5 research outputs found

    Stochastic Vehicle Routing with Recourse

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    We study the classic Vehicle Routing Problem in the setting of stochastic optimization with recourse. StochVRP is a two-stage optimization problem, where demand is satisfied using two routes: fixed and recourse. The fixed route is computed using only a demand distribution. Then after observing the demand instantiations, a recourse route is computed -- but costs here become more expensive by a factor lambda. We present an O(log^2 n log(n lambda))-approximation algorithm for this stochastic routing problem, under arbitrary distributions. The main idea in this result is relating StochVRP to a special case of submodular orienteering, called knapsack rank-function orienteering. We also give a better approximation ratio for knapsack rank-function orienteering than what follows from prior work. Finally, we provide a Unique Games Conjecture based omega(1) hardness of approximation for StochVRP, even on star-like metrics on which our algorithm achieves a logarithmic approximation.Comment: 20 Pages, 1 figure Revision corrects the statement and proof of Theorem 1.

    Minimum Latency Submodular Cover

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    We study the Minimum Latency Submodular Cover problem (MLSC), which consists of a metric (V,d)(V,d) with source rVr\in V and mm monotone submodular functions f1,f2,...,fm:2V[0,1]f_1, f_2, ..., f_m: 2^V \rightarrow [0,1]. The goal is to find a path originating at rr that minimizes the total cover time of all functions. This generalizes well-studied problems, such as Submodular Ranking [AzarG11] and Group Steiner Tree [GKR00]. We give a polynomial time O(\log \frac{1}{\eps} \cdot \log^{2+\delta} |V|)-approximation algorithm for MLSC, where ϵ>0\epsilon>0 is the smallest non-zero marginal increase of any {fi}i=1m\{f_i\}_{i=1}^m and δ>0\delta>0 is any constant. We also consider the Latency Covering Steiner Tree problem (LCST), which is the special case of \mlsc where the fif_is are multi-coverage functions. This is a common generalization of the Latency Group Steiner Tree [GuptaNR10a,ChakrabartyS11] and Generalized Min-sum Set Cover [AzarGY09, BansalGK10] problems. We obtain an O(log2V)O(\log^2|V|)-approximation algorithm for LCST. Finally we study a natural stochastic extension of the Submodular Ranking problem, and obtain an adaptive algorithm with an O(\log 1/ \eps) approximation ratio, which is best possible. This result also generalizes some previously studied stochastic optimization problems, such as Stochastic Set Cover [GoemansV06] and Shared Filter Evaluation [MunagalaSW07, LiuPRY08].Comment: 23 pages, 1 figur

    An Improved Approximation Ratio for the Covering Steiner Problem

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    In the Covering Steiner problem, we are given an undirected graph with edge-costs, and some subsets of vertices called groups, with each group being equipped with a non-negative integer value (called its requirement); the problem is to find a minimum-cost tree which spans at least the required number of vertices from every group. The Covering Steiner problem is a common generalization of the k-MST and the Group Steiner problems; indeed, when all the vertices of the graph lie in one group with a requirement of k, we get the k-MST problem, and when there are multiple groups with unit requirements, we obtain the Group Steiner problem. While many covering problems (e.g., the covering integer programs such as set cover) become easier to approximate as the requirements increase, the Covering Steiner problem remains at least as hard to approximate as the Group Steiner problem; in fact, the best guarantees previously known for the Covering Steiner problem were worse than those for Group Steiner as the requirements became large. In this work, we present an improved approximation algorithm whose guarantee equals the best known guarantee for the Group Steiner problem