1 research outputs found

    An Evaluation of Multiprocessor Cache Coherence Based on Virtual Memory Support

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    This paper presents an evaluation of the impact of several architectural parameters on the performance of Virtual Memory (VM) based cache coherence schemes for shared-memory multiprocessors. The VM-based cache coherence schemes use the traditional VM translation hardware on each processor to detect memory access attempts that might leave caches incoherent, and maintain coherence through VM-level system software. The implementation of this class of coherence schemes is flexible and economical: It allows different consistency models, requires no special hardware for multiprocessor cache coherence, and supports arbitrary interconnection networks. We used trace-driven simulations to evaluate the effect of the architectural parameters on the performance of the VM-based schemes. These parameters include VM page sizes, write-back and write-through caches, memory access latencies, bus and crossbar interconnections, and different cache sizes. Our results show that VM-based cache coherence can b..