-fold cross-validation as well as blind test data uses n-gram features with bidirectional long short-term memory
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