3 research outputs found

    Definici贸n te贸rica de las caracter铆sticas del ciberperiodismo: elementos de la comunicaci贸n digital

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    El estudio del ciberperiodismo, como nuevo medio de comunicaci贸n, exige una investigaci贸n te贸rica b谩sica que permita, en primer lugar, definir con claridad los conceptos y caracter铆sticas que definen el nuevo fen贸meno. En este art铆culo hacemos un recorrido por los postulados te贸ricos de esos conceptos: hipertextualidad, interactividad, multimedialidad y memoria. Hacemos tambi茅n referencia a las corrientes metodol贸gicas empleadas para su medici贸n y estudio. La conclusi贸n es que nos encontramos frente a un nuevo medio con nuevas caracter铆sticas que, correctamente definidas, pueden ser observadas emp铆ricamente, lo que nos permitir谩 establecer las correspondientes tipolog铆as gen茅ricas

    Augmentative communication device design, implementation and evaluation

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    The ultimate aim of this thesis was to design and implement an advanced software based Augmentative Communication Device (ACD) , or Voice Output Communication Aid NOCA), for non-vocal Learning Disabled individuals by applying current psychological models, theories, and experimental techniques. By taking account of potential user's cognitive and linguistic abilities a symbol based device (Easy Speaker) was produced which outputs naturalistic digitised human speech and sound and makes use of a photorealistic symbol set. In order to increase the size of the available symbol set a hypermedia style dynamic screen approach was employed. The relevance of the hypermedia metaphor in relation to models of knowledge representation and language processing was explored.Laboratory based studies suggested that potential user's could learn to productively operate the software, became faster and more efficient over time when performing set conversational tasks. Studies with unimpaired individuals supported the notion that digitised speech was less cognitively demanding to decode, or listen to.With highly portable, touch based, PC compatible systems beginning to appear it is hoped that the otherwise silent will be able to use the software as their primary means of communication with the speaking world. Extensive field trials over a six month period with a prototype device and in collaboration with user's caregivers strongly suggested this might be the case.Off-device improvements were also noted suggesting that Easy Speaker, or similar software has the potential to be used as a communication training tool. Such training would be likely 10 improve overall communicative effectiveness.To conclude, a model for successful ACD development was proposed