23 research outputs found

    hf0: A hybrid pitch extraction method for multimodal voice

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    Pitch or fundamental frequency (f0) extraction is a fundamental problem studied extensively for its potential applications in speech and clinical applications. In literature, explicit mode specific (modal speech or singing voice or emotional/ expressive speech or noisy speech) signal processing and deep learning f0 extraction methods that exploit the quasi periodic nature of the signal in time, harmonic property in spectral or combined form to extract the pitch is developed. Hence, there is no single unified method which can reliably extract the pitch from various modes of the acoustic signal. In this work, we propose a hybrid f0 extraction method which seamlessly extracts the pitch across modes of speech production with very high accuracy required for many applications. The proposed hybrid model exploits the advantages of deep learning and signal processing methods to minimize the pitch detection error and adopts to various modes of acoustic signal. Specifically, we propose an ordinal regression convolutional neural networks to map the periodicity rich input representation to obtain the nominal pitch classes which drastically reduces the number of classes required for pitch detection unlike other deep learning approaches. Further, the accurate f0 is estimated from the nominal pitch class labels by filtering and autocorrelation. We show that the proposed method generalizes to the unseen modes of voice production and various noises for large scale datasets. Also, the proposed hybrid model significantly reduces the learning parameters required to train the deep model compared to other methods. Furthermore,the evaluation measures showed that the proposed method is significantly better than the state-of-the-art signal processing and deep learning approaches.Comment: Pitch Extraction, F0 extraction, harmonic signals, speech, monophonic songs, Convolutional Neural Network, 5 pages, 5 figure

    Deep Learning for Singing Processing: Achievements, Challenges and Impact on Singers and Listeners

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    This paper summarizes some recent advances on a set of tasks related to the processing of singing using state-of-the-art deep learning techniques. We discuss their achievements in terms of accuracy and sound quality, and the current challenges, such as availability of data and computing resources. We also discuss the impact that these advances do and will have on listeners and singers when they are integrated in commercial applications.Comment: Keynote speech, 2018 Joint Workshop on Machine Learning for Music. The Federated Artificial Intelligence Meeting (FAIM), a joint workshop program of ICML, IJCAI/ECAI, and AAMA

    Speech-to-Singing Conversion based on Boundary Equilibrium GAN

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    This paper investigates the use of generative adversarial network (GAN)-based models for converting the spectrogram of a speech signal into that of a singing one, without reference to the phoneme sequence underlying the speech. This is achieved by viewing speech-to-singing conversion as a style transfer problem. Specifically, given a speech input, and optionally the F0 contour of the target singing, the proposed model generates as the output a singing signal with a progressive-growing encoder/decoder architecture and boundary equilibrium GAN loss functions. Our quantitative and qualitative analysis show that the proposed model generates singing voices with much higher naturalness than an existing non adversarially-trained baseline. For reproducibility, the code will be publicly available at a GitHub repository upon paper publication.Comment: Accepted for publication at INTERSPEECH 202

    Disentangling Timbre and Singing Style with Multi-singer Singing Synthesis System

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    In this study, we define the identity of the singer with two independent concepts - timbre and singing style - and propose a multi-singer singing synthesis system that can model them separately. To this end, we extend our single-singer model into a multi-singer model in the following ways: first, we design a singer identity encoder that can adequately reflect the identity of a singer. Second, we use encoded singer identity to condition the two independent decoders that model timbre and singing style, respectively. Through a user study with the listening tests, we experimentally verify that the proposed framework is capable of generating a natural singing voice of high quality while independently controlling the timbre and singing style. Also, by using the method of changing singing styles while fixing the timbre, we suggest that our proposed network can produce a more expressive singing voice.Comment: 4 pages, Submitted to ICASSP202

    PitchNet: Unsupervised Singing Voice Conversion with Pitch Adversarial Network

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    Singing voice conversion is to convert a singer's voice to another one's voice without changing singing content. Recent work shows that unsupervised singing voice conversion can be achieved with an autoencoder-based approach [1]. However, the converted singing voice can be easily out of key, showing that the existing approach cannot model the pitch information precisely. In this paper, we propose to advance the existing unsupervised singing voice conversion method proposed in [1] to achieve more accurate pitch translation and flexible pitch manipulation. Specifically, the proposed PitchNet added an adversarially trained pitch regression network to enforce the encoder network to learn pitch invariant phoneme representation, and a separate module to feed pitch extracted from the source audio to the decoder network. Our evaluation shows that the proposed method can greatly improve the quality of the converted singing voice (2.92 vs 3.75 in MOS). We also demonstrate that the pitch of converted singing can be easily controlled during generation by changing the levels of the extracted pitch before passing it to the decoder network.Comment: Accepted by ICASSP 202

    XiaoiceSing: A High-Quality and Integrated Singing Voice Synthesis System

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    This paper presents XiaoiceSing, a high-quality singing voice synthesis system which employs an integrated network for spectrum, F0 and duration modeling. We follow the main architecture of FastSpeech while proposing some singing-specific design: 1) Besides phoneme ID and position encoding, features from musical score (e.g.note pitch and length) are also added. 2) To attenuate off-key issues, we add a residual connection in F0 prediction. 3) In addition to the duration loss of each phoneme, the duration of all the phonemes in a musical note is accumulated to calculate the syllable duration loss for rhythm enhancement. Experiment results show that XiaoiceSing outperforms the baseline system of convolutional neural networks by 1.44 MOS on sound quality, 1.18 on pronunciation accuracy and 1.38 on naturalness respectively. In two A/B tests, the proposed F0 and duration modeling methods achieve 97.3% and 84.3% preference rate over baseline respectively, which demonstrates the overwhelming advantages of XiaoiceSing

    Sequence-to-sequence Singing Voice Synthesis with Perceptual Entropy Loss

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    The neural network (NN) based singing voice synthesis (SVS) systems require sufficient data to train well and are prone to over-fitting due to data scarcity. However, we often encounter data limitation problem in building SVS systems because of high data acquisition and annotation costs. In this work, we propose a Perceptual Entropy (PE) loss derived from a psycho-acoustic hearing model to regularize the network. With a one-hour open-source singing voice database, we explore the impact of the PE loss on various mainstream sequence-to-sequence models, including the RNN-based, transformer-based, and conformer-based models. Our experiments show that the PE loss can mitigate the over-fitting problem and significantly improve the synthesized singing quality reflected in objective and subjective evaluations.Comment: Accepted by ICASSP202

    ByteSing: A Chinese Singing Voice Synthesis System Using Duration Allocated Encoder-Decoder Acoustic Models and WaveRNN Vocoders

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    This paper presents ByteSing, a Chinese singing voice synthesis (SVS) system based on duration allocated Tacotron-like acoustic models and WaveRNN neural vocoders. Different from the conventional SVS models, the proposed ByteSing employs Tacotron-like encoder-decoder structures as the acoustic models, in which the CBHG models and recurrent neural networks (RNNs) are explored as encoders and decoders respectively. Meanwhile an auxiliary phoneme duration prediction model is utilized to expand the input sequence, which can enhance the model controllable capacity, model stability and tempo prediction accuracy. WaveRNN neural vocoders are also adopted as neural vocoders to further improve the voice quality of synthesized songs. Both objective and subjective experimental results prove that the SVS method proposed in this paper can produce quite natural, expressive and high-fidelity songs by improving the pitch and spectrogram prediction accuracy and the models using attention mechanism can achieve best performance.Comment: Accepted by ISCSLP202

    Synchronising speech segments with musical beats in Mandarin and English singing

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    Generating synthesised singing voice with models trained on speech data has many advantages due to the models' flexibility and controllability. However, since the information about the temporal relationship between segments and beats are lacking in speech training data, the synthesised singing may sound off-beat at times. Therefore, the availability of the information on the temporal relationship between speech segments and music beats is crucial. The current study investigated the segment-beat synchronisation in singing data, with hypotheses formed based on the linguistics theories of P-centre and sonority hierarchy. A Mandarin corpus and an English corpus of professional singing data were manually annotated and analysed. The results showed that the presence of musical beats was more dependent on segment duration than sonority. However, the sonority hierarchy and the P-centre theory were highly related to the location of beats. Mandarin and English demonstrated cross-linguistic variations despite exhibiting common patterns.Comment: To be published in the Proceeding of Interspeech 202

    Unsupervised Cross-Domain Singing Voice Conversion

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    We present a wav-to-wav generative model for the task of singing voice conversion from any identity. Our method utilizes both an acoustic model, trained for the task of automatic speech recognition, together with melody extracted features to drive a waveform-based generator. The proposed generative architecture is invariant to the speaker's identity and can be trained to generate target singers from unlabeled training data, using either speech or singing sources. The model is optimized in an end-to-end fashion without any manual supervision, such as lyrics, musical notes or parallel samples. The proposed approach is fully-convolutional and can generate audio in real-time. Experiments show that our method significantly outperforms the baseline methods while generating convincingly better audio samples than alternative attempts