24,378 research outputs found

    An Improved Constraint-based system for the verification of security protocols

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    We propose a constraint-based system for the verification of security protocols that improves upon the one developed by Millen and Shmatikov. Our system features (1) a significantly more efficient implementation, (2) a monotonic behavior, which also allows to detect aws associated to partial runs and (3) a more expressive syntax, in which a principal may also perform explicit checks. We also show why these improvements yield a more effective and practical system

    A Logic for Constraint-based Security Protocol Analysis

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    We propose PS-LTL, a pure-past security linear temporal logic that allows the specification of a variety of authentication, secrecy and data freshness properties. Furthermore, we present a sound and complete decision procedure to establish the validity of security properties for symbolic execution traces, and show the integration with constraint-based analysis techniques

    PS-LTL for constraint-based security protocol analysis

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    Several formal approaches have been proposed to analyse security protocols, e.g. [2,7,11,1,6,12]. Recently, a great interest has been growing on the use of constraint solving approach. Initially proposed by Millen and Shmatikov [9], this approach allows analysis of a finite number of protocol sessions. Yet, the representation of protocol runs by symbolic traces (as opposed to concrete traces) captures the possibility of having unbounded message space, allowing analysis over an infinite state space. A constraint is defined as a pair consisting of a message M and a set of messages K that represents the intruder¿s knowledge. Millen and Shmatikov present a procedure to solve a set of constraints, i.e. that in each constraint, M can be built from K. When a set of constraints is solved, then a concrete trace representing an attack over the protocol can be extracted. \ud Corin and Etalle [4] has improved the work of Millen and Shmatikov by presenting a more efficient procedure. However, none of these constraint-based systems provide enough flexibility and expresiveness in specifying security properties. For example, to check secrecy an artificial protocol role is added to simulate whether a secret can be learned by an intruder. Authentication cannot also be checked directly. Moreover, only a built-in notion of authentication is implemented by Millen and Shmatikov in his Prolog implementation [10]. This problem motivates our current work. \ud A logical formalism is considered to be an appropriate solution to improve the flexibility and expresiveness in specifying security properties. A preliminary attempt to use logic for specifying local security properties in a constraint-based setting has been carried out [3]. Inspired by this work and the successful NPATRL [11,8], we currently explores a variant of linear temporal logic (LTL) over finite traces, -LTL, standing for pure-past security LTL [5]. In contrast to standard LTL, this logic deals only with past events in a trace. In our current work, a protocol is modelled as in previous works [9,4,3], viz. by protocol roles. A protocol role is a sequence of send and receive events, together with status events to indicate, e.g. that a protocol role has completed her protocol run. A scenario is then used to deal with the number of sessions and protocol roles considered in the analysis. \ud Integrating -LTL into our constraint solving approach presents a challenge, since we need to develop a sound and complete decision procedure against symbolic traces, instead of concrete traces. Our idea to address this problem is by concretizing symbolic traces incrementally while deciding a formula. Basically, the decision procedure consists of two steps: transform and decide. The former step transforms a -LTL formula with respect to the current trace into a so-called elementary formula that is built from constraints and equalities using logical connectives and quantifiers. The decision is then performed by the latter step through solving the constraints and checking the equalities. \ud Although we define a decision procedure for a fragment of -LTL, this fragment is expressive enough to specify several security properties, like various notions of secrecy and authentication, and also data freshness. We provide a Prolog implementation and have analysed several security protocols. \ud There are many directions for improvement. From the implementation point of view, the efficiency of the decision procedure can still be improved. I would also like to investigate the expressiveness of the logic for speficying other security properties. This may result in an extension of the decision procedure for a larger fragment of the logic. Another direction is to characterize the expressivity power of -LTL compared to other security requirement languages

    Certifying RSA public keys with an efficient NIZK

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    In many applications, it is important to verify that an RSA public key ( N,e ) specifies a permutation, in order to prevent attacks due to adversarially-generated public keys. We design and implement a simple and efficient noninteractive zero-knowledge protocol (in the random oracle model) for this task. The key feature of our protocol is compatibility with existing RSA implementations and standards. The protocol works for any choice of e. Applications concerned about adversarial key generation can just append our proof to the RSA public key without any other modifications to existing code or cryptographic libraries. Users need only perform a one- time verification of the proof to ensure that raising to the power e is a permutation of the integers modulo N . For typical parameter settings, the proof consists of nine integers modulo N; generating the proof and verifying it both require about nine modular exponentiations.https://eprint.iacr.org/2018/057.pdfFirst author draf

    Sound Computational Interpretation of Formal Encryption with Composed Keys

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    The formal and computational views of cryptography have been related by the seminal work of Abadi and Rogaway. In their work, a formal treatment of encryption that uses atomic keys is justified in the computational world. However, many proposed formal approaches allow the use of composed keys, where any arbitrary expression can be used as encryption key. We consider an extension of the formal model presented by Abadi and Rogaway, in which it is allowed to use composed keys in formal encryption. We then provide a computational interpretation for expressions that allow us to establish the computational soundness of formal encryption with composed keys

    Applying Formal Methods to Networking: Theory, Techniques and Applications

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    Despite its great importance, modern network infrastructure is remarkable for the lack of rigor in its engineering. The Internet which began as a research experiment was never designed to handle the users and applications it hosts today. The lack of formalization of the Internet architecture meant limited abstractions and modularity, especially for the control and management planes, thus requiring for every new need a new protocol built from scratch. This led to an unwieldy ossified Internet architecture resistant to any attempts at formal verification, and an Internet culture where expediency and pragmatism are favored over formal correctness. Fortunately, recent work in the space of clean slate Internet design---especially, the software defined networking (SDN) paradigm---offers the Internet community another chance to develop the right kind of architecture and abstractions. This has also led to a great resurgence in interest of applying formal methods to specification, verification, and synthesis of networking protocols and applications. In this paper, we present a self-contained tutorial of the formidable amount of work that has been done in formal methods, and present a survey of its applications to networking.Comment: 30 pages, submitted to IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorial

    A Trace Logic for Local Security Properties

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    We propose a new simple \emph{trace} logic that can be used to specify \emph{local security properties}, i.e. security properties that refer to a single participant of the protocol specification. Our technique allows a protocol designer to provide a formal specification of the desired security properties, and integrate it naturally into the design process of cryptographic protocols. Furthermore, the logic can be used for formal verification. We illustrate the utility of our technique by exposing new attacks on the well studied protocol TMN.Comment: New versio