3 research outputs found

    A user-centred personalised e-learning system

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    The paper proposes a framework for understanding the factors that affect usability of e-learning. The framework can be applied to the development of (1) a formative usability evaluation method for e-learning systems and (2) personalisation rules for e-learning systems interface. The formative usability evaluation method is intended for the evaluation of e-learning systems during its development stages, from screen-based prototypes to near completion. The evaluation criteria will be customisable depending on contingent criteria such as user characteristics and e-learning system characteristics. A web-based prototype will be developed to allow the convenient implementation of the methodology. The personalisation rules for e-learning system is intended for the automatic adaptation of e-learning systems' interface to different users' preferences in order to maximise its usability and learnability for individual users

    An Integrated Courseware Usability Evaluation Method

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    e-Learning is expected to support organizations in being moread#e4]22F and competitive. However, current resultsd# not measure up businessand ind#ess4fifi expectations yet. We propose a holistic framework focused on e-learning outcomesand their articulation with business process, courseware and learners' individual characteristics. In this e-learning framework, courseware usability is analyzed as a key aspect for effective interactions between users and courseware. We show preliminary results, lessons learnt and discuss future work