3,154 research outputs found

    Statistic Rate Monotonic Scheduling

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    In this paper we present Statistical Rate Monotonic Scheduling (SRMS), a generalization of the classical RMS results of Liu and Layland that allows scheduling periodic tasks with highly variable execution times and statistical QoS requirements. Similar to RMS, SRMS has two components: a feasibility test and a scheduling algorithm. The feasibility test for SRMS ensures that using SRMS' scheduling algorithms, it is possible for a given periodic task set to share a given resource (e.g. a processor, communication medium, switching device, etc.) in such a way that such sharing does not result in the violation of any of the periodic tasks QoS constraints. The SRMS scheduling algorithm incorporates a number of unique features. First, it allows for fixed priority scheduling that keeps the tasks' value (or importance) independent of their periods. Second, it allows for job admission control, which allows the rejection of jobs that are not guaranteed to finish by their deadlines as soon as they are released, thus enabling the system to take necessary compensating actions. Also, admission control allows the preservation of resources since no time is spent on jobs that will miss their deadlines anyway. Third, SRMS integrates reservation-based and best-effort resource scheduling seamlessly. Reservation-based scheduling ensures the delivery of the minimal requested QoS; best-effort scheduling ensures that unused, reserved bandwidth is not wasted, but rather used to improve QoS further. Fourth, SRMS allows a system to deal gracefully with overload conditions by ensuring a fair deterioration in QoS across all tasks---as opposed to penalizing tasks with longer periods, for example. Finally, SRMS has the added advantage that its schedulability test is simple and its scheduling algorithm has a constant overhead in the sense that the complexity of the scheduler is not dependent on the number of the tasks in the system. We have evaluated SRMS against a number of alternative scheduling algorithms suggested in the literature (e.g. RMS and slack stealing), as well as refinements thereof, which we describe in this paper. Consistently throughout our experiments, SRMS provided the best performance. In addition, to evaluate the optimality of SRMS, we have compared it to an inefficient, yet optimal scheduler for task sets with harmonic periods.National Science Foundation (CCR-970668

    k2U: A General Framework from k-Point Effective Schedulability Analysis to Utilization-Based Tests

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    To deal with a large variety of workloads in different application domains in real-time embedded systems, a number of expressive task models have been developed. For each individual task model, researchers tend to develop different types of techniques for deriving schedulability tests with different computation complexity and performance. In this paper, we present a general schedulability analysis framework, namely the k2U framework, that can be potentially applied to analyze a large set of real-time task models under any fixed-priority scheduling algorithm, on both uniprocessor and multiprocessor scheduling. The key to k2U is a k-point effective schedulability test, which can be viewed as a "blackbox" interface. For any task model, if a corresponding k-point effective schedulability test can be constructed, then a sufficient utilization-based test can be automatically derived. We show the generality of k2U by applying it to different task models, which results in new and improved tests compared to the state-of-the-art. Analogously, a similar concept by testing only k points with a different formulation has been studied by us in another framework, called k2Q, which provides quadratic bounds or utilization bounds based on a different formulation of schedulability test. With the quadratic and hyperbolic forms, k2Q and k2U frameworks can be used to provide many quantitive features to be measured, like the total utilization bounds, speed-up factors, etc., not only for uniprocessor scheduling but also for multiprocessor scheduling. These frameworks can be viewed as a "blackbox" interface for schedulability tests and response-time analysis

    Power allocation in wireless multi-user relay networks

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    In this paper, we consider an amplify-and-forward wireless relay system where multiple source nodes communicate with their corresponding destination nodes with the help of relay nodes. Conventionally, each relay equally distributes the available resources to its relayed sources. This approach is clearly sub-optimal since each user experiences dissimilar channel conditions, and thus, demands different amount of allocated resources to meet its quality-of-service (QoS) request. Therefore, this paper presents novel power allocation schemes to i) maximize the minimum signal-to-noise ratio among all users; ii) minimize the maximum transmit power over all sources; iii) maximize the network throughput. Moreover, due to limited power, it may be impossible to satisfy the QoS requirement for every user. Consequently, an admission control algorithm should first be carried out to maximize the number of users possibly served. Then, optimal power allocation is performed. Although the joint optimal admission control and power allocation problem is combinatorially hard, we develop an effective heuristic algorithm with significantly reduced complexity. Even though theoretically sub-optimal, it performs remarkably well. The proposed power allocation problems are formulated using geometric programming (GP), a well-studied class of nonlinear and nonconvex optimization. Since a GP problem is readily transformed into an equivalent convex optimization problem, optimal solution can be obtained efficiently. Numerical results demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed approach

    Platform-based Plug and Play of Automotive Safety Features - Challenges and Directions

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    Optional software-based features are increasingly becoming an important cost driver in automotive systems. These include features pertaining to active safety, infotainment, etc. Currently, these optional features are integrated into the vehicles at the factory during assembly. This severely restricts the flexibility of the customer to select and use features on-demand and therefore, the customer will either have to be satisfied with an available set of feature options or pre-order a car with the required features from the manufacturer resulting in considerable delay. In order to increase flexibility and reduce the delay, it is necessary to provide the option to configure the vehicle on-demand at the dealership or remotely. In this paper, we present our vision and challenges involved in developing a platform infrastructure that allows on-demand deployment of automotive safety features and ensures their correct execution
