15,667 research outputs found

    A comparison of two physical data designs for interactive social networking actions

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    This paper compares the performance of an SQL solution that implements a relational data model with a document store named MongoDB. We report on the performance of a single node configuration of each data store and assume the database is small enough to fit in main memory. We analyze utilization of the CPU cores and the network bandwidth to compare the two data stores. Our key findings are as follows. First, for those social networking actions that read and write a small amount of data, the join operator of the SQL solution is not slower than the JSON representation of MongoDB. Second, with a mix of actions, the SQL solution provides either the same performance as MongoDB or outperforms it by 20%. Third, a middle-tier cache enhances the performance of both data stores as query result look up is significantly faster than query processing with either system.

    From Keyword Search to Exploration: How Result Visualization Aids Discovery on the Web

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    A key to the Web's success is the power of search. The elegant way in which search results are returned is usually remarkably effective. However, for exploratory search in which users need to learn, discover, and understand novel or complex topics, there is substantial room for improvement. Human computer interaction researchers and web browser designers have developed novel strategies to improve Web search by enabling users to conveniently visualize, manipulate, and organize their Web search results. This monograph offers fresh ways to think about search-related cognitive processes and describes innovative design approaches to browsers and related tools. For instance, while key word search presents users with results for specific information (e.g., what is the capitol of Peru), other methods may let users see and explore the contexts of their requests for information (related or previous work, conflicting information), or the properties that associate groups of information assets (group legal decisions by lead attorney). We also consider the both traditional and novel ways in which these strategies have been evaluated. From our review of cognitive processes, browser design, and evaluations, we reflect on the future opportunities and new paradigms for exploring and interacting with Web search results

    A Comparison of Display Techniques for Large Graphs

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    Visualizing information focuses on the display of data in order to provide the user a representation that provides understanding of the data. Information visualization systems typically couple interaction mechanisms for providing overviews of the data with more detailed information through a zooming interface. This thesis compares three different techniques for displaying graphs provided by the prefuse visualization system: force-directed node positioning, radial node positioning, and a tree view of graphs. Using a large, real world data set from the South Texas College’s Distance Education department, the three visualization techniques are compared for a set of tasks that users routinely need to perform using standard data access techniques. Though the tree view visualization is the most limited in generality of the three techniques, it is found to best provide support for the tasks, in part because of its ability to provide the abstractions that best match the tasks

    Tangible user interfaces : past, present and future directions

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    In the last two decades, Tangible User Interfaces (TUIs) have emerged as a new interface type that interlinks the digital and physical worlds. Drawing upon users' knowledge and skills of interaction with the real non-digital world, TUIs show a potential to enhance the way in which people interact with and leverage digital information. However, TUI research is still in its infancy and extensive research is required in or- der to fully understand the implications of tangible user interfaces, to develop technologies that further bridge the digital and the physical, and to guide TUI design with empirical knowledge. This paper examines the existing body of work on Tangible User In- terfaces. We start by sketching the history of tangible user interfaces, examining the intellectual origins of this field. We then present TUIs in a broader context, survey application domains, and review frame- works and taxonomies. We also discuss conceptual foundations of TUIs including perspectives from cognitive sciences, phycology, and philoso- phy. Methods and technologies for designing, building, and evaluating TUIs are also addressed. Finally, we discuss the strengths and limita- tions of TUIs and chart directions for future research

    Analysis domain model for shared virtual environments

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    The field of shared virtual environments, which also encompasses online games and social 3D environments, has a system landscape consisting of multiple solutions that share great functional overlap. However, there is little system interoperability between the different solutions. A shared virtual environment has an associated problem domain that is highly complex raising difficult challenges to the development process, starting with the architectural design of the underlying system. This paper has two main contributions. The first contribution is a broad domain analysis of shared virtual environments, which enables developers to have a better understanding of the whole rather than the part(s). The second contribution is a reference domain model for discussing and describing solutions - the Analysis Domain Model