10 research outputs found

    Darknet as a Source of Cyber Threat Intelligence: Investigating Distributed and Reflection Denial of Service Attacks

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    Cyberspace has become a massive battlefield between computer criminals and computer security experts. In addition, large-scale cyber attacks have enormously matured and became capable to generate, in a prompt manner, significant interruptions and damage to Internet resources and infrastructure. Denial of Service (DoS) attacks are perhaps the most prominent and severe types of such large-scale cyber attacks. Furthermore, the existence of widely available encryption and anonymity techniques greatly increases the difficulty of the surveillance and investigation of cyber attacks. In this context, the availability of relevant cyber monitoring is of paramount importance. An effective approach to gather DoS cyber intelligence is to collect and analyze traffic destined to allocated, routable, yet unused Internet address space known as darknet. In this thesis, we leverage big darknet data to generate insights on various DoS events, namely, Distributed DoS (DDoS) and Distributed Reflection DoS (DRDoS) activities. First, we present a comprehensive survey of darknet. We primarily define and characterize darknet and indicate its alternative names. We further list other trap-based monitoring systems and compare them to darknet. In addition, we provide a taxonomy in relation to darknet technologies and identify research gaps that are related to three main darknet categories: deployment, traffic analysis, and visualization. Second, we characterize darknet data. Such information could generate indicators of cyber threat activity as well as provide in-depth understanding of the nature of its traffic. Particularly, we analyze darknet packets distribution, its used transport, network and application layer protocols and pinpoint its resolved domain names. Furthermore, we identify its IP classes and destination ports as well as geo-locate its source countries. We further investigate darknet-triggered threats. The aim is to explore darknet inferred threats and categorize their severities. Finally, we contribute by exploring the inter-correlation of such threats, by applying association rule mining techniques, to build threat association rules. Specifically, we generate clusters of threats that co-occur targeting a specific victim. Third, we propose a DDoS inference and forecasting model that aims at providing insights to organizations, security operators and emergency response teams during and after a DDoS attack. Specifically, this work strives to predict, within minutes, the attacks’ features, namely, intensity/rate (packets/sec) and size (estimated number of compromised machines/bots). The goal is to understand the future short-term trend of the ongoing DDoS attacks in terms of those features and thus provide the capability to recognize the current as well as future similar situations and hence appropriately respond to the threat. Further, our work aims at investigating DDoS campaigns by proposing a clustering approach to infer various victims targeted by the same campaign and predicting related features. To achieve our goal, our proposed approach leverages a number of time series and fluctuation analysis techniques, statistical methods and forecasting approaches. Fourth, we propose a novel approach to infer and characterize Internet-scale DRDoS attacks by leveraging the darknet space. Complementary to the pioneer work on inferring DDoS activities using darknet, this work shows that we can extract DoS activities without relying on backscattered analysis. The aim of this work is to extract cyber security intelligence related to DRDoS activities such as intensity, rate and geographic location in addition to various network-layer and flow-based insights. To achieve this task, the proposed approach exploits certain DDoS parameters to detect the attacks and the expectation maximization and k-means clustering techniques in an attempt to identify campaigns of DRDoS attacks. Finally, we conclude this work by providing some discussions and pinpointing some future work

    Darknet Traffic Analysis A Systematic Literature Review

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    The primary objective of an anonymity tool is to protect the anonymity of its users through the implementation of strong encryption and obfuscation techniques. As a result, it becomes very difficult to monitor and identify users activities on these networks. Moreover, such systems have strong defensive mechanisms to protect users against potential risks, including the extraction of traffic characteristics and website fingerprinting. However, the strong anonymity feature also functions as a refuge for those involved in illicit activities who aim to avoid being traced on the network. As a result, a substantial body of research has been undertaken to examine and classify encrypted traffic using machine learning techniques. This paper presents a comprehensive examination of the existing approaches utilized for the categorization of anonymous traffic as well as encrypted network traffic inside the darknet. Also, this paper presents a comprehensive analysis of methods of darknet traffic using machine learning techniques to monitor and identify the traffic attacks inside the darknet.Comment: 35 Pages, 13 Figure

    The use of machine learning with signal- and NLP processing of source code to fingerprint, detect, and classify vulnerabilities and weaknesses with MARFCAT

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    We present a machine learning approach to static code analysis and fingerprinting for weaknesses related to security, software engineering, and others using the open-source MARF framework and the MARFCAT application based on it for the NIST's SATE2010 static analysis tool exposition workshop found at http://samate.nist.gov/SATE2010Workshop.htmlComment: 33 pages, 11 tables; some results presented at SATE2010; NIST, October 2011; shorter version of v5 appears in the NIST technical report at http://samate.nist.gov/docs/NIST_Special_Publication_500-283.pdf#page=49 where its presentation is found at http://samate.nist.gov/docs/SATE2010/SATE10_13_Marfcat_Mokhov.pdf and the MARFCAT OSS release at http://sourceforge.net/projects/marf/files/Applications/MARFCAT

    Intensional Cyberforensics

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    This work focuses on the application of intensional logic to cyberforensic analysis and its benefits and difficulties are compared with the finite-state-automata approach. This work extends the use of the intensional programming paradigm to the modeling and implementation of a cyberforensics investigation process with backtracing of event reconstruction, in which evidence is modeled by multidimensional hierarchical contexts, and proofs or disproofs of claims are undertaken in an eductive manner of evaluation. This approach is a practical, context-aware improvement over the finite state automata (FSA) approach we have seen in previous work. As a base implementation language model, we use in this approach a new dialect of the Lucid programming language, called Forensic Lucid, and we focus on defining hierarchical contexts based on intensional logic for the distributed evaluation of cyberforensic expressions. We also augment the work with credibility factors surrounding digital evidence and witness accounts, which have not been previously modeled. The Forensic Lucid programming language, used for this intensional cyberforensic analysis, formally presented through its syntax and operational semantics. In large part, the language is based on its predecessor and codecessor Lucid dialects, such as GIPL, Indexical Lucid, Lucx, Objective Lucid, and JOOIP bound by the underlying intensional programming paradigm.Comment: 412 pages, 94 figures, 18 tables, 19 algorithms and listings; PhD thesis; v2 corrects some typos and refs; also available on Spectrum at http://spectrum.library.concordia.ca/977460

    Intensional Cyberforensics

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    This work focuses on the application of intensional logic to cyberforensic analysis and its benefits and difficulties are compared with the finite-state-automata approach. This work extends the use of the intensional programming paradigm to the modeling and implementation of a cyberforensics investigation process with backtracing of event reconstruction, in which evidence is modeled by multidimensional hierarchical contexts, and proofs or disproofs of claims are undertaken in an eductive manner of evaluation. This approach is a practical, context-aware improvement over the finite state automata (FSA) approach we have seen in previous work. As a base implementation language model, we use in this approach a new dialect of the Lucid programming language, called Forensic Lucid, and we focus on defining hierarchical contexts based on intensional logic for the distributed evaluation of cyberforensic expressions. We also augment the work with credibility factors surrounding digital evidence and witness accounts, which have not been previously modeled. The Forensic Lucid programming language, used for this intensional cyberforensic analysis, formally presented through its syntax and operational semantics. In large part, the language is based on its predecessor and codecessor Lucid dialects, such as GIPL, Indexical Lucid, Lucx, Objective Lucid, MARFL, and JOOIP bound by the underlying intensional programming paradigm

    Approaches and Techniques for Fingerprinting and Attributing Probing Activities by Observing Network Telescopes

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    The explosive growth, complexity, adoption and dynamism of cyberspace over the last decade has radically altered the globe. A plethora of nations have been at the very forefront of this change, fully embracing the opportunities provided by the advancements in science and technology in order to fortify the economy and to increase the productivity of everyday's life. However, the significant dependence on cyberspace has indeed brought new risks that often compromise, exploit and damage invaluable data and systems. Thus, the capability to proactively infer malicious activities is of paramount importance. In this context, generating cyber threat intelligence related to probing or scanning activities render an effective tactic to achieve the latter. In this thesis, we investigate such malicious activities, which are typically the precursors of various amplified, debilitating and disrupting cyber attacks. To achieve this task, we analyze real Internet-scale traffic targeting network telescopes or darknets, which are defined by routable, allocated yet unused Internet Protocol addresses. First, we present a comprehensive survey of the entire probing topic. Specifically, we categorize this topic by elaborating on the nature, strategies and approaches of such probing activities. Additionally, we provide the reader with a classification and an exhaustive review of various techniques that could be employed in such malicious activities. Finally, we depict a taxonomy of the current literature by focusing on distributed probing detection methods. Second, we focus on the problem of fingerprinting probing activities. To this end, we design, develop and validate approaches that can identify such activities targeting enterprise networks as well as those targeting the Internet-space. On one hand, the corporate probing detection approach uniquely exploits the information that could be leaked to the scanner, inferred from the internal network topology, to perform the detection. On the other hand, the more darknet tailored probing fingerprinting approach adopts a statistical approach to not only detect the probing activities but also identify the exact technique that was employed in the such activities. Third, for attribution purposes, we propose a correlation approach that fuses probing activities with malware samples. The approach aims at detecting whether Internet-scale machines are infected or not as well as pinpointing the exact malware type/family, if the machines were found to be compromised. To achieve the intended goals, the proposed approach initially devises a probabilistic model to filter out darknet misconfiguration traffic. Consequently, probing activities are correlated with malware samples by leveraging fuzzy hashing and entropy based techniques. To this end, we also investigate and report a rare Internet-scale probing event by proposing a multifaceted approach that correlates darknet, malware and passive dns traffic. Fourth, we focus on the problem of identifying and attributing large-scale probing campaigns, which render a new era of probing events. These are distinguished from previous probing incidents as (1) the population of the participating bots is several orders of magnitude larger, (2) the target scope is generally the entire Internet Protocol (IP) address space, and (3) the bots adopt well-orchestrated, often botmaster coordinated, stealth scan strategies that maximize targets' coverage while minimizing redundancy and overlap. To this end, we propose and validate three approaches. On one hand, two of the approaches rely on a set of behavioral analytics that aim at scrutinizing the generated traffic by the probing sources. Subsequently, they employ data mining and graph theoretic techniques to systematically cluster the probing sources into well-defined campaigns possessing similar behavioral similarity. The third approach, on the other hand, exploit time series interpolation and prediction to pinpoint orchestrated probing campaigns and to filter out non-coordinated probing flows. We conclude this thesis by highlighting some research gaps that pave the way for future work

    On the malware detection problem : challenges and novel approaches

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    Orientador: André Ricardo Abed GrégioCoorientador: Paulo Lício de GeusTese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Exatas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Informática. Defesa : Curitiba,Inclui referênciasÁrea de concentração: Ciência da ComputaçãoResumo: Software Malicioso (malware) é uma das maiores ameaças aos sistemas computacionais atuais, causando danos à imagem de indivíduos e corporações, portanto requerendo o desenvolvimento de soluções de detecção para prevenir que exemplares de malware causem danos e para permitir o uso seguro dos sistemas. Diversas iniciativas e soluções foram propostas ao longo do tempo para detectar exemplares de malware, de Anti-Vírus (AVs) a sandboxes, mas a detecção de malware de forma efetiva e eficiente ainda se mantém como um problema em aberto. Portanto, neste trabalho, me proponho a investigar alguns desafios, falácias e consequências das pesquisas em detecção de malware de modo a contribuir para o aumento da capacidade de detecção das soluções de segurança. Mais especificamente, proponho uma nova abordagem para o desenvolvimento de experimentos com malware de modo prático mas ainda científico e utilizo-me desta abordagem para investigar quatro questões relacionadas a pesquisa em detecção de malware: (i) a necessidade de se entender o contexto das infecções para permitir a detecção de ameaças em diferentes cenários; (ii) a necessidade de se desenvolver melhores métricas para a avaliação de soluções antivírus; (iii) a viabilidade de soluções com colaboração entre hardware e software para a detecção de malware de forma mais eficiente; (iv) a necessidade de predizer a ocorrência de novas ameaças de modo a permitir a resposta à incidentes de segurança de forma mais rápida.Abstract: Malware is a major threat to most current computer systems, causing image damages and financial losses to individuals and corporations, thus requiring the development of detection solutions to prevent malware to cause harm and allow safe computers usage. Many initiatives and solutions to detect malware have been proposed over time, from AntiViruses (AVs) to sandboxes, but effective and efficient malware detection remains as a still open problem. Therefore, in this work, I propose taking a look on some malware detection challenges, pitfalls and consequences to contribute towards increasing malware detection system's capabilities. More specifically, I propose a new approach to tackle malware research experiments in a practical but still scientific manner and leverage this approach to investigate four issues: (i) the need for understanding context to allow proper detection of localized threats; (ii) the need for developing better metrics for AV solutions evaluation; (iii) the feasibility of leveraging hardware-software collaboration for efficient AV implementation; and (iv) the need for predicting future threats to allow faster incident responses

    Catalog : eighty-fourth report of the Curators to the Governor of the State, 1925-1926

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    "Catalog.""January 1, 1926.