230,288 research outputs found

    A Rating-Based Integrated Recommendation Framework with Improved Collaborative Filtering Approaches

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    Collaborative filtering (CF) approach is successfully applied in the rating prediction of personal recommendation. But individual information source is leveraged in many of them, i.e., the information derived from single perspective is used in the user-item matrix for recommendation, such as user-based CF method mainly utilizing the information of user view, item-based CF method mainly exploiting the information of item view. In this paper, in order to take full advantage of multiple information sources embedded in user-item rating matrix, we proposed a rating-based integrated recommendation framework of CF approaches to improve the rating prediction accuracy. Firstly, as for the sparsity of the conventional item-based CF method, we improved it by fusing the inner similarity and outer similarity based on the local sparsity factor. Meanwhile, we also proposed the improved user-based CF method in line with the user-item-interest model (UIIM) by preliminary rating. Second, we put forward a background method called user-item-based improved CF (UIBCF-I), which utilizes the information source of both similar items and similar users, to smooth itembased and user-based CF methods. Lastly, we leveraged the three information sources and fused their corresponding ratings into an Integrated CF model (INTE-CF). Experiments demonstrate that the proposed rating-based INTE-CF indeed improves the prediction accuracy and has strong robustness and low sensitivity to sparsity of dataset by comparisons to other mainstream CF approaches

    P-CSREC: A New Approach for Personalized Cloud Service Recommendation

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    It is becoming a challenging issue for users to choose a satisfied service to fit their need due to the rapid growing number of cloud services and the vast amount of service type varieties. This paper proposes an effective cloud service recommendation approach, named personalized cloud service recommendation (P-CSREC), based on the characterization of heterogeneous information network, the use of association rule mining, and the modeling and clustering of user interests. First, a similarity measure is defined to improve the average similarity (AvgSim) measure by the inclusion of the subjective evaluation of users’ interests. Based on the improved AvgSim, a new model for measuring the user interest is established. Second, the traditional K-Harmonic Means (KHM) clustering algorithm is improved by means of involving multi meta-paths to avoid the convergence of local optimum. Then, a frequent pattern growth (FP-Growth) association rules algorithm is proposed to address the issue and the limitation of traditional association rule algorithms to offer personalization in recommendation. A new method to define a support value of nodes is developed using the weight of user’s score. In addition, a multi-level FP-Tree is defined based on the multi-level association rules theory to extract the relationship in higher level. Finally, a combined user interest with the improved KHM clustering algorithm and the improved FP-Growth algorithm is provided to improve accuracy of cloud services recommendation to target users. The experimental results demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed approach in improving the computational efficiency and recommendation accuracy

    Neuro-Symbolic Recommendation Model based on Logic Query

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    A recommendation system assists users in finding items that are relevant to them. Existing recommendation models are primarily based on predicting relationships between users and items and use complex matching models or incorporate extensive external information to capture association patterns in data. However, recommendation is not only a problem of inductive statistics using data; it is also a cognitive task of reasoning decisions based on knowledge extracted from information. Hence, a logic system could naturally be incorporated for the reasoning in a recommendation task. However, although hard-rule approaches based on logic systems can provide powerful reasoning ability, they struggle to cope with inconsistent and incomplete knowledge in real-world tasks, especially for complex tasks such as recommendation. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a neuro-symbolic recommendation model, which transforms the user history interactions into a logic expression and then transforms the recommendation prediction into a query task based on this logic expression. The logic expressions are then computed based on the modular logic operations of the neural network. We also construct an implicit logic encoder to reasonably reduce the complexity of the logic computation. Finally, a user's interest items can be queried in the vector space based on the computation results. Experiments on three well-known datasets verified that our method performs better compared to state of the art shallow, deep, session, and reasoning models.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figure

    Multi-modality Meets Re-learning: Mitigating Negative Transfer in Sequential Recommendation

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    Learning effective recommendation models from sparse user interactions represents a fundamental challenge in developing sequential recommendation methods. Recently, pre-training-based methods have been developed to tackle this challenge. Though promising, in this paper, we show that existing methods suffer from the notorious negative transfer issue, where the model adapted from the pre-trained model results in worse performance compared to the model learned from scratch in the task of interest (i.e., target task). To address this issue, we develop a method, denoted as ANT, for transferable sequential recommendation. ANT mitigates negative transfer by 1) incorporating multi-modality item information, including item texts, images and prices, to effectively learn more transferable knowledge from related tasks (i.e., auxiliary tasks); and 2) better capturing task-specific knowledge in the target task using a re-learning-based adaptation strategy. We evaluate ANT against eight state-of-the-art baseline methods on five target tasks. Our experimental results demonstrate that ANT does not suffer from the negative transfer issue on any of the target tasks. The results also demonstrate that ANT substantially outperforms baseline methods in the target tasks with an improvement of as much as 15.2%. Our analysis highlights the superior effectiveness of our re-learning-based strategy compared to fine-tuning on the target tasks

    Joint Geographical and Temporal Modeling based on Matrix Factorization for Point-of-Interest Recommendation

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    With the popularity of Location-based Social Networks, Point-of-Interest (POI) recommendation has become an important task, which learns the users' preferences and mobility patterns to recommend POIs. Previous studies show that incorporating contextual information such as geographical and temporal influences is necessary to improve POI recommendation by addressing the data sparsity problem. However, existing methods model the geographical influence based on the physical distance between POIs and users, while ignoring the temporal characteristics of such geographical influences. In this paper, we perform a study on the user mobility patterns where we find out that users' check-ins happen around several centers depending on their current temporal state. Next, we propose a spatio-temporal activity-centers algorithm to model users' behavior more accurately. Finally, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed contextual model by incorporating it into the matrix factorization model under two different settings: i) static and ii) temporal. To show the effectiveness of our proposed method, which we refer to as STACP, we conduct experiments on two well-known real-world datasets acquired from Gowalla and Foursquare LBSNs. Experimental results show that the STACP model achieves a statistically significant performance improvement, compared to the state-of-the-art techniques. Also, we demonstrate the effectiveness of capturing geographical and temporal information for modeling users' activity centers and the importance of modeling them jointly.Comment: To be appear in ECIR 202

    Clustering-Based Personalization

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    Recommendation systems have been the most emerging technology in the last decade as one of the key parts in e-commerce ecosystem. Businesses offer a wide variety of items and contents through different channels such as Internet, Smart TVs, Digital Screens, etc. The number of these items sometimes goes over millions for some businesses. Therefore, users can have trouble finding the products that they are looking for. Recommendation systems address this problem by providing powerful methods which enable users to filter through large information and product space based on their preferences. Moreover, users have different preferences. Thus, businesses can employ recommendation systems to target more audiences by addressing them with personalized content. Recent studies show a significant improvement of revenue and conversion rate for recommendation system adopters. Accuracy, scalability, comprehensibility, and data sparsity are main challenges in recommendation systems. Businesses need practical and scalable recommendation models which accurately personalize millions of items for millions of users in real-time. They also prefer comprehensible recommendations to understand how these models target their users. However, data sparsity and lack of enough data about items, users and their interests prevent personalization models to generate accurate recommendations. In Chapter 1, we first describe basic definitions in recommendation systems. We then shortly review our contributions and their importance in this thesis. Then in Chapter 2, we review the major solutions in this context. Traditional recommendation system methods usually make a rating matrix based on the observed ratings of users on items. This rating matrix is then employed in different data mining techniques to predict the unknown rating values based on the known values. In a novel solution, in Chapter 3, we capture the mean interest of the cluster of users on the cluster of items in a cluster-level rating matrix. We first cluster users and items separately based on the known ratings. In a new matrix, we then present the interest of each user clusters on each item clusters by averaging the ratings of users inside each user cluster on the items belonging to each item cluster. Then, we apply the matrix factorization method on this coarse matrix to predict the future cluster-level interests. Our final rating prediction includes an aggregation of the traditional user-item rating predictions and our cluster-level rating predictions. Generating personalized recommendation for cold-start users, or users with only few feedback, is a big challenge in recommendation systems. Employing any available information from these users in other domains is crucial to improve their recommendation accuracy. Thus, in Chapter 4, we extend our proposed clustering-based recommendation model by including the auxiliary feedback in other domains. In a new cluster-level rating matrix, we capture the cluster-level interests between the domains to reduce the sparsity of the known ratings. By factorizing this cross-domain rating matrix, we effectively utilize data from auxiliary domains to achieve better recommendations in the target domain, especially for cold-start users. In Chapter 5, we apply our proposed clustering-based recommendation system to Morphio platform used in a local digital marketing agency called Arcane inc. Morphio is an smart adaptive web platform, which is designed to help Arcane to produce smart contents and target more audiences. In Morphio, agencies can define multiple versions of content including texts, images, colors, and so on for their web pages. A personalization module then matches a version of content to each user using their profiles. Our ongoing real time experiment shows a significant improvement of user conversion employing our proposed clustering-based personalization. Finally, in Chapter 6, we present a summary and conclusions for this thesis. Parts of this thesis were submitted or published in peer-review journal and conferences including ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data and ACM Conferences on Recommender Systems

    Kernel-based Substructure Exploration for Next POI Recommendation

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    Point-of-Interest (POI) recommendation, which benefits from the proliferation of GPS-enabled devices and location-based social networks (LBSNs), plays an increasingly important role in recommender systems. It aims to provide users with the convenience to discover their interested places to visit based on previous visits and current status. Most existing methods usually merely leverage recurrent neural networks (RNNs) to explore sequential influences for recommendation. Despite the effectiveness, these methods not only neglect topological geographical influences among POIs, but also fail to model high-order sequential substructures. To tackle the above issues, we propose a Kernel-Based Graph Neural Network (KBGNN) for next POI recommendation, which combines the characteristics of both geographical and sequential influences in a collaborative way. KBGNN consists of a geographical module and a sequential module. On the one hand, we construct a geographical graph and leverage a message passing neural network to capture the topological geographical influences. On the other hand, we explore high-order sequential substructures in the user-aware sequential graph using a graph kernel neural network to capture user preferences. Finally, a consistency learning framework is introduced to jointly incorporate geographical and sequential information extracted from two separate graphs. In this way, the two modules effectively exchange knowledge to mutually enhance each other. Extensive experiments conducted on two real-world LBSN datasets demonstrate the superior performance of our proposed method over the state-of-the-arts. Our codes are available at https://github.com/Fang6ang/KBGNN.Comment: Accepted by the IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM) 202
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