3 research outputs found

    The relationship between online gaming and wellbeing among post-secondary students

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    As the “fastest growing form of entertainment in the world” (Tran, 2019, p. 76), gaming has become a significant part of our society (Groening & Binnewies, 2019). Considering its widespread popularity as a leisure activity amongst adolescents and adults (Entertainment Software Association of Canada, 2020), it is unsurprising that multiple studies have explored its relationship to the player’s wellbeing. Previous research has found mixed findings regarding gaming’s impact on wellbeing. Several findings have identified gaming as a way to relieve stress, relax (Russoniello et al., 2009; Snodgrass et al., 2011; Wack & Tantleff-Dunn, 2009), positively influence aspects of social wellbeing (Gitter et al., 2013; Kowert & Oldmeadow, 2015; Martončik & Lokša, 2016) and is associated with a variety of improvements in psychological and physiological functions (Ryan et al., 2006). Despite these benefits, numerous other findings have associated gaming with negative outcomes such as interfering with a player’s social functioning, wellbeing, and adjustment (Grüsser et al., 2007; Stockdale & Coyne, 2018; Weinstein, 2010). Given these apparent contradictions in previous literature, further exploration needs to be conducted in understanding the relationship of gaming and wellbeing among post-secondary students. To examine this relationship, additional factors that can impact one’s wellbeing should be considered such as the motives for engaging in their leisure pursuits, one’s feelings of connection and support from others in the community, and the breadth of activities one engages in. The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between gaming and wellbeing among post-secondary students while taking into account the player’s motivation, social connectedness, and overall leisure repertoire. A secondary data analysis was undertaken using data (n = 982) gathered from the Georgian College Student Wellbeing Survey launched in January 2019 conducted by the Canadian Index of Wellbeing (CIW). Multiple factors were considered in exploring the relationship to wellbeing including the students demographic characteristics (age, sex, student status). Students identified the frequency and intensity of their gaming, a measure of their leisure repertoire was calculated, and the degree to which they were socially motivated to participate in their leisure assessed. Three different measures were used to assess social connectedness: (1) number of close friends, (2) feelings of social isolation, and (3) sense of community (i.e., social climate and bonds). Finally, as a measure of their subjective wellbeing, students rated their life satisfaction along an 11-point scale. The findings indicated that neither whether students participated in gaming nor their intensity of gaming were significant factors in explaining wellbeing. Instead, social factors (feelings of social isolation and perceptions of social climate and bonds) and leisure repertoire were particularly significant factors in explaining their wellbeing. Reducing feelings of social isolation emerged as the most important factor in explaining wellbeing irrespective of how intensely or how often students participate in gaming. Ultimately, social context is the most important factor in explaining variations in wellbeing, above and beyond other factors including gaming participation and intensity

    Learning by Game Design for Library Instruction: A Multiple Case Study

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    Despite the importance placed on information literacy in fostering lifelong learning, helping students develop the skills required of critical thinkers and independent learners are limited. This study contributes to the burgeoning discourse on alternative instructional approaches to teaching information literacy and focuses on the use of game design in learning environments. The appeal of gaming among the younger generation of learners has led to the increasing use of games in learning environments. Within recent years, some innovative academic libraries have begun adopting games as a platform for information literacy instruction. While the literature recognizes game design as fostering higher-level learning in educational contexts, it is not commonly adopted in the classroom. Typically, there is a preference among instructors to have students play games. Therefore, a more thorough understanding on the ways game design best facilitate learning is needed to assist towards its more frequent adoption. This study focuses on the use of game design within library spaces. The purpose of this study is to explore the experiences of undergraduate students learning by game design in information literacy classes. The overarching research question looks at how an instructor can incorporate motivational theories into an information literacy class through learning by game design and how students engage with the content and each other in this environment. More specific supporting questions address: How can an instructor incorporate motivational theories into an information literacy class through “learning by game design”? How does the “learning by game design” approach within information literacy classes foster the sharing of knowledge among undergraduate students? How do undergraduate students represent information literacy concepts in the game-based artifacts they design? What were undergraduate students’ motivations to use information literacy practices they were exposed to throughout their class experiences? Applying a descriptive multi-site case study methodology, this study draws upon the theories of social constructivism, experiential learning, and motivation to explore the phenomenon of learning by game design in information literacy classes. Data was collected from two sites using various methods to provide a comprehensive view of the phenomenon. Data sources included: student\u27s artifacts, submitted class assessment materials, recorded observation, participant observation, items from the Intrinsic Motivation Inventory (IMI) and interviews. Analysis was done by drawing meanings across the multiple instances of data. Findings from this study show that learning by game design is a viable option for teaching information literacy classes, when effectively scaffolded into the classroom. Students were able to draw upon a higher order of cognition and described situated instances where information literacy skills were applied, such as use in complex assignments and real world situations