10 research outputs found

    An Extremal Problem On Potentially Kr+1βˆ’(kP2⋃tK2)K_{r+1}-(kP_2\bigcup tK_2)-graphic Sequences

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    A sequence SS is potentially Kmβˆ’HK_{m}-H-graphical if it has a realization containing a Kmβˆ’HK_{m}-H as a subgraph. Let Οƒ(Kmβˆ’H,n)\sigma(K_{m}-H, n) denote the smallest degree sum such that every nn-term graphical sequence SS with Οƒ(S)β‰₯Οƒ(Kmβˆ’H,n)\sigma(S)\geq \sigma(K_{m}-H, n) is potentially Kmβˆ’HK_{m}-H-graphical. In this paper, we determine Οƒ(Kr+1βˆ’(kP2⋃tK2),n)\sigma (K_{r+1}-(kP_2\bigcup tK_2), n) for nβ‰₯4r+10,r+1β‰₯3k+2t,k+tβ‰₯2,kβ‰₯1,tβ‰₯0n\geq 4r+10, r+1 \geq 3k+2t, k+t \geq 2,k \geq 1, t \geq 0 .Comment: 6 page

    An Extremal Problem On Potentially Kr+1βˆ’HK_{r+1}-H-graphic Sequences

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    Let KkK_k, CkC_k, TkT_k, and PkP_{k} denote a complete graph on kk vertices, a cycle on kk vertices, a tree on k+1k+1 vertices, and a path on k+1k+1 vertices, respectively. Let Kmβˆ’HK_{m}-H be the graph obtained from KmK_{m} by removing the edges set E(H)E(H) of the graph HH (HH is a subgraph of KmK_{m}). A sequence SS is potentially Kmβˆ’HK_{m}-H-graphical if it has a realization containing a Kmβˆ’HK_{m}-H as a subgraph. Let Οƒ(Kmβˆ’H,n)\sigma(K_{m}-H, n) denote the smallest degree sum such that every nn-term graphical sequence SS with Οƒ(S)β‰₯Οƒ(Kmβˆ’H,n)\sigma(S)\geq \sigma(K_{m}-H, n) is potentially Kmβˆ’HK_{m}-H-graphical. In this paper, we determine the values of Οƒ(Kr+1βˆ’H,n)\sigma (K_{r+1}-H, n) for nβ‰₯4r+10,rβ‰₯3,r+1β‰₯kβ‰₯4n\geq 4r+10, r\geq 3, r+1 \geq k \geq 4 where HH is a graph on kk vertices which contains a tree on 4 vertices but not contains a cycle on 3 vertices. We also determine the values of Οƒ(Kr+1βˆ’P2,n)\sigma (K_{r+1}-P_2, n) for nβ‰₯4r+8,rβ‰₯3n\geq 4r+8, r\geq 3. There are a number of graphs on kk vertices which containing a tree on 4 vertices but not containing a cycle on 3 vertices (for example, the cycle on kk vertices, the tree on kk vertices, and the complete 2-partite graph on kk vertices, etc).Comment: 10 page

    On potentially Kr+1βˆ’UK_{r+1}-U-graphical Sequences

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    Let Kmβˆ’HK_{m}-H be the graph obtained from KmK_{m} by removing the edges set E(H)E(H) of the graph HH (HH is a subgraph of KmK_{m}). We use the symbol Z4Z_4 to denote K4βˆ’P2.K_4-P_2. A sequence SS is potentially Kmβˆ’HK_{m}-H-graphical if it has a realization containing a Kmβˆ’HK_{m}-H as a subgraph. Let Οƒ(Kmβˆ’H,n)\sigma(K_{m}-H, n) denote the smallest degree sum such that every nn-term graphical sequence SS with Οƒ(S)β‰₯Οƒ(Kmβˆ’H,n)\sigma(S)\geq \sigma(K_{m}-H, n) is potentially Kmβˆ’HK_{m}-H-graphical. In this paper, we determine the values of Οƒ(Kr+1βˆ’U,n)\sigma (K_{r+1}-U, n) for nβ‰₯5r+18,r+1β‰₯kβ‰₯7,n\geq 5r+18, r+1 \geq k \geq 7, jβ‰₯6j \geq 6 where UU is a graph on kk vertices and jj edges which contains a graph K3⋃P3K_3 \bigcup P_3 but not contains a cycle on 4 vertices and not contains Z4Z_4. There are a number of graphs on kk vertices and jj edges which contains a graph (K3⋃P3)(K_{3} \bigcup P_{3}) but not contains a cycle on 4 vertices and not contains Z4Z_4. (for example, C3⋃Ci1⋃Ci2⋃>...⋃CipC_3\bigcup C_{i_1} \bigcup C_{i_2} \bigcup >... \bigcup C_{i_p} (ijβ‰ 4,j=2,3,...,p,i1β‰₯5)(i_j\neq 4, j=2,3,..., p, i_1 \geq 5), C3⋃Pi1⋃Pi2⋃...⋃PipC_3\bigcup P_{i_1} \bigcup P_{i_2} \bigcup ... \bigcup P_{i_p} (i1β‰₯3)(i_1 \geq 3), C3⋃Pi1⋃Ci2⋃>...⋃CipC_3\bigcup P_{i_1} \bigcup C_{i_2} \bigcup >... \bigcup C_{i_p} (ijβ‰ 4,j=2,3,...,p,i1β‰₯3)(i_j\neq 4, j=2,3,..., p, i_1 \geq 3), etc)Comment: 10 page

    The smallest degree sum that yields potentially K_{r+1}-Z-graphical Sequences

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    Let Kmβˆ’HK_{m}-H be the graph obtained from KmK_{m} by removing the edges set E(H)E(H) of the graph HH (HH is a subgraph of KmK_{m}). We use the symbol Z4Z_4 to denote K4βˆ’P2.K_4-P_2. A sequence SS is potentially Kmβˆ’HK_{m}-H-graphical if it has a realization containing a Kmβˆ’HK_{m}-H as a subgraph. Let Οƒ(Kmβˆ’H,n)\sigma(K_{m}-H, n) denote the smallest degree sum such that every nn-term graphical sequence SS with Οƒ(S)β‰₯Οƒ(Kmβˆ’H,n)\sigma(S)\geq \sigma(K_{m}-H, n) is potentially Kmβˆ’HK_{m}-H-graphical. In this paper, we determine the values of Οƒ(Kr+1βˆ’Z,n)\sigma (K_{r+1}-Z, n) for nβ‰₯5r+19,r+1β‰₯kβ‰₯5,n\geq 5r+19, r+1 \geq k \geq 5, jβ‰₯5j \geq 5 where ZZ is a graph on kk vertices and jj edges which contains a graph Z4Z_4 but not contains a cycle on 4 vertices. We also determine the values of Οƒ(Kr+1βˆ’Z4,n)\sigma (K_{r+1}-Z_4, n), Οƒ(Kr+1βˆ’(K4βˆ’e),n)\sigma (K_{r+1}-(K_4-e), n), Οƒ(Kr+1βˆ’K4,n)\sigma (K_{r+1}-K_4, n) for nβ‰₯5r+16,rβ‰₯4n\geq 5r+16, r\geq 4. There are a number of graphs on kk vertices and jj edges which contains a graph Z4Z_4 but not contains a cycle on 4 vertices.Comment: 13 page

    On Potentially 3-regular graph graphic Sequences

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    For given a graph HH, a graphic sequence Ο€=(d1,d2,...,dn)\pi=(d_1,d_2,...,d_n) is said to be potentially HH-graphic if there exists a realization of Ο€\pi containing HH as a subgraph. In this paper, we characterize the potentially HH-graphic sequences where HH denotes 3-regular graph with 6 vertices. In other words, we characterize the potentially K3,3K_{3,3} and K6βˆ’C6K_6-C_6-graphic sequences where Kr,rK_{r,r} is an rΓ—rr\times r complete bipartite graph. One of these characterizations implies a theorem due to Yin [25].Comment: 19 page

    On Potentially K_5-E_3-graphic Sequences

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    Let Kmβˆ’HK_m-H be the graph obtained from KmK_m by removing the edges set E(H)E(H) of HH where HH is a subgraph of KmK_m. In this paper, we characterize the potentially K5βˆ’P3K_5-P_3, K5βˆ’A3K_5-A_3, K5βˆ’K3K_5-K_3 and K5βˆ’K1,3K_5-K_{1,3}-graphic sequences where A3A_3 is P2βˆͺK2P_2\cup K_2. Moreover, we also characterize the potentially K5βˆ’2K2K_5-2K_2-graphic sequences where pK2pK_2 is the matching consisted of pp edges.Comment: 25 page

    Exact solution to an extremal problem on graphic sequences with a realization containing every 22-tree on kk vertices

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    A simple graph GG is an {\it 2-tree} if G=K3G=K_3, or GG has a vertex vv of degree 2, whose neighbors are adjacent, and Gβˆ’vG-v is an 2-tree. Clearly, if GG is an 2-tree on nn vertices, then ∣E(G)∣=2nβˆ’3|E(G)|=2n-3. A non-increasing sequence Ο€=(d1,…,dn)\pi=(d_1,\ldots,d_n) of nonnegative integers is a {\it graphic sequence} if it is realizable by a simple graph GG on nn vertices. Yin and Li (Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series, 25(2009)795--802) proved that if kβ‰₯2k\ge 2, nβ‰₯92k2+192kn\ge \frac{9}{2}k^2+\frac{19}{2}k and Ο€=(d1,…,dn)\pi=(d_1,\ldots,d_n) is a graphic sequence with βˆ‘i=1ndi>(kβˆ’2)n\sum\limits_{i=1}^n d_i>(k-2)n, then Ο€\pi has a realization containing every 1-tree (the usual tree) on kk vertices. Moreover, the lower bound (kβˆ’2)n(k-2)n is the best possible. This is a variation of a conjecture due to Erd\H{o}s and S\'{o}s. In this paper, we investigate an analogue problem for 22-trees and prove that if kβ‰₯3k\ge 3 is an integer with k\equiv i(\mbox{mod }3), nβ‰₯20⌊k3βŒ‹2+31⌊k3βŒ‹+12n\geq20\lfloor\frac{k}{3}\rfloor^2+31\lfloor\frac{k}{3}\rfloor+12 and Ο€=(d1,…,dn)\pi=(d_1,\ldots,d_n) is a graphic sequence with βˆ‘i=1ndi>max⁑{(kβˆ’1)(nβˆ’1),2⌊2k3βŒ‹nβˆ’2nβˆ’βŒŠ2k3βŒ‹2+⌊2k3βŒ‹+1βˆ’(βˆ’1)i}\sum\limits_{i=1}^n d_i>\max\{(k-1)(n-1),2\lfloor\frac{2k}{3}\rfloor n-2n-\lfloor\frac{2k}{3}\rfloor^2+\lfloor\frac{2k}{3}\rfloor+1-(-1)^i\}, then Ο€\pi has a realization containing every 2-tree on kk vertices. Moreover, the lower bound max⁑{(kβˆ’1)(nβˆ’1),2⌊2k3βŒ‹nβˆ’2nβˆ’βŒŠ2k3βŒ‹2+⌊2k3βŒ‹+1βˆ’(βˆ’1)i}\max\{(k-1)(n-1),2\lfloor\frac{2k}{3}\rfloor n-2n-\lfloor\frac{2k}{3}\rfloor^2+\lfloor\frac{2k}{3}\rfloor+1-(-1)^i\} is the best possible. This result implies a conjecture due to Zeng and Yin (Discrete Math. Theor. Comput. Sci., 17(3)(2016), 315--326).Comment: 31 pag

    An extremal problem on potentially Kr+1 βˆ’ H-graphic sequences, accepted by Ars Combinatoria

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    A sequence S is potentially Km βˆ’H-graphical if it has a realization containing a Km βˆ’ H as a subgraph. Let Οƒ(Km βˆ’ H, n) denote the smallest degree sum such that every n-term graphical sequence S with Οƒ(S) β‰₯ Οƒ(Km βˆ’ H, n) is potentially Km βˆ’ H-graphical. In this paper, we determined the values of Οƒ(Kr+1 βˆ’ H, n) for n β‰₯ 4r + 10, r β‰₯ 3, r + 1 β‰₯ k β‰₯ 4 and H be a graph on k vertices which containing a tree on 4 vertices but not containing a cycle on 3 vertices and Οƒ(Kr+1 βˆ’ P2, n) for n β‰₯ 4r + 8, r β‰₯ 3. Key words: graph; degree sequence; potentially Kr+1 βˆ’ H-graphic sequence AMS Subject Classifications: 05C07, 05C35

    An extremal problem on potentially Kr+1 βˆ’ H-graphic sequences, accepted by Ars Combinatoria

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    Let Kk, Ck, Tk, and Pk denote a complete graph on k vertices, a cycle on k vertices, a tree on k + 1 vertices, and a path on k + 1 vertices, respectively. Let Km βˆ’H be the graph obtained from Km by removing the edges set E(H) of the graph H (H is a subgraph of Km). A sequence S is potentially Km βˆ’ H-graphical if it has a realization containing a Km βˆ’ H as a subgraph. Let Οƒ(Km βˆ’ H, n) denote the smallest degree sum such that every n-term graphical sequence S with Οƒ(S) β‰₯ Οƒ(Km βˆ’ H, n) is potentially Km βˆ’ H-graphical. In this paper, we determine the values of Οƒ(Kr+1βˆ’H, n) for n β‰₯ 4r+10, r β‰₯ 3, r+1 β‰₯ k β‰₯ 4 where H is a graph on k vertices which contains a tree on 4 vertices but not contains a cycle on 3 vertices. We also determine the values of Οƒ(Kr+1 βˆ’ P2, n) for n β‰₯ 4r + 8, r β‰₯ 3. Key words: graph; degree sequence; potentially Kr+1 βˆ’ H-graphic sequence AMS Subject Classifications: 05C07, 05C35

    An extremal problem on potentially Kr+1 βˆ’ H-graphic sequences, accepted by Ars Combinatoria

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    Let Kk, Ck, Tk, and Pk denote a complete graph on k vertices, a cycle on k vertices, a tree on k + 1 vertices, and a path on k + 1 vertices, respectively. Let Km βˆ’H be the graph obtained from Km by removing the edges set E(H) of the graph H (H is a subgraph of Km). A sequence S is potentially Km βˆ’ H-graphical if it has a realization containing a Km βˆ’ H as a subgraph. Let Οƒ(Km βˆ’ H, n) denote the smallest degree sum such that every n-term graphical sequence S with Οƒ(S) β‰₯ Οƒ(Km βˆ’ H, n) is potentially Km βˆ’ H-graphical. In this paper, we determine the values of Οƒ(Kr+1βˆ’H, n) for n β‰₯ 4r+10, r β‰₯ 3, r+1 β‰₯ k β‰₯ 4 where H is a graph on k vertices which contains a tree on 4 vertices but not contains a cycle on 3 vertices. We also determine the values of Οƒ(Kr+1 βˆ’ P2, n) for n β‰₯ 4r + 8, r β‰₯ 3. Key words: graph; degree sequence; potentially Kr+1 βˆ’ H-graphic sequence AMS Subject Classifications: 05C07, 05C35