249 research outputs found

    A Taxonomy of Workflow Management Systems for Grid Computing

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    With the advent of Grid and application technologies, scientists and engineers are building more and more complex applications to manage and process large data sets, and execute scientific experiments on distributed resources. Such application scenarios require means for composing and executing complex workflows. Therefore, many efforts have been made towards the development of workflow management systems for Grid computing. In this paper, we propose a taxonomy that characterizes and classifies various approaches for building and executing workflows on Grids. We also survey several representative Grid workflow systems developed by various projects world-wide to demonstrate the comprehensiveness of the taxonomy. The taxonomy not only highlights the design and engineering similarities and differences of state-of-the-art in Grid workflow systems, but also identifies the areas that need further research.Comment: 29 pages, 15 figure

    Overlay networks for smart grids

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    A lightweight distributed super peer election algorithm for unstructured dynamic P2P systems

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    Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de ComputadoresNowadays with the current growth of information exchange, and the increasing mobility of devices, it becomes essential to use technology to monitor this development. For that P2P networks are used, the exchange of information between agencies is facilitated, these now being applied in mobile networks, including MANETs, where they have special features such as the fact that they are semi-centralized, where it takes peers more ability to make a greater role in the network. But those peer with more capacity, which are used in the optimization of various parameters of these systems, such as optimization\to research, are difficult to identify due to the fact that the network does not have a fixed topology, be constantly changing, (we like to go online and offline, to change position, etc.) and not to allow the exchange of large messages. To this end, this thesis proposes a distributed election algorithm of us greater capacity among several possible goals, enhance research in the network. This includes distinguishing characteristics, such as election without global knowledge network, minimal exchange of messages, distributed decision made without dependence on us and the possibility of influencing the election outcome as the special needs of the network

    Integrating secure mobile P2P systems and Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Aquesta tesi tracta de les diferents limitacions trobades a WSN per a habilitar-ne el desplegament en nous escenaris i facilitar la difusió de la informació obtinguda. A un nivell baix, ens centrem en el consum d'energia, mentre que, a un nivell més alt, ens focalitzem en la difusió i la seguretat de la informació. Reduïm el consum d'una mote individual en xarxes amb patrons de trànsit dinàmic mitjançant la definició d'una funció de planificació basada en el conegut controlador PID i allarguem la vida d'una WSN globalment distribuint equitativament el consum energètic de totes les motes, disminuint el nombre d'intervencions necessàries per a canviar bateries i el cost associat. Per tal d'afavorir la difusió de la informació provinent d'una WSN, hem proposat jxSensor, una capa d'integració entre les WSN i el conegut sistema P2P JXTA. Com que tractem informació sensible, hem proposat una capa d'anonimat a JXTA i un mecanisme d'autenticació lleuger per a la seva versió mòbil.Esta tesis trata las diferentes limitaciones encontradas en WSN para habilitar su despliegue en nuevos escenarios, así como facilitar la diseminación de la información obtenida. A bajo nivel, nos centramos en el consumo de energía, mientras que, a un nivel más alto, nos focalizamos en la diseminación y seguridad de la información. Reducimos el consumo de una mota individual en redes con patrones de tráfico dinámico mediante la definición de una función de planificación basada en el conocido controlador PID y alargamos la vida de una WSN globalmente distribuyendo equitativamente el consumo energético de todas las motas, disminuyendo el número de intervenciones requeridas para cambiar baterías y su coste asociado. Para favorecer la diseminación de la información procedente de una WSN hemos propuesto jxSensor, una capa de integración entre las WSN y el conocido sistema P2P JXTA. Como estamos tratando con información sensible, hemos propuesto una capa de anonimato en JXTA y un mecanismo de autenticación ligero para su versión móvil.This thesis addresses different limitations found in WSNs in order to enable their deployment in new scenarios as well as to make it easier to disseminate the gathered information. At a lower level, we concentrate on energy consumption while, at a higher level, we focus on the dissemination and security of information. The consumption of an individual mote in networks with dynamic traffic patterns is reduced by defining a scheduling function based on the well-known PID controller. Additionally, the life of a WSN is extended by equally distributing the consumption of all the motes, which reduces the number of interventions required to replace batteries as well as the associated cost. To help the dissemination of information coming from a WSN we have proposed jxSensor, which is an integration layer between WSNs and the well-known JXTA P2P system. As we are dealing with sensitive information, we have proposed an anonymity layer in JXTA and a light authentication method in its mobile version

    Decentralized Resource Availability Prediction in Peer-to-Peer Desktop Grids

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    Grid computing is a form of distributed computing which is used by an organiza­ tion to handle its long-running computational tasks. Volunteer computing (desktop grid) is a type of grid computing that uses idle CPU cycles donated voluntarily by users, to run its tasks. In a desktop grid model, the resources are not dedicated. The job (computational task) is submitted for execution in the resource only when the resource is idle. There is no guarantee that the job which has started to execute in a resource will complete its execution without any disruption from user activity (such as keyboard click or mouse move). This problem becomes more challenging in a Peer-to-Peer (P2P) model of desktop grids where there is no central server which takes the decision on whether to allocate a job to a resource. In this thesis we propose and implement a P2P desktop grid framework which does resource availability prediction. We try to improve the predictability of the system, by submitting the jobs on machines which have a higher probability of being available at a given time. We benchmark our framework and provide an analysis of our results

    Performance evaluation and benchmarking of the JXTA peer-to-peer platform

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    Peer-to-peer (P2P) systems are a relatively new addition to the large area of distributed computer systems. The emphasis on sharing resources, self-organization and use of discovery mechanisms sets the P2P systems apart from other forms of distributed computing. Project JXTA is the first P2P application development platform, consisting of standard protocols, programming tools and multi-language implementations. A JXTA peer network is a complex overlay, constructed on top of the physical network, with its own identification scheme and routing. This thesis investigates the performance of JXTA using benchmarking. The presented work includes the development of the JXTA Performance Model and Benchmark Suite, as well as the collection and analysis of the performance results. By evaluating three major versions of the protocol implementations in a variety of configurations, the performance characteristics, limitations, bottlenecks and trade-offs are observed and discussed. It is shown that the complexity of JXTA allows many factors to affect its performance and that several JXTA components exhibit unintuitive and unexpected behavior. However, the results also reveal the ways to maximize the performance of the deployed and newly designed systems. The evolution of JXTA through several versions shows some notable improvements, especially in search and discovery models and added messaging components, which make JXTA a promising member of the future generation of computer systems