1 research outputs found

    An Efficient Priority-Based Dynamic Channel Allocation Strategy for Mobile Cellular Networks

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    Priority-based dynamic carrier allocation strategies can be classified into three categories: static-priority, dynamicpriority, and hybrid-priority strategies. Strategies based on static priorities do not consider the local carrier reuse conditions, while dynamic-priority strategies do take these conditions into consideration. Intuitively, one would expect dynamic-priority strategies to perform better than static- and hybrid-priority strategies, but in the literature it is the other way around --- existing dynamic-priority strategies are outperformed by some static- and hybrid-priority strategies. In this paper, we propose a dynamic-priority strategy that significantly improves over all existing strategies. Under various traffic conditions, our simulation results indicated that the proposed strategy could reduce call blocking/failure rate by a margin ranging from 15% to 95%. 1. Introduction This paper considers the problem of carrier allocation in a mobile cellular network [5] that ..