17 research outputs found


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    Shopee and Tokopedia are popular marketplace applications in Indonesia that provide facilities for buying and selling goods online from various sellers or stores. Application is very influential for user convenience in the preparation of information architecture. The Information Architecture uses to compile the information. It is easier to understand for users when interacting with mobile applications. This study uses quantitative research methods by conducting observations, questionnaires distributing, and literature studies to analyzing the information architecture or structure, and knowing the user experience on the Shopee and Tokopedia applications using the tool Optimal Workshop. Information Architecture on Shopee and Tokopedia results is conducted based on the research and analysis, as a whole are good.Shopee dan Tokopedia merupakan aplikasi (mobile apps) marketplace populer di Indonesia yang memberikan fasilitas jual beli barang secara online dari berbagai penjual atau toko. Dalam sebuah aplikasi, salah satu hal yang sangat berpengaruh untuk kenyamanan pengguna adalah penyusunan struktur informasi (information architecture). Metode Information Architecture digunakan untuk menyusun informasi menjadi lebih mudah dipahami dan dimengerti serta mempermudah pengguna aplikasi ketika berinteraksi dengan aplikasi smartphone. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif dengan melakukan observasi, wawancara dan studi pustaka serta menganalisis tentang struktur/arsitektur informasi dan mengetahui pengalaman pengguna (user experience) pada aplikasi Tokopedia dan Shopee menggunakan software Optimal Worksho

    User-Accustomed Interaction: An Usability Approach for Designing Mobile Application for Novice and Expert Users

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    The development of smartphone applications is prevailing globally, including the underserved communities consisting of a huge group of novice users. In spite of the growing number of novice users, we hardly consider usability for users with varying expertise level when we evaluate performance and satisfaction with usage of mobile applications. In this study, we argue that it is not suitable to design one interface for all users of progressively varying communities. Based on theories in design science research, we propose a user-accustomed approach to adapt mobile applications that integrate three types of interaction elements, namely localization, structural navigation and illustration. In an investigation of the proposed approach on mobile application, we empirically proved the effects of user-accustomed interaction techniques on performance and satisfaction between novice and expert users. The findings provide significant theoretical and practical implications for design and implementation of user interfaces on mobile application

    Everyday patterns in lifelong learners to build personal learning ecologies

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    Tabuenca, B., Ternier, S., & Specht, M. (2012). Everyday patterns in lifelong learners to build personal learning ecologies. In M. Specht, J. Multisilta, & M. Sharples (Eds.), Proceedings of the 11th World Conference on Mobile and Contextual Learning 2012 (pp. 86-93). October, 16-18, 2012, Helsinki, Finland.This article presents the results from a questionnaire filled out by 147 lifelong learners. The primary aim of the questionnaire is to analyse learning practices of adults, and to recognize patterns of lifelong learners in order to support them with technology. These patterns capture the context in which lifelong learners are more willing to learn, that is, the day of the week, duration, location, activity being performed, type of device being used, way to interact with their devices and how these aspects can affect when an adult student takes the initiative to learn. Moreover, this article examines previous publications on surveys, questionnaires and information collected with the same objective, to corroborate and contrast the findings. The contribution of this paper is identifying and describing patterns in which lifelong learners are more willing to build personal learning ecologies when supported by mobile devices.Open University of The Netherlands, CELSTEC, NELL

    "Tap it again, Sam": Harmonizing the frontiers between digital and real worlds in education

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    Lifelong leaners are intrinsically motivated to embed learning activities into daily life activities. Finding a suitable combination of the two is not trivial since lifelong learners have to face conflicts of time and location. Hence, lifelong learners normally build personal learning ecologies in those moments they set aside to learn making use of their available resources. On the other hand, the advent of Near Field Communication (NFC) technology facilitates the harmonization in the interactions between the digital world and daily physical spaces. Likewise, NFC enabled phones are becoming more and more popular. The contribution of this manuscript is threefold: first, scientific literature where NFC has been used with a direct or indirect purpose to learn is reviewed, and potential uses for lifelong learners are identified; based on these findings the Ecology of Resources for Lifelong Learning is presented as suitable setup for the scaffolding of learning activities with NFC augmented physical spaces; finally, this ecology is piloted and different learning scenarios are proposed for further extension

    Supporting lifelong learners to build personal learning ecologies in daily physical spaces

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    This article presents the results from a questionnaire filled out by 147 lifelong learners with the aim to analyse learning practices of adults, and to recognize patterns of lifelong learners in order to support them with technology. These patterns capture the context in which lifelong learners are more willing to learn, that is, the day of the week, duration, location activity being performed, type of device being used, way to interact with their devices and how these aspects can affect when an adult student takes the initiative to learn. Likewise, this article examines previous publications on surveys, questionnaires and information collected with the same objective, to corroborate and contrast the findings. Moreover, we present a literature review on augmented tangibles for learning identifying potential contexts to orchestrate tangibles depending on the physical space where they are normally used. As an outcome of this work, important research questions are risen to integrate smart learning objects in learner-centred ecologies of resource

    Patrones cotidianos en estudiantes de formación continua para la creación de ecologías de aprendizaje

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    This article presents the results from a questionnaire filled out by 147 lifelong learners. The primary aim of the questionnaire is to analyse learning practices of adults, and to recognize patterns of lifelong learners in order to support them with technology. These patterns capture the context in which lifelong learners are more willing to learn, that is, the day of the week, duration, location, activity being performed, type of device being used, way to interact with their devices and how these aspects can affect when an adult student takes the initiative to learn. Moreover, this article examines previous publications on surveys, questionnaires and information collected with the same objective, to corroborate and contrast the findings. The contribution of this paper is identifying and describing patterns in which lifelong learners are more willing to build personal learning ecologies when supported by mobile devices.Este artículo presenta los resultados de una encuesta completada por 147 estudiantes de formación continua. El principal objetivo del cuestionario es analizar las prácticas de aprendizaje en adultos y reconocer patrones de estudiantes de formación continua con el fin de darles soporte con tecnología. Estos patrones capturan el contexto en el cual los participantes están más predispuestos a aprender, es decir, el momento del día, el día de la semana, duración, ubicación, actividad que se realiza, tipo de dispositivo utilizado, forma de interactuar con sus dispositivos y cómo pueden afectar estos aspectos cuando un estudiante adulto toma la iniciativa de aprender. Además, este artículo examina las publicaciones en encuestas anteriores, cuestionarios y la información recogida con el mismo objetivo, para corroborar y contrastar los resultados. La contribución de este trabajo es identificar y describir patrones en los que los estudiantes de formación continua están más dispuestos a construir ecologías de aprendizaje personal cuando con el soporte de dispositivos móviles

    Modeling Mobile Website Usability

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    Smartphones have become a prevalent part of today’s society. Smartphone users have begun using their phones to make purchases on the mobile web. This study focused on usability characteristics of mobile websites of large retail companies. The aim of this study was to conduct quantitative analyses building upon previous usability research both in the e-commerce and m-commerce realm. A sample population was obtained from a convenience sample recruited from a social media and email campaign. Respondents were asked to visit an assigned website and find three products for a friend, family member, or significant other. The data were analyzed quantitatively according to the constructs and proposed characteristics of m-commerce usability. As a result, this study contributed to the fields of marketing and information systems by revealing that website identity and website emotion are related to usability. Further, it attempted to provide insight toward differences in the study results and past research on usability

    Perceived security in mobile authentication

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    Nykypäivän kehittyneet matkapuhelimet ja mobiilipalvelut tarjoavat käyttäjille joustavuutta mahdollistamalla monien tehtävien suorittamisen matkapuhelimella. Käyttäjät eivät kuitenkaan ole olleet laajasti halukkaita ottamaan käyttöön uusia mobiilipalveluja. Eräänä suurimmista syistä tähän on käyttäjien huoli käytön turvallisuudesta. Mobiilitunnistautumisen koettua turvallisuutta ei olla aikaisemmin suoraan tutkittu, vaikka sen merkitys on kiistaton tunnistautumisen kuuluessa olennaisena osana moniin uusiin mobiilipalveluihin. Tästä syystä tämän diplomityön tarkoituksena oli muodostaa käsitys koetusta turvallisuudesta mobiilitunnistautumisessa. Koettuun turvallisuuteen perehdyttiin tässä diplomityössä sekä kirjallisuuskatsauksen avulla että kyselytutkimuksena toteutetun empiirisen tutkimuksen keinoin. Empiirisessä tutkimuksessa kerättiin sekä määrällistä että laadullista aineistoa, ja aineisto analysoitiin huolellisesti tarkoitukseen soveltuvia työkaluja hyödyntäen. Tulosten analyysiä seurasi kirjallisuuskatsauksesta nousseiden havaintojen ja empiirisen tutkimuksen tulosten rinnakkainen tarkastelu mahdollisten yhtäläisyyksien ja eroavaisuuksien tunnistamiseksi. Tämän diplomityön löydökset osoittavat, että koetulla turvallisuudella on käyttäjille suuri merkitys ja se vaikuttaa merkittävästi aikomukseen käyttää mobiilitunnistautumista. Koetun turvallisuuden merkityksessä havaittiin kuitenkin selkeitä eroja palvelutyypistä riippuen. Merkittävää oli huomata, että puolet käyttäjistä ei käyttänyt pankkipalveluja matkapuhelimella turvallisuuteen liittyvistä huolista johtuen. Koetun turvallisuuden ja käyttöaikomuksen välisen yhteyden lisäksi diplomityössä selvitettiin myös tekijöitä, jotka vaikuttavat koetun turvallisuuden muodostumiseen. Diplomityön löydösten pohjalta laadittiin joukko suosituksia, joita noudattamalla koettu turvallisuus voidaan tehokkaasti huomioida suunnitteluprosessissa. Tämä diplomityö osoittaa selkeästi, että objektiivisesti turvallisten tunnistautumisratkaisujen kehittäminen ei itsessään takaa käyttäjähyväksyntää. Käyttöaikomuksen kannalta olennaista on käyttäjän subjektiivisesti kokema turvallisuudentunne. Siksi käyttäjien vakuuttaminen tunnistautumisen turvallisuudesta on erittäin tärkeää. Diplomityö osoittaa, että koettu turvallisuus on monimutkainen käsite, jonka muodostumiseen vaikuttavat useat tekijät, kuten käyttökonteksti, käyttökokemus mobiilipalveluista sekä palveluntarjoajan brändi ja maine. Tämä on syytä huomioida kehitettäessä uusia ratkaisuja mobiilitunnistautumiseen.New advanced mobile phones and services enable users to handle a great number of tasks with their mobile phones, bringing increased flexibility. However, users have been reluctant to widely adopt the new mobile services. One of the most significant reasons for this are the security concerns of the users. Perceived security in mobile authentication has not been directly studied before, although it can be considered to have a great importance, as many of the new mobile services involve user authentication as an essential element. Therefore, this thesis aimed to form a good conception of this important topic. The subject of perceived security in mobile authentication is approached through a literature review on the related research and an empirical study that was realized as a web survey. In the empirical study, both qualitative and quantitative data was collected, and it was carefully analyzed with proper tools. After analyzing the study results, a synthesis of the literature findings and the findings of the empirical study was performed. The examination of this thesis revealed that perceived security is important for users and it considerably affects the intention to use mobile authentication. However, it was noticed that the effect significantly varies based on the service in question. A noteworthy observation was that half of the users are not using mobile banking services due to security concerns. In addition to generally determining the effect of perceived security on the use intention, this thesis identified factors that affect the formation of perceived security. A number of recommendations for taking perceived security into account in the design process were made based on the findings. This thesis provides clear evidence that developing objectively secure authentication solutions does not alone guarantee user acceptance. The crucial factor affecting the users' intention to use mobile services is the subjective perception of security. Thereby, assuring users of the authentication security is of utmost importance. The thesis clearly highlights that perceived security is a complex concept and it is affected by various factors such as use context, service usage experience, and brand and reputation of service provider. This should be carefully considered when developing new mobile authentication solutions