2 research outputs found

    An Error-Based Approximation Sensing Circuit for Event-Triggered, Low Power Wearable Sensors

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    Event-based sensors have the potential to optimize energy consumption at every stage in the signal processing pipeline, including data acquisition, transmission, processing and storage. However, almost all state-of-the-art systems are still built upon the classical Nyquist-based periodic signal acquisition. In this work, we design and validate the Polygonal Approximation Sampler (PAS), a novel circuit to implement a general-purpose event-based sampler using a polygonal approximation algorithm as the underlying sampling trigger. The circuit can be dynamically reconfigured to produce a coarse or a detailed reconstruction of the analog input, by adjusting the error threshold of the approximation. The proposed circuit is designed at the Register Transfer Level and processes each input sample received from the ADC in a single clock cycle. The PAS has been tested with three different types of archetypal signals captured by wearable devices (electrocardiogram, accelerometer and respiration data) and compared with a standard periodic ADC. These tests show that single-channel signals, with slow variations and constant segments (like the used single-lead ECG and the respiration signals) take great advantage from the used sampling technique, reducing the amount of data used up to 99% without significant performance degradation. At the same time, multi-channel signals (like the six-dimensional accelerometer signal) can still benefit from the designed circuit, achieving a reduction factor up to 80% with minor performance degradation. These results open the door to new types of wearable sensors with reduced size and higher battery lifetime

    An Event-Based System for Low-Power ECG QRS Complex Detection

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    One of the greatest challenges in the design of modern wearable devices is energy efficiency. While data processing and communication have received a lot of attention from the industry and academia, leading to highly efficient microcontrollers and transmission devices, sensor data acquisition in medical devices is still based on a conservative paradigm that requires regular sampling at the Nyquist rate of the target signal. This requirement is usually excessive for signals that are typically sparse and highly non-stationary, leading to data overload and a waste of resources in the full processing pipeline. In this work we propose a new system to create event-based heart-rate analysis devices, including a novel algorithm for QRS detection that is able to process electrocardiogram signals acquired irregularly and much below the theoretically-required Nyquist rate. This technique allows us to drastically reduce the average sampling frequency of the signal and, hence, the energy needed to process it and extract the relevant information. We implemented both the proposed event-based algorithm and a state-of-the-art version based on regular sampling on an ultra-low power hardware platform, and the experimental results show that the event-based version reduces the energy consumption in runtime up to 15.6 times, while the detection performance is maintained at an average F1 score of 99.5%