3 research outputs found

    Virtualisation and Thin Client : A Survey of Virtual Desktop environments

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    This survey examines some of the leading commercial Virtualisation and Thin Client technologies. Reference is made to a number of academic research sources and to prominent industry specialists and commentators. A basic virtualisation Laboratory model is assembled to demonstrate fundamental Thin Client operations and to clarify potential problem areas

    An End to End Software Only Scalable Video Delivery System

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    Precompressed video delivery systems commonly operate at fixed data rates even though scarcity of network bandwidth and processor cycles is a common occurrence in the dynamic environment of general purpose computing systems. Scarcity arises from the outright lack of resources (e.g. network bandwidth and cpu cycles), contention for available resources due to congestion, or a user's unwillingness to allocate needed resources to the task. A scalable video delivery system has greater flexibility and therefore can more effectively deliver video in the presence of system resource scarcity. This paper describes an endto -end system combining a new scalable video compression algorithm, video delivery software, a software video decoder, and a market-based mechanism for the resolution of conflicts in providing video to the user. 1. Introduction Sun Microsystems Laboratories and Stanford University are building a number of applications and services which require video storage, processing, and t..

    An end to end software only scalable video delivery system

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