2 research outputs found

    Existence and asymptotic analysis of solutions of singularly perturbed boundary value problems

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    We study existence and uniform asymptotic expansions of solutions of two different classes of singularly perturbed boundary value problems. The first boundary value problem that we consider is ε y' + 2y'+ f(y) = 0, y(0) = y(A) = 0,where f is a smooth, positive increasing function satisfying certain properties and A > 0. We will show that the problem has two solutions for certain values of A. We will also derive and prove a uniform asymptotic expansion of the smaller solution when f(y) = e^y and A = 1. The second boundary value problem that we consider is ε² y' = y(q(x, ε) -y), y(-1)= α_-, y(1)=α_+,where q(x, ε) is a smooth function with uniformly bounded derivatives and is uniformly bounded from below by a positive constant q_∗ for ε sufficiently small. The boundary values α_± are specified positive numbers bounded from above by q_∗. We will derive uniform asymptotic expansion of solutions to this problem that have 3 or fewer critical points