5 research outputs found

    Count-Based Exploration in Feature Space for Reinforcement Learning

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    We introduce a new count-based optimistic exploration algorithm for Reinforcement Learning (RL) that is feasible in environments with high-dimensional state-action spaces. The success of RL algorithms in these domains depends crucially on generalisation from limited training experience. Function approximation techniques enable RL agents to generalise in order to estimate the value of unvisited states, but at present few methods enable generalisation regarding uncertainty. This has prevented the combination of scalable RL algorithms with efficient exploration strategies that drive the agent to reduce its uncertainty. We present a new method for computing a generalised state visit-count, which allows the agent to estimate the uncertainty associated with any state. Our \phi-pseudocount achieves generalisation by exploiting same feature representation of the state space that is used for value function approximation. States that have less frequently observed features are deemed more uncertain. The \phi-Exploration-Bonus algorithm rewards the agent for exploring in feature space rather than in the untransformed state space. The method is simpler and less computationally expensive than some previous proposals, and achieves near state-of-the-art results on high-dimensional RL benchmarks.Comment: Conference: Twenty-sixth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-17), 8 pages, 1 figur

    Generic Reinforcement Learning Beyond Small MDPs

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    Feature reinforcement learning (FRL) is a framework within which an agent can automatically reduce a complex environment to a Markov Decision Process (MDP) by finding a map which aggregates similar histories into the states of an MDP. The primary motivation behind this thesis is to build FRL agents that work in practice, both for larger environments and larger classes of environments. We focus on empirical work targeted at practitioners in the field of general reinforcement learning, with theoretical results wherever necessary. The current state-of-the-art in FRL uses suffix trees which have issues with large observation spaces and long-term dependencies. We start by addressing the issue of long-term dependency using a class of maps known as looping suffix trees, which have previously been used to represent deterministic POMDPs. We show the best existing results on the TMaze domain and good results on larger domains that require long-term memory. We introduce a new value-based cost function that can be evaluated model-free. The value- based cost allows for smaller representations, and its model-free nature allows for its extension to the function approximation setting, which has computational and representational advantages for large state spaces. We evaluate the performance of this new cost in both the tabular and function approximation settings on a variety of domains, and show performance better than the state-of-the-art algorithm MC-AIXI-CTW on the domain POCMAN. When the environment is very large, an FRL agent needs to explore systematically in order to find a good representation. However, it needs a good representation in order to perform this systematic exploration. We decouple both by considering a different setting, one where the agent has access to the value of any state-action pair from an oracle in a training phase. The agent must learn an approximate representation of the optimal value function. We formulate a regression-based solution based on online learning methods to build an such an agent. We test this agent on the Arcade Learning Environment using a simple class of linear function approximators. While we made progress on the issue of scalability, two major issues with the FRL framework remain: the need for a stochastic search method to minimise the objective function and the need to store an uncompressed history, both of which can be very computationally demanding