2 research outputs found

    Resolution Proof Transformation for Compression and Interpolation

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    Verification methods based on SAT, SMT, and Theorem Proving often rely on proofs of unsatisfiability as a powerful tool to extract information in order to reduce the overall effort. For example a proof may be traversed to identify a minimal reason that led to unsatisfiability, for computing abstractions, or for deriving Craig interpolants. In this paper we focus on two important aspects that concern efficient handling of proofs of unsatisfiability: compression and manipulation. First of all, since the proof size can be very large in general (exponential in the size of the input problem), it is indeed beneficial to adopt techniques to compress it for further processing. Secondly, proofs can be manipulated as a flexible preprocessing step in preparation for interpolant computation. Both these techniques are implemented in a framework that makes use of local rewriting rules to transform the proofs. We show that a careful use of the rules, combined with existing algorithms, can result in an effective simplification of the original proofs. We have evaluated several heuristics on a wide range of unsatisfiable problems deriving from SAT and SMT test cases

    Partial Regularization of First-Order Resolution Proofs

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    Resolution and superposition are common techniques which have seen widespread use with propositional and first-order logic in modern theorem provers. In these cases, resolution proof production is a key feature of such tools; however, the proofs that they produce are not necessarily as concise as possible. For propositional resolution proofs, there are a wide variety of proof compression techniques. There are fewer techniques for compressing first-order resolution proofs generated by automated theorem provers. This paper describes an approach to compressing first-order logic proofs based on lifting proof compression ideas used in propositional logic to first-order logic. One method for propositional proof compression is partial regularization, which removes an inference η\eta when it is redundant in the sense that its pivot literal already occurs as the pivot of another inference in every path from η\eta to the root of the proof. This paper describes the generalization of the partial-regularization algorithm RecyclePivotsWithIntersection [10] from propositional logic to first-order logic. The generalized algorithm performs partial regularization of resolution proofs containing resolution and factoring inferences with unification. An empirical evaluation of the generalized algorithm and its combinations with the previously lifted GreedyLinearFirstOrderLowerUnits algorithm [12] is also presente