1 research outputs found

    An exponential limit shape of random qq-proportion Bulgarian solitaire

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    We introduce \emph{pnp_n-random qnq_n-proportion Bulgarian solitaire} (0<pn,qn10<p_n,q_n\le 1), played on nn cards distributed in piles. In each pile, a number of cards equal to the proportion qnq_n of the pile size rounded upward to the nearest integer are candidates to be picked. Each candidate card is picked with probability pnp_n, independently of other candidate cards. This generalizes Popov's random Bulgarian solitaire, in which there is a single candidate card in each pile. Popov showed that a triangular limit shape is obtained for a fixed pp as nn tends to infinity. Here we let both pnp_n and qnq_n vary with nn. We show that under the conditions qn2pnn/lognq_n^2 p_n n/{\log n}\rightarrow \infty and pnqn0p_n q_n \rightarrow 0 as nn\to\infty, the pnp_n-random qnq_n-proportion Bulgarian solitaire has an exponential limit shape