232 research outputs found

    An Exploration of Softmax Alternatives Belonging to the Spherical Loss Family

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    In a multi-class classification problem, it is standard to model the output of a neural network as a categorical distribution conditioned on the inputs. The output must therefore be positive and sum to one, which is traditionally enforced by a softmax. This probabilistic mapping allows to use the maximum likelihood principle, which leads to the well-known log-softmax loss. However the choice of the softmax function seems somehow arbitrary as there are many other possible normalizing functions. It is thus unclear why the log-softmax loss would perform better than other loss alternatives. In particular Vincent et al. (2015) recently introduced a class of loss functions, called the spherical family, for which there exists an efficient algorithm to compute the updates of the output weights irrespective of the output size. In this paper, we explore several loss functions from this family as possible alternatives to the traditional log-softmax. In particular, we focus our investigation on spherical bounds of the log-softmax loss and on two spherical log-likelihood losses, namely the log-Spherical Softmax suggested by Vincent et al. (2015) and the log-Taylor Softmax that we introduce. Although these alternatives do not yield as good results as the log-softmax loss on two language modeling tasks, they surprisingly outperform it in our experiments on MNIST and CIFAR-10, suggesting that they might be relevant in a broad range of applications.Comment: Published at ICLR 201

    The Z-loss: a shift and scale invariant classification loss belonging to the Spherical Family

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    Despite being the standard loss function to train multi-class neural networks, the log-softmax has two potential limitations. First, it involves computations that scale linearly with the number of output classes, which can restrict the size of problems we are able to tackle with current hardware. Second, it remains unclear how close it matches the task loss such as the top-k error rate or other non-differentiable evaluation metrics which we aim to optimize ultimately. In this paper, we introduce an alternative classification loss function, the Z-loss, which is designed to address these two issues. Unlike the log-softmax, it has the desirable property of belonging to the spherical loss family (Vincent et al., 2015), a class of loss functions for which training can be performed very efficiently with a complexity independent of the number of output classes. We show experimentally that it significantly outperforms the other spherical loss functions previously investigated. Furthermore, we show on a word language modeling task that it also outperforms the log-softmax with respect to certain ranking scores, such as top-k scores, suggesting that the Z-loss has the flexibility to better match the task loss. These qualities thus makes the Z-loss an appealing candidate to train very efficiently large output networks such as word-language models or other extreme classification problems. On the One Billion Word (Chelba et al., 2014) dataset, we are able to train a model with the Z-loss 40 times faster than the log-softmax and more than 4 times faster than the hierarchical softmax

    Exploring Alternatives to Softmax Function

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    Softmax function is widely used in artificial neural networks for multiclass classification, multilabel classification, attention mechanisms, etc. However, its efficacy is often questioned in literature. The log-softmax loss has been shown to belong to a more generic class of loss functions, called spherical family, and its member log-Taylor softmax loss is arguably the best alternative in this class. In another approach which tries to enhance the discriminative nature of the softmax function, soft-margin softmax (SM-softmax) has been proposed to be the most suitable alternative. In this work, we investigate Taylor softmax, SM-softmax and our proposed SM-Taylor softmax, an amalgamation of the earlier two functions, as alternatives to softmax function. Furthermore, we explore the effect of expanding Taylor softmax up to ten terms (original work proposed expanding only to two terms) along with the ramifications of considering Taylor softmax to be a finite or infinite series during backpropagation. Our experiments for the image classification task on different datasets reveal that there is always a configuration of the SM-Taylor softmax function that outperforms the normal softmax function and its other alternatives

    On Controllable Sparse Alternatives to Softmax

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    Converting an n-dimensional vector to a probability distribution over n objects is a commonly used component in many machine learning tasks like multiclass classification, multilabel classification, attention mechanisms etc. For this, several probability mapping functions have been proposed and employed in literature such as softmax, sum-normalization, spherical softmax, and sparsemax, but there is very little understanding in terms how they relate with each other. Further, none of the above formulations offer an explicit control over the degree of sparsity. To address this, we develop a unified framework that encompasses all these formulations as special cases. This framework ensures simple closed-form solutions and existence of sub-gradients suitable for learning via backpropagation. Within this framework, we propose two novel sparse formulations, sparsegen-lin and sparsehourglass, that seek to provide a control over the degree of desired sparsity. We further develop novel convex loss functions that help induce the behavior of aforementioned formulations in the multilabel classification setting, showing improved performance. We also demonstrate empirically that the proposed formulations, when used to compute attention weights, achieve better or comparable performance on standard seq2seq tasks like neural machine translation and abstractive summarization.Comment: To appear in NIPS 2018, Total 16 pages including appendi

    Adaptive Sampled Softmax with Kernel Based Sampling

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    Softmax is the most commonly used output function for multiclass problems and is widely used in areas such as vision, natural language processing, and recommendation. A softmax model has linear costs in the number of classes which makes it too expensive for many real-world problems. A common approach to speed up training involves sampling only some of the classes at each training step. It is known that this method is biased and that the bias increases the more the sampling distribution deviates from the output distribution. Nevertheless, almost any recent work uses simple sampling distributions that require a large sample size to mitigate the bias. In this work, we propose a new class of kernel based sampling methods and develop an efficient sampling algorithm. Kernel based sampling adapts to the model as it is trained, thus resulting in low bias. Kernel based sampling can be easily applied to many models because it relies only on the model's last hidden layer. We empirically study the trade-off of bias, sampling distribution and sample size and show that kernel based sampling results in low bias with few samples

    Stolen Probability: A Structural Weakness of Neural Language Models

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    Neural Network Language Models (NNLMs) generate probability distributions by applying a softmax function to a distance metric formed by taking the dot product of a prediction vector with all word vectors in a high-dimensional embedding space. The dot-product distance metric forms part of the inductive bias of NNLMs. Although NNLMs optimize well with this inductive bias, we show that this results in a sub-optimal ordering of the embedding space that structurally impoverishes some words at the expense of others when assigning probability. We present numerical, theoretical and empirical analyses showing that words on the interior of the convex hull in the embedding space have their probability bounded by the probabilities of the words on the hull.Comment: Preprint of paper accepted for ACL-202

    Sigsoftmax: Reanalysis of the Softmax Bottleneck

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    Softmax is an output activation function for modeling categorical probability distributions in many applications of deep learning. However, a recent study revealed that softmax can be a bottleneck of representational capacity of neural networks in language modeling (the softmax bottleneck). In this paper, we propose an output activation function for breaking the softmax bottleneck without additional parameters. We re-analyze the softmax bottleneck from the perspective of the output set of log-softmax and identify the cause of the softmax bottleneck. On the basis of this analysis, we propose sigsoftmax, which is composed of a multiplication of an exponential function and sigmoid function. Sigsoftmax can break the softmax bottleneck. The experiments on language modeling demonstrate that sigsoftmax and mixture of sigsoftmax outperform softmax and mixture of softmax, respectively.Comment: 15pages, 2 figure

    Von Mises-Fisher Loss for Training Sequence to Sequence Models with Continuous Outputs

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    The Softmax function is used in the final layer of nearly all existing sequence-to-sequence models for language generation. However, it is usually the slowest layer to compute which limits the vocabulary size to a subset of most frequent types; and it has a large memory footprint. We propose a general technique for replacing the softmax layer with a continuous embedding layer. Our primary innovations are a novel probabilistic loss, and a training and inference procedure in which we generate a probability distribution over pre-trained word embeddings, instead of a multinomial distribution over the vocabulary obtained via softmax. We evaluate this new class of sequence-to-sequence models with continuous outputs on the task of neural machine translation. We show that our models obtain upto 2.5x speed-up in training time while performing on par with the state-of-the-art models in terms of translation quality. These models are capable of handling very large vocabularies without compromising on translation quality. They also produce more meaningful errors than in the softmax-based models, as these errors typically lie in a subspace of the vector space of the reference translations.Comment: Seventh International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR 2019

    AMC-Loss: Angular Margin Contrastive Loss for Improved Explainability in Image Classification

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    Deep-learning architectures for classification problems involve the cross-entropy loss sometimes assisted with auxiliary loss functions like center loss, contrastive loss and triplet loss. These auxiliary loss functions facilitate better discrimination between the different classes of interest. However, recent studies hint at the fact that these loss functions do not take into account the intrinsic angular distribution exhibited by the low-level and high-level feature representations. This results in less compactness between samples from the same class and unclear boundary separations between data clusters of different classes. In this paper, we address this issue by proposing the use of geometric constraints, rooted in Riemannian geometry. Specifically, we propose Angular Margin Contrastive Loss (AMC-Loss), a new loss function to be used along with the traditional cross-entropy loss. The AMC-Loss employs the discriminative angular distance metric that is equivalent to geodesic distance on a hypersphere manifold such that it can serve a clear geometric interpretation. We demonstrate the effectiveness of AMC-Loss by providing quantitative and qualitative results. We find that although the proposed geometrically constrained loss-function improves quantitative results modestly, it has a qualitatively surprisingly beneficial effect on increasing the interpretability of deep-net decisions as seen by the visual explanations generated by techniques such as the Grad-CAM. Our code is available at https://github.com/hchoi71/AMC-Loss

    DropMax: Adaptive Variational Softmax

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    We propose DropMax, a stochastic version of softmax classifier which at each iteration drops non-target classes according to dropout probabilities adaptively decided for each instance. Specifically, we overlay binary masking variables over class output probabilities, which are input-adaptively learned via variational inference. This stochastic regularization has an effect of building an ensemble classifier out of exponentially many classifiers with different decision boundaries. Moreover, the learning of dropout rates for non-target classes on each instance allows the classifier to focus more on classification against the most confusing classes. We validate our model on multiple public datasets for classification, on which it obtains significantly improved accuracy over the regular softmax classifier and other baselines. Further analysis of the learned dropout probabilities shows that our model indeed selects confusing classes more often when it performs classification
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