16,672 research outputs found

    Resource Management and Scheduling for Big Data Applications in Cloud Computing Environments

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    This chapter presents software architectures of the big data processing platforms. It will provide an in-depth knowledge on resource management techniques involved while deploying big data processing systems on cloud environment. It starts from the very basics and gradually introduce the core components of resource management which we have divided in multiple layers. It covers the state-of-art practices and researches done in SLA-based resource management with a specific focus on the job scheduling mechanisms.Comment: 27 pages, 9 figure

    A Taxonomy and Future Directions for Sustainable Cloud Computing: 360 Degree View

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    The cloud computing paradigm offers on-demand services over the Internet and supports a wide variety of applications. With the recent growth of Internet of Things (IoT) based applications the usage of cloud services is increasing exponentially. The next generation of cloud computing must be energy-efficient and sustainable to fulfil the end-user requirements which are changing dynamically. Presently, cloud providers are facing challenges to ensure the energy efficiency and sustainability of their services. The usage of large number of cloud datacenters increases cost as well as carbon footprints, which further effects the sustainability of cloud services. In this paper, we propose a comprehensive taxonomy of sustainable cloud computing. The taxonomy is used to investigate the existing techniques for sustainability that need careful attention and investigation as proposed by several academic and industry groups. Further, the current research on sustainable cloud computing is organized into several categories: application design, sustainability metrics, capacity planning, energy management, virtualization, thermal-aware scheduling, cooling management, renewable energy and waste heat utilization. The existing techniques have been compared and categorized based on the common characteristics and properties. A conceptual model for sustainable cloud computing has been proposed along with discussion on future research directions.Comment: 68 pages, 38 figures, ACM Computing Surveys, 201

    A Study of Efficient Energy Management Techniques for Cloud Computing Environment

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    The overall performance of the development of computing systems has been engrossed on enhancing demand from the client and enterprise domains. but, the intake of ever-increasing energy for computing systems has commenced to bound in increasing overall performance due to heavy electric payments and carbon dioxide emission. The growth in power consumption of server is increased continuously, and many researchers proposed, if this pattern repeats continuously, then the power consumption cost of a server over its lifespan would be higher than its hardware prices. The power intake troubles more for clusters, grids, and clouds, which encompass numerous thousand heterogeneous servers. Continuous efforts have been done to reduce the electricity intake of these massive-scale infrastructures. To identify the challenges and required future enhancements in the field of efficient energy consumption in Cloud Computing, it is necessary to synthesize and categorize the research and development done so far. In this paper, the authors discuss the reasons and problems associated with huge energy consumption by Cloud data centres and prepare a taxonomy of huge energy consumption problems and its related solutions. The authors cover all aspects of energy consumption by Cloud data centers and analyze many research papers to find the better solution for efficient energy consumption. This work gives an overall information regarding energy-consumption problems of Cloud data centres and energy-efficient solutions for this problem. The paper is concluded with a conversation of future enhancement and development in energy-efficient methods in Cloud Computin

    Power-aware applications for scientific cluster and distributed computing

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    The aggregate power use of computing hardware is an important cost factor in scientific cluster and distributed computing systems. The Worldwide LHC Computing Grid (WLCG) is a major example of such a distributed computing system, used primarily for high throughput computing (HTC) applications. It has a computing capacity and power consumption rivaling that of the largest supercomputers. The computing capacity required from this system is also expected to grow over the next decade. Optimizing the power utilization and cost of such systems is thus of great interest. A number of trends currently underway will provide new opportunities for power-aware optimizations. We discuss how power-aware software applications and scheduling might be used to reduce power consumption, both as autonomous entities and as part of a (globally) distributed system. As concrete examples of computing centers we provide information on the large HEP-focused Tier-1 at FNAL, and the Tigress High Performance Computing Center at Princeton University, which provides HPC resources in a university context.Comment: Submitted to proceedings of International Symposium on Grids and Clouds (ISGC) 2014, 23-28 March 2014, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwa

    Scheduling in distributed systems: A cloud computing perspective

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    Scheduling is essentially a decision-making process that enables resource sharing among a number of activities by determining their execution order on the set of available resources. The emergence of distributed systems brought new challenges on scheduling in computer systems, including clusters, grids, and more recently clouds. On the other hand, the plethora of research makes it hard for both newcomers researchers to understand the relationship among different scheduling problems and strategies proposed in the literature, which hampers the identification of new and relevant research avenues. In this paper we introduce a classification of the scheduling problem in distributed systems by presenting a taxonomy that incorporates recent developments, especially those in cloud computing. We review the scheduling literature to corroborate the taxonomy and analyze the interest in different branches of the proposed taxonomy. Finally, we identify relevant future directions in scheduling for distributed systems

    Mobile Edge Cloud: Opportunities and Challenges

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    Mobile edge cloud is emerging as a promising technology to the internet of things and cyber-physical system applications such as smart home and intelligent video surveillance. In a smart home, various sensors are deployed to monitor the home environment and physiological health of individuals. The data collected by sensors are sent to an application, where numerous algorithms for emotion and sentiment detection, activity recognition and situation management are applied to provide healthcare- and emergency-related services and to manage resources at the home. The executions of these algorithms require a vast amount of computing and storage resources. To address the issue, the conventional approach is to send the collected data to an application on an internet cloud. This approach has several problems such as high communication latency, communication energy consumption and unnecessary data traffic to the core network. To overcome the drawbacks of the conventional cloud-based approach, a new system called mobile edge cloud is proposed. In mobile edge cloud, multiple mobiles and stationary devices interconnected through wireless local area networks are combined to create a small cloud infrastructure at a local physical area such as a home. Compared to traditional mobile distributed computing systems, mobile edge cloud introduces several complex challenges due to the heterogeneous computing environment, heterogeneous and dynamic network environment, node mobility, and limited battery power. The real-time requirements associated with the internet of things and cyber-physical system applications make the problem even more challenging. In this paper, we describe the applications and challenges associated with the design and development of mobile edge cloud system and propose an architecture based on a cross layer design approach for effective decision making.Comment: 4th Annual Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence, December 14-16, 2017, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1810.0704

    Recent Advances in Cloud Radio Access Networks: System Architectures, Key Techniques, and Open Issues

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    As a promising paradigm to reduce both capital and operating expenditures, the cloud radio access network (C-RAN) has been shown to provide high spectral efficiency and energy efficiency. Motivated by its significant theoretical performance gains and potential advantages, C-RANs have been advocated by both the industry and research community. This paper comprehensively surveys the recent advances of C-RANs, including system architectures, key techniques, and open issues. The system architectures with different functional splits and the corresponding characteristics are comprehensively summarized and discussed. The state-of-the-art key techniques in C-RANs are classified as: the fronthaul compression, large-scale collaborative processing, and channel estimation in the physical layer; and the radio resource allocation and optimization in the upper layer. Additionally, given the extensiveness of the research area, open issues and challenges are presented to spur future investigations, in which the involvement of edge cache, big data mining, social-aware device-to-device, cognitive radio, software defined network, and physical layer security for C-RANs are discussed, and the progress of testbed development and trial test are introduced as well.Comment: 27 pages, 11 figure

    Application Management in Fog Computing Environments: A Taxonomy, Review and Future Directions

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm is being rapidly adopted for the creation of smart environments in various domains. The IoT-enabled Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs) associated with smart city, healthcare, Industry 4.0 and Agtech handle a huge volume of data and require data processing services from different types of applications in real-time. The Cloud-centric execution of IoT applications barely meets such requirements as the Cloud datacentres reside at a multi-hop distance from the IoT devices. \textit{Fog computing}, an extension of Cloud at the edge network, can execute these applications closer to data sources. Thus, Fog computing can improve application service delivery time and resist network congestion. However, the Fog nodes are highly distributed, heterogeneous and most of them are constrained in resources and spatial sharing. Therefore, efficient management of applications is necessary to fully exploit the capabilities of Fog nodes. In this work, we investigate the existing application management strategies in Fog computing and review them in terms of architecture, placement and maintenance. Additionally, we propose a comprehensive taxonomy and highlight the research gaps in Fog-based application management. We also discuss a perspective model and provide future research directions for further improvement of application management in Fog computing

    Reconfigurable Wireless Networks

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    Driven by the advent of sophisticated and ubiquitous applications, and the ever-growing need for information, wireless networks are without a doubt steadily evolving into profoundly more complex and dynamic systems. The user demands are progressively rampant, while application requirements continue to expand in both range and diversity. Future wireless networks, therefore, must be equipped with the ability to handle numerous, albeit challenging requirements. Network reconfiguration, considered as a prominent network paradigm, is envisioned to play a key role in leveraging future network performance and considerably advancing current user experiences. This paper presents a comprehensive overview of reconfigurable wireless networks and an in-depth analysis of reconfiguration at all layers of the protocol stack. Such networks characteristically possess the ability to reconfigure and adapt their hardware and software components and architectures, thus enabling flexible delivery of broad services, as well as sustaining robust operation under highly dynamic conditions. The paper offers a unifying framework for research in reconfigurable wireless networks. This should provide the reader with a holistic view of concepts, methods, and strategies in reconfigurable wireless networks. Focus is given to reconfigurable systems in relatively new and emerging research areas such as cognitive radio networks, cross-layer reconfiguration and software-defined networks. In addition, modern networks have to be intelligent and capable of self-organization. Thus, this paper discusses the concept of network intelligence as a means to enable reconfiguration in highly complex and dynamic networks. Finally, the paper is supported with several examples and case studies showing the tremendous impact of reconfiguration on wireless networks.Comment: 28 pages, 26 figures; Submitted to the Proceedings of the IEEE (a special issue on Reconfigurable Systems

    Energy-Efficient Real-Time Scheduling for Two-Type Heterogeneous Multiprocessors

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    We propose three novel mathematical optimization formulations that solve the same two-type heterogeneous multiprocessor scheduling problem for a real-time taskset with hard constraints. Our formulations are based on a global scheduling scheme and a fluid model. The first formulation is a mixed-integer nonlinear program, since the scheduling problem is intuitively considered as an assignment problem. However, by changing the scheduling problem to first determine a task workload partition and then to find the execution order of all tasks, the computation time can be significantly reduced. Specifically, the workload partitioning problem can be formulated as a continuous nonlinear program for a system with continuous operating frequency, and as a continuous linear program for a practical system with a discrete speed level set. The task ordering problem can be solved by an algorithm with a complexity that is linear in the total number of tasks. The work is evaluated against existing global energy/feasibility optimal workload allocation formulations. The results illustrate that our algorithms are both feasibility optimal and energy optimal for both implicit and constrained deadline tasksets. Specifically, our algorithm can achieve up to 40% energy saving for some simulated tasksets with constrained deadlines. The benefit of our formulation compared with existing work is that our algorithms can solve a more general class of scheduling problems due to incorporating a scheduling dynamic model in the formulations and allowing for a time-varying speed profile. Moreover, our algorithms can be applied to both online and offline scheduling schemes
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